
Showing posts from May, 2021


You may or may not associate pleasantness with the political .


What are your decision-making preferences, and why? How do you know you are not a micromanager? How do you know you are not an advocate of instruction creep ? What are your preferences when investing in exploration ?  How do you prevent yourself from investing in exploitation? Of course, exploitative practices are the height of rudeness and therefore incompatible with civility. How do you know your approach to freedom is adequately compatible with civility? If you are sure you have a preference towards investing in an intelligently kind culture , how would you describe the investments you have already made in that regard, whether directly or through a ballot box? What is your preferred approach to investing in ethics ? How do you tell when people have failed to pause and assess their options and preferences adequately? What is your preferred way to assess options when investing in value ?  When assessing Australian politics you may prefer to read a blog elsewhere rather than Civilit


How do you usually assess intentions? How, for example, do you distinguish between genuine civility and superficial charm ?


Civility is all about meeting reasonable expectations as expected, or even better than expected. How reasonable are your expectations of Civility Today ? What will you be expecting through this publication in the months ahead, and why? How do you identify reasonable patterns of human behaviour? How do you identify unreasonable patterns of human behaviour? What are your expectations in relation to those patterns, and from whom? What are your expectations when investing in social research ? How do you know your expectations are not associated with your biases? How carefully are you investing in thorough assessments of expectations?


How do you attempt to help people meet their needs , and for what reasons? When do you express a need for creativity, and how? When do you express a need for hope, and how? When do you express a need for autonomy, and how? When do you express a need for privacy, and how? When do you express a need for civility, and how?


Do you frequently display righteous indignation when perceiving injustice ? Are you capable of maintaining civility when experiencing or expressing disgust ? Have your own expressions of contempt usually taken the form of sensible aloofness ? How carefully are you investing in certainty ?


How do you assess your security in geographical terms? How do you assess your security in relation to particular persons? How do you assess your security in relation to clashes of cultures? How do you know you are investing in security wisely?


Civility insists upon the sensitive expression of honesty. What does investing in honesty mean to you?


What are your reasons for reading this article about reason ? What is your preferred approach to investing in reasonableness ? If you are under the age of thirty, what does investing in reasonableness mean to you at present? And what does investing in life mean to you? What do investing in reasonableness and investing in life mean to you if you are currently over the age of thirty? What did those forms of investment mean to you when you were younger?  How reasonably are you investing in value , and how do you know?


Since it began, on 23 March 2021, Civility Today has presented one new article each day. Today, the new article is this one. The first article was on the topic of Australia .  How do you usually think about continuity in relation to that topic? How are you investing in continuity , whether of services, the provision of products, the sustainability of ecosystems, the viability of agriculture, the profitability of business, the saving of life, the security of societies, the strength of economies, the pleasantness of communities, or anything else?


Your ideas about improvement may be viewed by some people, or even many people, as proposals for unnecessary change or even dangerous change. How do you attempt to understand the basis of those views?


To organise anything begins with the ability to do so. Do you organise proactively ? Are you sure you do so without resorting to coercion or any other harm-related tactic ?  Do you know how to exclude the perpetrators of harmful behaviours from positions within organisations ? What have been your experiences of social organisations within society?  What do you currently have the authority to do, and why? Who provides the legitimacy for your power , and why? If you currently feel relatively powerless, what are the reasons? What has been wrong with the formal organisations you have encountered, from your point of view? What has been wrong with the informal organisations you have encountered, from your point of view? How have you attempted to improve organisational practices, and with what results? What have been your experiences of the organisation of knowledge ?


How do you compare various systems , including their origins, their development and their influence? What is your acquaintance with systems theory ? What do you know about synergy ? How do you compare simple systems with complex systems ? What do you know about the visual representation of systems and plans ? What have you discovered about information systems , especially in relation to privacy, empathy and other aspects of civility?  How are you involved in dismantling unjust social systems and replacing them with something better?


How have you ascertained your own moral principles ?


You may be aware that rights are treated as meaningless if they are not upheld. What is your approach to attempting to protect human rights ?


Civility is, in essence, the expression of ethics . What is the point of investing in ethics when the people with the most power in society do not do so? What have been your experiences of ethical investing ? How do you prefer investing in value ? How often have you purchased products and/or services through unethical businesses? How have you been investing in reasonableness in each year of your life? Do you associate reasonableness with ethics? How have you been investing in honesty in each year of your life? Do you associate honesty with ethics? How have you been investing in freedom in each year of your life? Do you associate freedom with ethics?


How are you investing in health , and why do you take that approach? How have you been thinking about your mental health recently, and why?


You may think carefully about safety when cooking or you may not. Do you often over-indulge in pleasures to the possible detriment of your health and safety?  If so, why do you take those risks? How do you think about civility in relation to safety? Is the authentic in your life adequately related to safety? If not, why not? How can you prove you are not dangerously self-interested? How do you prefer to approach the task of preventing harm?


Why have humans so often failed to provide themselves with a suitably peaceful rule of law? Following laws exactly may not prevent harm from arising.   But what does prevent harm? Where is civility within legal systems? Nature is unforgiving.  Its laws are meant to be followed.


What have you discovered about the planning associated with Civility Today ? What have you discovered about the planning underway elsewhere?


Life is a project to be managed . What is your knowledge of the appropriate management of information , management of knowledge and management of digital content ? What do you know about investor profiling ? What do you know about voter profiling in various parts of the world? How have you experienced demographic profiling ? What do you know about criminal profiling , especially in relation to racial and ethnic profiling , DNA profiling , geographic profiling and forensic profiling ? What do you know about author profiling ?


Civility is always relevant.  Anyone thinking otherwise is a fool, regardless of how clever they apparently regard themselves as being. Academic and professional qualifications count for nothing when rudeness is evident in the holder's character. People often become rude when they are stressed. How do you attempt to maintain civility when you are under pressure? How have you been investing in knowledge , and how is that knowledge relevant?  How have you been investing in evidence of relevance?