Critiquing - Part Four
How well do you critique cultural practices and social assumptions, and how do you know? What is your acquaintance with critical pedagogy ? What is your acquaintance with social criticism ? What is your acquaintance with civility ? What have you contributed to Civility Today this year and what do you intend to contribute next year? What has provided you with a sense of control over your life this year, and what has made you feel an unpleasant lack of control? Have people ever regarded you as a control freak ? Whether they have or not, what is you awareness of abusive power and control and of ways to prevent it from happening in future? If you have difficulty understanding anything associated with the Adelaidezone , do you require remedial training in literacy, the English language, financial management, emotional intelligence, creative thinking, critical thinking, civility, etiquette, or any other socially useful subject? How do you usually assess social usefulness, ...