
Showing posts from April, 2021


How do you usually think about your intentions and expectations in relation to your various activities, plans, priorities and goals? Are you sure you have a suitable end in mind in relation to your plans and goals? How do your goals, plans, beliefs, opinions and policies take the analytic into consideration? How do you assess whether there is enough support for the societal goals you seek? How do you assess whether there is considerable opposition to the personal goals you seek?


How do you know you are investing in appropriate priorities at present? You have been invited to experience Civility Today . Who invited you here and what are the priorities of that person/those persons? With whom are you investing in trustworthy collaborations and what are your priorities with regards to that pursuit?


Civility itself involves investing in peace . Indeed, civility is an essentially peaceful investment.   Investing in peace has much in common with investing in civility .


What do you know about government secrecy and its impositions on freedom, including freedom of expression? Why are whistle-blowing truth-tellers punished so often in Australia? Media freedom does not imply the right to bypass civility, and nor does free speech more generally. How do you think about the free in terms of generosity? How do you think about the free in terms of democracy? How are you investing in freedom ? What do you know about freedom in relation to Australian gender indicators ?


The people in leadership positions in most organisations focus their attention on public relations campaigns, not solutions to problems. Intelligence is indicated by an ability to solve problems. Thoughtfulness is indicated by a willingness to solve the most urgent problems.


How have you been investing in privacy , and why? What do you share online about yourself, as yourself, and why do you do so?


The public never wins elections in Australia , or in most other parts of the world for that matter. Political power is usually stolen through conflicts of interest . How are you investing in justice for the benefit of yourself and other people, if not through civility? Is suitable independence a usual or unusual part of your experiences of the world?


How and where to you usually make an analysis of significant results? How and where do you usually make an analysis of the presence or absence of significant civility?


A description involves the who , what , when and where aspects of exploration, experience and explanation, of course. How would you describe your experiences of civility, both as a practitioner and as a recipient, and why? Descriptions provide facts. How have you been describing Australia recently, and for what reasons?  How have you been describing Civility Today , and to whom?


What is your acquaintance with the history of the mass media in Australia and in other societies? What do you know about Australia as it was in 1821 ?


Good evidence requires the quality analysis of events, including potential events.


What do you know about cultural traditions and cultural change in various contexts, particularly in terms of inclusion and exclusion?


You may be aware that investing in better communities is one of the most important tasks for any real leader. Another important task for such a leader involves investing in appropriately good patronage . How, then, is it possible to accomplish such tasks successfully if not by making adequate comparisons between cultures, communities and possibilities?


There is a noticeable absence of worthiness in the void currently known as Australian public life.  Only the ignorant public would believe otherwise.   The informed public does not trust the political system, or any other artificial system for that matter. Political culture in Australia is beyond redemption.  It must be replaced by an entirely new culture, hence the information provided to you through Civility Today over the past few months. If you want a landslide political win for civility in Australia, how do you intend to contribute to it?


No-one's perceived personal or social characteristics imply the possession of empathy. What is necessary, however, in terms of civility, is to assess the presence of bias in a person's attitudes, and the presence of abusiveness in their activities and intentions. How do you usually think about civility in relation to sex and gender?


Empathy has been mentioned already in Civility Today in relation to standards and science . When did you first acquire empathy, and how do you know? There is no civility without empathy . How do you continue to acquire empathy? You may be doing so by investing in an intelligently kind culture . What does empathy mean to you when making decisions, particularly with regards to investing in appropriately high standards ?


If you have an interest in history, why do you do so?   You may wish to know more about the history of civility in a cross-cultural sort of way. You may even wish to know more about the history of Civility Today . What has history taught you about investing in good policy ?


How do you usually ascertain which industries are associated with which communities, actually and potentially?  


What is your acquaintance with the meaning of compatibility in terms of civility? How do you usually think about the meaning of compatibility and incompatibility in terms of community and civility?


Whether you regard yourself as possessing a disability or not, how do you think about civility in relation to disability? What have you discovered about civility in relation to disability, and how? What have you discovered about disability in relation to civility, and how?  Perhaps you have a hearing impairment or a visual impairment or mobility difficulties. Perhaps you have a language-based learning disability . If so, how do your experiences of disability affect your experiences of community life?  If your experiences of community life are affected by a language disorder , what are the challenges you have faced, and what have you perceived the causes of the difficulties to be? You may have a speech impediment . You may have a neurological disorder and/or a brain injury . If you are sure you have no dependencies or disabilities of any sort, how do you know? What sort of person are you? What do you know about disability ? What do you know about ableism ? What do you know abou


Are you capable to identifying the boundaries between the scientific and the non-scientific? What is your acquaintance with the history of science ?  If you have been carefully examining all the articles within Civility Today this month , have you been doing so scientifically or in another sort of way? How do you usually think about carefulness and caring in relation to the sciences, and in relation to knowledge and life in general? Are you capable of practicing the scientific method with due diligence towards the truth, and towards humans and other species through civility, empathy and democracy?


What do you believe to be your duties in relation to civility?


No type of excessive practice is reasonable, whether it takes place in a parliament or elsewhere.


The expression of civility has often been absent from Australian politics, both within the internal policies of political parties and in the policies those parties claim to promote during election campaigns. The only long-term exception has been the Mozarty Party , of course.


What is your preferred approach to campaigning for civility? What is your preferred approach to campaigning through civility? How effective are your approaches to both tasks?


What would voter turnout be in Australia if the electoral process was entirely a matter of personal choice? What is the point of representative democracy when, in practice, it means nothing more than the endorsement of a pseudo-democratic two-party system ? What is your acquaintance with the Australian Constitution ? 


Political games are actually lethal, even in Australia . And the politicians laugh. They even make jokes about deaths on April Fool's Day .


How well do you invest time and distinguish it from spending time? Civility Today began twelve days ago. What have you been doing in that time, and why? What do you regard as being your free time, and why? Time is of the essence at present.


Do you have much knowledge of Australian history ? Do you have much knowledge of Australian geography ? Do you have much knowledge of Australian culture ? Do you have much knowledge of Australian politics ? Do you have much knowledge of Australian society ? What is your acquaintance with societal intersectionality and various statistical cohorts ? Do you have much knowledge of the Australian economy ? The politics of no nation state represents its majority culture . How have you attempted to improve Australia , and how much success or otherwise have you achieved in that regard, and how do you know? Whether you are an Australian voter associated with the seat of Wentworth or the seat of Spence or any other seat in the House of Representatives, you deserve to be treated the same before the law as every other Australian voter. But all truly knowledgeable person knows that situation never happens in practice.


There is nothing natural about civility.  There is much that is natural about nurturing.  That is how life is sustained for many species, including symbiotically.