
Showing posts from August, 2021


What is your image of civility, and why? What is your image of Civility Today , and why?  How does your imagination interact with the concept of civility? How do you know your own expression of civility is an authentic part of yourself and not merely a desired self-image, performed for social and/or economic purposes?


The proponents of particular reforms believe their ideas are indicative of improvements. The opponents of particular reforms believe that the ideas will lead to disaster. The desire for reform, and especially the active encouragement of it, is indicative of hope. Opposition to reform, especially active opposition, is indicative of fear. Which proposals for reform do you actively encourage at present, and why? Which proposals for reform do you actively discourage at present, and why? How well do your interactions with reformist ideas express civility?


It is not possible to experience true civility without true trustworthiness. Incivility is associated with many breaches of trust. Rude person are not trustworthy even when they insensitively tell the truth. Do you associate trustworthiness with moderation ? Do you associate trustworthiness with science ?


Perhaps you wish to help fund Civility Today now . Or perhaps you would prefer to help fund one of the News Crap publications, such as Trickery Today . You may be interested in funding political candidates for the LobbyRule Party or the LayBore Party or the Naturals Party of Australia or another political entity. Do you have plenty of spare cash or any other surplus assets? Funding is a tricky topic, whether involving publications, political parties or libraries. There are also many associated policy issues to consider. If any members of registered political parties in Australia and other countries seek to become public servants, government contractors or recipients of government grants, should they be expected to resign from their associated party at least a year before applying for government-funded roles?  Regardless of your expertise, or lack of any, if parliamentarians wish to employ party political advisers to assist them in their parliamentary, electoral and/or min


What do you know about corporate reporting? What do you know about government reporting? What do you know about court reporting? What do you know about media reporting? What do you know about academic reporting, particular regarding scientific reports? What do you know about reporting by non-government organisations? What do you know about press releases? How do you usually assess your own conduct as a researcher and reporter? Have you noticed any news reports elsewhere about the Civility Party of Australia ? How do you usually assess reporting in or about Australia ? How do you usually assess news reports about anywhere else in the world? Where does Australian history, geography and culture fit in with the history, geography and culture associated with other parts of the world? If you are seeking to contribute to a landslide victory for improved democracies, whether in Australia or elsewhere, what have you already contributed to that necessary achievement? How do you usually assess


How have you been investing in conservation , and why? How do you think about civility in relation to conservation?


What do you do in support of a good democracy ? What do you regard as the best way to support the public interest ? Perhaps you prefer to seek support through twitter . But how do you, in fact, provide support for civility, and where?

Contributions - Part Eight

How are you contributing to cultural continuity? How are you contributing to cultural change? What have been your main contributions to enlightenment in the world? What have been your contributions to elegantly egalitarian dialogues ? How have you been investing in evidence , particularly in relation to civility?

Contributions - Part Seven

How, if at all, do you contribute to self-sufficiency, household sufficiency and/or group sufficiency? How do you contribute to helping other people acquire more independence as individuals, and as groups of friends and/or as neighbours? How do you prefer to use your time to make the world a much better place than it would be without you? You may or may not be interested in contributing to an emerging culture of well-informed kindness in an emergency of considerable seriousness. You may or may not be interested in investing in the quality analysis of events .

Contributions - Part Six

What have been your contributions to value theory ? What have been your contributions to scarcity ? What have been your contributions to civility? How, if at all, are you attempting to contribute to world peace ? How do you contribute to good investments? What have been your intelligently kind contributions to the modern? What have been your intelligently kind contributions to the non-modern? What have been your global contributions, for good or ill?

Contributions - Part Five

Most Australian voters are apparently too stupid to know a democracy from a non-democracy.  They are too rude to contribute appropriately to any important discussions.  They are too selfish to think about anything or anyone beyond their personal expressions of vanity. Perhaps you do not regard the above statement as particularly moderate, even though it is based on substantial evidence. Far too many people, regardless of their genetics, fail to distinguish clearly between fantasies and facts. Far too many people fail to distinguish clearly between beautiful devotion and ugly delusion. Far too main people fail to distinguish clearly between the ephemerality of physical attractiveness and the timelessness, and timeliness, of well-informed kindness. What have been your contributions to reasonable moderation ?

Contributions - Part Four

To pay for the implementation of its policies , the global Mozarty Party has elegantly egalitarian revenue strategies regarding taxation, subscriptions, prescriptions, predictions, jurisdictions, evictions, convictions, addictions, restrictions and contradictions.  Perhaps you regard the Mozarty Party as quite ridiculous and possibly even scandalous. Is that why you have not yet contributed your support for the party? How has Mozart improved your life? How has the Mozarty Party improved your life?

Contributions - Part Three

To help keep contributors to civility motivated, especially in the exhausting and seemingly endless campaigns against rudeness, please be prepared to help with the preparation of suitably hygienic arrangements for the provision of appropriate transport, accommodation, non-alcoholic beverages and suitably nutritious, remarkably delicious finger food. Politely reminding everyone to wash their hands before and after touching food is always a good idea, too.

