
Are you sure you have thought carefully about the meaning and purpose of progress?

Perhaps you regard all progressivism as rude.

Perhaps you regard all ideas of progress as threatening to your interests and/or values. 

But how is fair and reasonable progress measured?

Perhaps you measure progress mainly in terms of popularity.

Yet populism is not progressive.

Populism is not peacefully democratic. 

Elitism is not democratic at all.

Perhaps you do not regard progress as having much to do with peace or democracy.

If you fear change, you may not regard attempted improvements as progress, even when based on scientific evidence.

If you love tradition, or at least the traditions central to your own way of life, you may associate other ways of life as threats to your own.

How do you attempt to express civility when feeling frightened, threatened or confused?

If, alternatively, you love change and novelty and variety and actively seek out new experiences, possibly including exciting and risky ones, how do you attempt to express civility towards people who prefer a more regular and predictable way of life?
