
Showing posts from June, 2021


What has investing in creativity meant in practice in your life? How do you know you are investing in well-informed kindness through your creativity? What is well-informed investing , as a matter of fact, from your own point of view, and how creative is your approach to investing (but not accounting )? How have you been investing in importantly useful information and using it creatively?  What do you know about empathy in relation to creatively using important information? How creatively have you been investing in trustworthy collaborations ? In Frugality Cottage, in recent years, you have often been invited to express your creativity, civility and frugality through elegant egalitarianism and well-informed kindness. Perhaps you have rudely ignored those invitations. How successfully have you been investing in peacefully authentic living since the beginning of this year? Perhaps you have been sharing importantly useful information about that experience, either alone or through tru


How do you think about civility in relation to accountability ?  Accountability is only evident through credible research . Perhaps you have already assisted with the research associated with Civility Today , whether knowingly or otherwise. To whom do you believe this publication should be most accountable, and why?


There is no true civility without integrity. How do you think about the integral in relation to integrity and civility ? How do you think about integrity and civility in relation to various forms of integration ? When individuals with political power have no integrity, how should people with integrity respond, especially when behaving with civility makes no difference? What, for example, do you know about territorial integrity and data integrity ? What do you know about integrity in relation to regional integration ?


Informing the public appropriately about elections and corruption is a very good approach to investing in enlightened philanthropy .


The quality analysis of events often requires social research to be conducted even when the events to be assessed are mainly associated with the natural sciences. Are you familiar with differing points of view about Australian culture? There is the deceptive tourism version . There is the partly factual version . There is the mainly masculine version . There is the gender equality version . There are possibly quite a few other versions.  You may have your very own. What do you know about inter-cultural competence and its limits? What do you know about the history of conflicts in Australia ? What do you know about being caught between two or more cultures ? What do you know about racial violence in Australia ? What do you know about gender violence in Australia ? What do you know about sexual violence in Australia ? You may know something about institutional abuse and neglect in Australia, whether of: Children , Elderly persons ,  Customers of financial services ,  Indigenous Austral


How have you so far shown appreciation towards your access to Civility Today ? What do you most appreciate about investing in a sense of belonging if not a shared sense of appreciation? In any community , appreciating the difference between secrecy and privacy is very important. Perhaps you have been investing in useful inventions to bypass unjust forms of secrecy. How should the public show appreciation for the public interest ? How should communities show appreciation towards the common good ?


What do you know about civility in relation to activism? Perhaps you regard yourself as a civility activist. A criticism of unenlightened activism is that it is mainly noise, in much the same way as advocacy .  While advocacy tends to be associated with education, information and patience , unenlightened activism is associated with impatience and annoyance .  It may often be unacceptably rude.


Political popularity often goes out of fashion rapidly. The genres of communication within it tend towards the aggressive rather than the peaceful.  Do you mainly consider politics to be a hobby for power-hungry fanatics and their deluded fans ? Perhaps you have a few insights into election defeats, cancel culture and other forms of social rejection . Perhaps you have been the victim of a popular bully at least once in your life. Some bullies become very popular indeed, mostly as a consequence of the delusions of those who like them. No dictator can acquire power without first being popular with at least a few people already in possession of power. In view of the above, popularity should always be viewed with skepticism . Popularity has a strong tendency to lead to hubris . And many people fail to distinguish clearly enough between the popularity of a social or political group and the popularity or otherwise of the people within it. The activities of groups involve synergy .  The s


Do you usually associate civility with courage? If not, why not? Perhaps you mistake courage for recklessness. Perhaps you try to encourage bravery in other people without being brave yourself. Perhaps you mistake bravery for boldness. If you do associate civility with courage, you will know that it involves an informed and empathic approach to scarcity . Perhaps you associate courage with the struggle for survival. Perhaps you associate incivility with bravado. If you are courageously investing in civility , what have been the responses from people with a preference for incivility? To have courage is to avoid complacency . The complacent tend to be cowards.  They also tend to be selfish.  They may express bravado as though it is a badge of honour.  They may even associate civility with cowardice.


What guidance have you ever received regarding investing in appropriate priorities ?  Perhaps you have been guided towards particular projects and/or workshops . How are you currently investing in mutually beneficial pleasantness , and who has guided you in that direction?  Who have you been guiding recently, and where, and how, and why? Perhaps you are guided by products in various ways. Can you read maps? Can you read minds? Do you regard minds as products of culture? How urgently are you usually involved in investing in importantly useful information ?  How does that information guide your decision-making? Who do you expect to guide your decisions towards investing in magnificent maturity ?


How do you compare the meaning of community with the meaning of society? How do you identify the essential qualities of quality societies?  How do those qualities arise? How are those qualities threatened?


What do you know about quiet and noisy global actions? What do you know about the actions of fans ? Perhaps you have been investing in importantly useful information about actions, interactions and reactions.


While right-wing politics involves delusions about superiority and inferiority, left-wing politics involves delusions about collectivism . While right-wing politics involves coerced exclusion, left-wing politics involves coerced inclusion. With empathic individualism , on the other hand, everyone is entitled to be treated justly, in equal freedom , within reason. If you have been investing in social research adequately, you will know that coercion and conformity are deeply political, as is rebellion against them. You may value some forms of conformity very highly. What do you know about economics, and how do you know it? What do you know about education, and how do you know it? What do you know about scarcity , and how do you know it? What do you know about freedom, and how do you know it? If you have been investing in conservation , has anyone regarded that activity as political? What is political reality concerning the biosphere and the natural environment and metaphysics ? What


If you have already been successfully investing in thoughtful reciprocity , you will have contributed substantially to making the world a much better place than it would have been without you. But how do you intend to enhance the quality of that practice over the next few weeks and months, and with whom? What are the qualities you intend to contribute, and how? How do you know you have been investing in social research of the highest quality in a cost-effective and timely way? How have you been communicating your findings, especially those associated with the concept of quality ?