Contributions - Part Two

You may think of contributions mainly in terms of money and/or time . If you have the power to contribute to improvements in the social structure of a society, why have you not make that contribution yet? If you have the power to contribute to the improvement of social systems and the protection of natural systems , why have you not yet bothered to do so? If you are a permanent resident in Australia and you are currently weighing up whether or not to apply for citizenship of this peculiar country, what do you intend to contribute to Australian society in terms of civility, politeness, etiquette and graciousness, and how do you expect to be treated in return? How, and where, have you been contributing to democracy ?

Contributions - Part One

How would you describe your contributions to climate civility ?


The exploration of possibilities and opportunities must be conducted very carefully indeed. Where do you usually look for opportunities , and why? Is it necessary, in your view, to look for opportunities in order to express civility? You currently have the opportunity to learn about the Civility Party of Australia and Civility World . You also have the opportunity to learn about Civility Today , of course. Where (else) have you looked for opportunities in relation to courteous patronage ? Have you ever been offered a great opportunity through your experiences of courteous volunteering ?


Have you ever participated in a comedy of manners ?  Perhaps you think Australian politics is such a comedy, at least for the people whose lives are not tragically ruined through official cruelty. Perhaps you have been involved in comedies about compatibility and incompatibility. Perhaps you have been involved in comedies about standards .


In how many ways do you interpret the word 'representation'?


The world urgently needs more news services devoted to reporting accurately on the theory and practice of civility. Unfortunately, that urgency is not respected in Australia, or in most other parts of the world for that matter. 


While there is good simplicity, particularly in terms of elegance and simplification, and through the reduction of waste, there is also the dangerous practice of over-simplification .  While investing in simple living can often be very reasonable indeed, gambling with simplistic ideas is not. How are your values expressed through your investments in simple living?  How simply, intelligently and wisely are you investing in value ? What do you know about wealth in relation to simple living and good relationships?   If you have been investing in thoughtful discussions , you will obviously have been doing so with thoughtful persons.


In March this year, while Civility Today was being launched as a possibly pleasant surprise to the Australian public, quite a few Australians were experiencing rather more unpleasant launches and realisations. The latter launches were associated with floods and the threat of landslides rather than lovely lunches and well-informed hunches. How do you define a launch ? How do you distinguish between a good launch and a bad launch? How do you distinguish between a good lunch and a bad lunch? How do you distinguish between a good diversion and a bad diversion, and from whose point of view? Diversions by the corrupt encourage biased voting habits to arise in the minds of the gullible. The corrupt deliberately encourage misunderstanding of nature by disregarding science and denigrating scientists. Most marketing is a diversion from the truth. What have you possibly missed within Civility Today since the launch took place? What have you discovered through reading the earliest articles wit


You may associate encouragement with persuasion. How do you encourage civility? How, if at all, will you encourage people to read Civility Today now ? What do you know about time pressures in relation to encouragement? What do you know about motivations in relation to encouragement? What would encourage you to show your support towards the continuation of this publication?


How have you been supporting the editing of Civility Today since this publication was launched in March? Maintaining standards here is very important. Improving knowledge is very important, too.


How philanthropically have you been investing in good policy as a way to contribute to societal civility and stability?  What is the point in investing in enlightened philanthropy in Australia if selfish, cruel people are likely to be substantial beneficiaries? If you are truly wonderful and kind, you will be devoted to well-informed investing in a suitably philanthropic way, even in Australia .


How many people, whether they are socially considered to be adults or otherwise, have complete independence? Are you physically independent? Are you emotionally independent? Are you financially independent? How do you know you are investing in suitable independence and not long-term loneliness? Perhaps you are wondering what investing in magnificent maturity means in practice.


How are you investing in intelligent frugality as an expression of civility? Intelligent frugality is also expressed through investing in suitable independence . Civility Today is a highly independent publication.  It is produced with intelligent frugality and the utmost civility and integrity.


Do you usually associate civility with citizenship ?


You may regard physical libraries as superfluous to your enlightenment in the 21st century. Even so, it is necessary for everyone to develop a suitable library of reference material about civility as it has been practiced through the ages in various locations. What have you discovered within the library of Frugality Cottage?


Perhaps you are seeking to become a patron of Civility Today .  Good patronage is a community-enhancing activity, like good work itself. How do you intend to show your interest in becoming a registered patron of this publication?


Have you ever been expected to languish in anguish when other people behave indifferently to your psychological pain ? Have you ever been expected to provide sympathy for someone else's anguish while ignoring your own, perhaps including your own grief, pain and/or fear? Has your anguish ever caused you to experience emotional blunting and/or apathy ? Has anyone ever responded to your distress by telling you that there are people much worse off than yourself? Perhaps someone has responded to your pain by flippantly telling you that at least you are not dead yet.


How do you express courtesy towards non-human creatures? What do you know about emotions in animals ? You may find it difficult to express civility towards persons lacking your awareness of animal cognition and even human cognition . You may find it difficult to express civility towards persons who disregard animal pain and even human pain . What is your attitude towards animal consciousness and human consciousness ? What is your attitude towards animal rights and human rights ? How do you prefer to express your civility towards the prevention of suffering ?