Responsiveness - Part Two
What do you now know about Civility Today, and how have you responded to that knowledge?
If you provide a news service, how have you been using the information within Civility Today to help you improve your expressions of civility in various situations?
When did you most recently show you value this news service, and how?
Perhaps you do not regard Civility Today as a news service at all.
When have you faced insensitive responses to your respectful expressions of honesty, and how have you responded to those situations?
If you have honest and highly knowledgeable concerns about misuses of your personal data, in various situations, how do you respond to unethical practices, particularly those concerning psychographics and other techniques associated with invasions of privacy?
Sensible forms of aloofness are often necessary. This is especially the case when more overt civility is likely to lead to contemptuous responses.
Yet there is no guarantee that anyone, in any situation, will respond as anticipated.
How do you respond when your clearly stated needs, expectations, intentions and preferences are disregarded?
How do you attempt to encourage the adoption of civility protocols?
What is your approach to supporting and encouraging reasonable expectations of pleasant certainty?
How have you been responding to your own needs this year?
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