How have you been investing in life over your lifetime and why have you taken that approach?  How often do you examining differing interpretations of life and lives? How would you describe your life stance and how it relates to your motives for behaving in particular ways? Do you usually associate community life, and social life in general, with the development and maintenance of trust between people? What have you been learning about trustworthiness over your lifetime, and how?


In the Tower of Truth, you may have discovered that the future is on fire . You may also have been making careful observations, and possibly even wonderful cups of tea, in the Ethereal Temple of Teapottian Truth. You may even have made at least a few careful observations and important discoveries in the Ethereal Theatre of the Twaklinesque.


If you are a frequent participant in trade of various sorts, or even only one sort, how much of that experience is associated with civility, and how much is not? Do you trade your time with someone for something substantial, or not for much at all? Do you ever use a financial resources for anything or anyone? How useful and responsible are you? Perhaps you pretend to be courteous to win a sale. Selling is often regarded as an aspect of trade. Perhaps you are selling advice about trading of one sort or another. No-one here is buying. No-one here is lying. Perhaps you offer opinions for a fee. Perhaps you associate trade with investing in value . Perhaps you associate trade with being able to acquire money through loans and other experiences of debt.


What is the relationship between you and various industries at present, and why?   What has been your relationship with industries over the past few years and decades, and why?    How are you investing in value through various industries, and how do you know?


How do you usually think about enlightenment in relation to the arts? What do you know about inventions in the arts ? Perhaps you are investing in trustworthy collaborations through the arts, and possibly even through the sciences.  Perhaps you are investing in enlightened philanthropy through the arts, and possibly also through various other important pursuits.


What do you know about energy in relation to civility? What do you know about affordable energy and affordable food and affordable water and viable livelihoods? What is your approach to conserving energy , and why? What do you know about the efficient use of energy ? What do you know about nuclear fallout ?   What do you know about fossil fuels ?  How are you investing in conservation , including the conservation of energy?


You may wish to communicate how you are investing in the quality analysis of events , whether as a witness or as an examiner of witness statements.  Are you sure you have already acquired advanced skills in observing and communicating?


The world remains under nuclear threat, not only from military sources but earlier civilian ones.  The long-term costs of early nuclear power usage will include many disasters during the politically unstable, and environmentally unstable, decades ahead.


What is your acquaintance with environmental scams?  What is your acquaintance with environmental science?


Do you own the freehold title of a house outright, either alone or with one or more other persons?  Do you think much about land in relation to dwellings? What, if anything, have you been learning about working from home over the past eighteen months, whether you have been working from home or not?  Perhaps you have been working to find a home. Perhaps you are currently homeless. The only relatively permanent location in the life of anyone is a home and/or a workplace.  Perhaps you are seeking both. What do you know about affordable housing ?


What is justice , in your view? How are you currently investing in justice , and why have you taken that approach? How are your investments in freedom related to your investments in various forms of justice? How have you been investing in useful inventions to advance justice and peace in the world? Do you often prefer to seek entertainment rather than justice, or vice versa? Perhaps you would rather ignore justice instead of investing in social research .  The purpose of such research is to support justice and peace through the expression of civility and truth. How are your investments in security related to your investments in various forms of justice? What does the investing in the quality analysis of events mean to you in terms of justice?    How do you distribute justice? 


Although loss aversion is a strong motivator for most human behaviour, regardless of gender, some people are more inclined to play dangerous games than others. In politics, the players of the game are not usually in much personal danger.  They sit in their luxury bunkers and play games all day without so much as a blink mentioned in a news bulletin. What is your acquaintance with game theory ? Of course, in that theory, participants are assumed to be rational.  In real life, of course, games are never entirely rational pursuits. A strong desire to win, regardless of costs, is usually a sign of madness. How do you identify conflicts of interest within yourself and other people? How do you identify conflicting ideas about the common good ?  How do you identify ideas conflicting with the common good?


How do you usually provide the foundation of thoughtful discussions? What do you believe to be the purpose of such discussions?


If you have been investing in thorough assessments of situations, you will have noted not only all the relevant facts available but any artistic and satirical insights offered, particularly in terms of political satire .


Civility is a subject usually taught indirectly, through formal education, and directly, through the practice of informal education . How are you investing in education for your own benefit, and for the benefit of other people in need of particular knowledge? What are your educational intentions at present, and why?  Civility is an essential part of every education, in an ongoing way. What have been your most recent experiences of lifelong learning ? Civility is about investing in mutually beneficial pleasantness , including mutually beneficial learning experiences. How do you teach people to educate themselves? How do you teach people to educate each other? How do you prefer to contribute to learning experiences for people of different ages and abilities? What do you know about quaternary education? What experience have you acquired and shared through investing in trustworthy collaborations ?


Many people apparently have difficulty distinguishing between news and marketing, mostly due to the fact that marketing organisations are often described as news organisations. What is your acquaintance with the social psychology of news presenting ? The provision of quality news is dependent upon investing in evidence with sufficient skill, and with adequate knowledge of the law and morality.