
What do you know about corporate reporting?

What do you know about government reporting?

What do you know about court reporting?

What do you know about media reporting?

What do you know about academic reporting, particular regarding scientific reports?

What do you know about reporting by non-government organisations?

What do you know about press releases?

How do you usually assess your own conduct as a researcher and reporter?

Have you noticed any news reports elsewhere about the Civility Party of Australia?

How do you usually assess reporting in or about Australia?

How do you usually assess news reports about anywhere else in the world?

Where does Australian history, geography and culture fit in with the history, geography and culture associated with other parts of the world?

If you are seeking to contribute to a landslide victory for improved democracies, whether in Australia or elsewhere, what have you already contributed to that necessary achievement?

How do you usually assess your own conduct as a citizen, and as a voter?

Perhaps you do not have a citizenship at present.

Perhaps you are not eligible to vote anywhere at present.

Civility is associated with the active expression of citizenship.

Civility and citizenship are, by definition, associated with political belonging.

In terms of citizenship, civility implies a devotion to improved expressions of democracy.

What experience have you had in investing in security, not only for yourself and/or your household but for everyone in the world?

Everywhere in the world, governments, and the people they directly and indirectly employ, have usually been utterly useless at investing time, skills, money and other resources in anything of long-term societal usefulness.

They have therefore been failures.

How do you usually assess the success or failure of governments?

Perhaps you do not make the time to do so.

Perhaps you do not have the knowledge and skills with which to do so.

What do you believe to be the purpose of the Australian Constitution, or any other constitution?

How do you assess the structure of Australian society, or any other society, and the power relations within it?

To whom do you usually communicate your assessments, and why, and how, and when?

How and where do you nurture well-informed kindness, and with whom, and why?

How much time do you usually devote towards investing in thoughtful reciprocity on a daily basis?

Perhaps you are seeking to become one of the most well-informed candidates in the next federal election in Australia, or in any election in which you are entitled to be a candidate.

Many political candidates are intoxicated by the thought of making public funding decisions, and other political decisions.  They often view access to public money as an end in itself, namely as a way to boost their egos.

Their enthusiastic expression of motivation is regarded as an asset within domineering political parties.  It is, in reality, highly detrimental to the public interest.

If you have evidence to the contrary, please supply it in the comment facility here.

How have you already attempted to improve a political culture, and with what results?

Most people do not conduct sufficient research before expressing beliefs and opinions.  They do not know the difference between facts and narratives.

What have you been reporting about democracy over the past decade or so, and where, and for whose benefit, and for what reasons?

How have you been comparing policies, and identifying problems within policies?

Accounting is not management.  It is a tool of management

Accounting is not a goal.  It is a resource for better planning, in much the same way as statistics.

Accounting is meant to provide a clear basis for justifiable taxation.

Yet governments rarely understand, or appreciate, what is justifiable and what is not.

When do you feel the need to express yourself publicly, and why?

When do you prefer to express yourself privately, and why?

How do you experience community?

How do you attempt to uphold the public interest? 

Ever since terra nullius was rudely imposed on the existing population of Australia by arrogant representatives of the Crown, Australian culture has declined in quality.

The federal government continues to provide obscene subsidies for the entrenched privileges of elitist schooling.

It even throws money at elitist health insurance while overcrowded public hospitals are in constant crisis.

The public purse also pays the salaries of overpaid perverts in parliamentary power houses. 

The situation must change.  And it must change quickly.

How do you know when reporting is urgent?

What do you do when your sense of urgency is ignored?

What do you do when the people with the power to respond appropriately actually prefer to act irresponsibly?

How do you tell when expressions of hate are perfectly reasonable, and who do you tell?

How do you tell when expressions of love are irrational, and possibly even dangerous, and who do you tell?

How do you prefer political commentaries to be presented, if at all?

How do you prefer to be offered insights into particular news themes?

You currently have the chance to experience the initial level of this daily news service.  You may not yet be eligible to experience the next level.

What do you want to know about Civility Today now, and why?

Who is not interested in the truth about societal and environmental problems? 

Who has no real interest in quality of life for all people, and not even fellow citizens, and why?

Perhaps you are seeking guidance on how to improve your own election research and reporting.

Appropriate insights can be epistemological, ethical or aesthetic.  They can even express a combination of those philosophical practices.

How do you distinguish between quality reporting and propaganda?

What have you been reporting about banking recently, and how, and why, and where, and for whom?

When a culture is problematic, reporting on it rarely improves the culture.  This is especially the case when the persons gaining most benefit from the culture refuse to change, or even to acknowledge the associated problems.

What, if anything, have you been reporting about standards of hygiene, and a lack of standards in that regard, and where have you been reporting it?

What have you been reporting about economics, and where?

All over the world, most people in political careers, and most people seeking political careers, are greedy, not empathic.

The world is frying.  Governments keep lying.  Entire species are dying.  Air freight keeps flying.  Knowledgeable children are crying.  Fossil fuels are still supplying the greedy with money and power.

Distinguishing clearly between normality, commonality and unusualness is essential in any responsible reporting.

What is your compatibility with civility and other necessary qualities, and how do you know?

Perhaps you are not particularly accomplished in the art of enlightened appreciation.

There are many tasks involved in the production and distribution of quality news, as you may be well aware by now.

Upholding rights is an important task in itself.

Do you believe you have the right to experience pleasant politics?

Do you have any experience in organising political activities pleasantly?

Reporting upon politics is a political activity in itself.

How do you define corruption, especially political corruption?

Perhaps you have never complained about the standard of reporting you have experienced, whether in a news report or government report or business report.

What do you know about patronage relationships in relation to reporting?

Perhaps you are seeking to become a patron of Civility Today.

What have you intended to show through your usual patronage practices? 

As you may have noticed, there are many useful resources available to support a culture of well-informed kindness in the world, even in Australia.

Most reporting reports upon history.  This even applies when the reports are scientific reports.

All factual knowledge reports upon the past.

Much news reporting of quality describes failures to prevent disasters, and potential disasters, from happening.

Addressing problems effectively requires not only empathy but an ability to contribute the necessary resources, and a willingness to do so in an evidence-based way.

Empathy is associated with the protection of necessary privacy.

Insensitive reporting disregards rights in many ways.

Privacy is certainly a right.  It is essential for mental health.  It helps to maintain human dignity.

But what does industry do?
