
Showing posts from July, 2021


What have been your experiences of civility, and its opposite, in relation to hospitality ?  Most training courses in hospitality, and in tourism, do not include true civility as a core subject.  They may include fake friendliness in marketing practices instead. Private, voluntary hospitality is often associated with genuine civility, though not necessarily, especially when visitors outstay their welcome.


There are now one hundred and twenty previous articles available to you through Civility Today . A certificate of competence may be available to you after successfully completing the associated training through Civility Central.  How do you intend to employ your time over the next few days, and why?


Are you sure you have thought carefully about the meaning and purpose of progress ? Perhaps you regard all progressivism as rude. Perhaps you regard all ideas of progress as threatening to your interests and/or values.  But how is fair and reasonable progress measured? Perhaps you measure progress mainly in terms of popularity . Yet populism is not progressive. Populism is not peacefully democratic.  Elitism is not democratic at all. Perhaps you do not regard progress as having much to do with peace or democracy . If you fear change, you may not regard attempted improvements as progress, even when based on scientific evidence. If you love tradition, or at least the traditions central to your own way of life, you may associate other ways of life as threats to your own. How do you attempt to express civility when feeling frightened, threatened or confused? If, alternatively, you love change and novelty and variety and actively seek out new experiences, possibly including exciting and


How do you usually think about sustainability in relation to civility? How do you distinguish between sustainability and maintenance ?


While there have been many themes presented through Civility Today since its launch in March, there have been no articles exclusively dedicated to the theme of government. How do you define the boundaries of that theme? What do you prefer to include in the theme of government , and why? What do you prefer to exclude from the theme of government, and why? Perhaps you require a simple explanation of what a government is, or is meant to be, and what a government is not, or should not be. What do you regard as the responsibilities of government? What do you know about civility and integrity as the main themes associated with the legitimate authority to govern?


Do you regard yourself as a qualified and experienced commentator on the theme of civility? If so, what is your reputation for civility? Most commentators happen to be hypocrites.


You may already be aware that Civility Today is usually distributed through thoughtful sharing. Do you intend to distribute this useful knowledge through various social media channels today and/or tomorrow and/or into perpetuity? Where are you, exactly, in physical, digital and psychological terms, and with whom have you shared that information, and why? The ordinary public currently only has access to Civility Today through a virtual reference library in an ethereal cottage in a digital arts quarter. The copy you are currently reading is situated in the library in Frugality Cottage. Please distribute this information as wisely as your mind permits. How do you think about the word ' distribution ' in relation to civility? How do you intend to distribute this information? Here are a few articles from this publication to help you catch up with the updates you are likely to have missed: Nurture Knowledge Time Culture Democracy Campaigning Policies Moderation


Which emotions do you most associate with civility? Perhaps you mostly associate civility with equanimity . You may associate civility with the prerequisites for developing interpersonal relationships and emotional intimacy .


If you are dedicated to the expression of, and encouragement of, civility, how do you show it? Why do you have an interest in the philosophy of civility ? How can you prove you are entirely dedicated to contributing to the creativity and civility associated with Civility Today ?


How do you assess the economics of civility and scarcity , and for what reasons? What is your awareness of the structure of the Australian economy and every other economy, and of the interactions between economies? What is your acquaintance with public economics in Australia, and elsewhere? How do you usually think about civility in relation to economics and money ? How do you assess economics in relation to ethics and value ? What do you know about the economics of charlatanism ? What do you know about the economics of white-collar crime more generally? How do you think about economics and civility in relation to extravagance and frugality ? How do you think about economics and civility in relation to progress ? What do you know about the economics of campaigning for civility? How do you think about economics in terms of continuity ? There is much to consider in relation to the politics of economic theory . What do you know about the economics of investing ? What do you know abou


You may associate hygiene mainly with being clean . They are both, in fact, mainly associated with courtesy. How well do you clean up after yourself? How well do you make amends for the mess you cause? How well do you protect people and other species from infections? What informs your approach to personal hygiene , including mental hygiene ? Whether you are or are not currently in lockdown , what is your attitude to your experiences of the past few days and the next few days? What do you know about public policy in relation to preventative health care and long-term well-being ? How do you assess public health messages and mental health messages? How do you usually warn people are possibly hazardous conditions? How do you identify hazards , particularly biological ones? What is your acquaintance with toxins ? What do you know about pathogens ? How has the germ theory of disease informed your approach towards hygiene and civility? You probably know about the reasons for quarantine


You may think that standards of civility vary from location from location but they only really vary from person to person. Civility Today is brought to you via Australia , physically and creatively but not necessarily culturally.


How do you express civility in relation to admiration? Perhaps you become overly excited when encountering someone you admire. What is admiration, in your experience? When and how, in your experience, is admiration associated with attraction , distraction and deference ?


What is authentic about your life now , and how do you know? When do you show the authentic you, and how do people respond to it? When do you hide the authentic you, and why? Who was the authentic you last year, and the year before that, and the year before that? What do you believe to be the place of civility in experiences of authentic living ?


Elegant egalitarianism expresses universal empathy .  It implies everyone is entitled to be treated with thoughtfulness and courtesy, through well-informed kindness.


What has your conscience revealed to you about civility, and its opposite? How do you prefer to express civility if not through well-informed kindness ? What does your conscience tell you about being well-informed and kind?


What is your preferred approach to investing in civil society ? What is your preferred approach to investing in civility ? What is your preferred approach to investing in improved governments ? If you are seeking to invest in Civility Today , what are you proposing , and why?


How do you usually think about etiquette in relation to civility ? Etiquette is associated with a sense of belonging.  People unfamiliar with the rules are likely to be regarded as outsiders. Etiquette is about rules, not courtesy or civility. Legislation is about rules, not courtesy or civility.


If you have been sharing information about Civility Today with anyone, why have you been doing so? What do you know about civility in relating to sharing, and how do you know it?


Civility Today is brought to you as a consequence of considerable research .  Much research is required before investing in peacefully authentic living . How have you researched your true self? How have you researched emotion and emotional intimacy ? How have you researched intellectual honesty ? How have you researched political legitimacy ? How do you know you have an innovative approach to researching your patronage options? How do you know you have an innovative approach towards researching philanthropic possibilities? How can you be sure you are investing in enlightened philanthropy unless you gain a quality, independent assessment of your research methodology? How does your research methodology relate to civility through confidentiality? If you are investing in social research with civility, and about civility, who is most interested in your findings, and why?


What is your acquaintance with emotional intelligence ?   If you possess that intelligence, how does it contribute to your accomplishments in relation to civility? Are you sure you have an intelligently kind approach to all your investments and other assessments? What do you know about trustworthiness through your expressions of moral intelligence , and through your assessment of it in other people? Are you sure you have an intelligent approach to investing in peacefully authentic living ? If you have long been investing in an intelligently kind culture , how much of that investment is in the form of patronage and how much is in the form of philanthropy? Where have you been investing in enlightened philanthropy and how has that experience been informed by your knowledge of impact investing ?


People believing they are owed loyalty as a one-way commitment are emotionally insecure and egotistical. Emotional insecurity may especially apply to egotists with testicles even though not all egotists have testicles, of course. All egotists do express hubris, even when attempting to hide the fact. Egotists destroy democracies.  They also prevent democracies from developing.


Do you equate elegance with relevance? What do you know about elegance in nature? What do you know about elegance as expressed through culture, from various points of view? What is political elegance, from your own point of view? What have you been learning about political elegance and enlightened civility through contemporary philosophy ? What do you know about civility and elegance in relation to delegation ? How do you usually assess effectiveness ? What do you know about good design ? What do you know about good music ?  Good music is, of course, good design. And good design has a timeless quality.  It is never outdated.  It is always effective.  It always serves its purpose well. There is nothing excessive about good design.  Elegance, in essence, is the art of the essential. Civility is essential.


What is your ethos of civility and why? What do you know about modernity in relation to inclusive civility?


Where and how do you usually supply and/or source civility services? How often do you reassess your investments of time? How do you know when something, including a personal relationship, is worthwhile continuing? Perhaps you prefer to outsource your civility services. Why, then, do you prefer not to supply them yourself? There are many civility services, and associated services, in this digital vicinity. You may or may not be investing in trustworthy collaborations to help you provide and/or access essential services. How do you tell whether a service is essential or not, and from whose point of view? Essential services are meant to be highly trustworthy.  They are meant to be reliable whenever they are required. Such services depend upon accurate, relevant, impartial and affordable information at all times, wherever the service is required.  If you regard Civility Today as an essential service, how are you supporting it ?


If it is evident that you are not yet a registered patron of Civility Central and its immensely important work, please note that you may be required to pay substantial assessment fees on an ongoing basis to gain and maintain access, regardless of your ability to pay. Until last year, there were no fees or charges associated with becoming a patron of any of the virtual educational institutions in this digital vicinity.  The current fees are a reflection of Australian residential property prices .


How do you think about the meaning of, and reason for, an update ?  Who have you most recently updated about something, and why, and how? Perhaps you have made a software update recently. How do you attempt to update yourself about civility? How are you seeking to update yourself about Civility Today , right at this very moment ?


How do you think about, and express, civility through language? When do you regard language to be rude, and for what reasons? While linguistics is a scientific study, the use of language in everyday life may or may not be scientific. Language not only involves thinking, feeling and communicating but creating new meanings and reinterpreting older ones. What do you know about the distribution of language families on Earth in the past and present? How do you compare Australian Aboriginal languages with ancient Celtic languages ? What is your acquaintance with ethnolinguistics ? Civility is usually expressed through language, as is rudeness , especially in the English language . How do you think about language use in relation to trustworthiness? How do you assess the tone of a voice in relation to trustworthiness? If you understand at least a little of more than one language, you may switch between languages when communicating in a particular situation. You may also have experienced l


How do you know you are adequately responsible for your own actions? If you are responsible for the actions of anyone other than yourself, how do you feel about that responsibility? If you are responsible for an organisation or a place or an idea, how do your prefer to express that responsibility? Civility is a responsibility in itself. How are you investing in magnificent maturity ? Perhaps you do not regard that to be your responsibility, especially if you do not possess much maturity yourself at present. What have your cultural experiences taught you about responsible and irresponsible actions ?


What is your acquaintance with the Reserve Bank of Australia and other central banks around the world? What do you know about banking in Australia and other countries? Have you ever experienced rudeness through a financial institution, possibly even as a member of staff? What is your acquaintance with financial regulation in Australia and other countries, and in the international sphere? What do you know about the very important law of holes and why it has long been ignored by the Reserve Bank of Australia and most indebted Australians ?


What do you know about transport in Australia ? What do you know about transport in other parts of the world, including transport into space? What do you know about ports and airports and railway stations and car parks? What do you know about military transport and mining transport, and the connections between the two?