
You may associate introductions with beginnings.

You may prefer formal introductions or informal introductions.

You may prefer gentle introductions or adventurous ones.

You may associate introductions with first impressions.

Introductions may be structures or unstructured.

They may be expected or unexpected.

They may be the result of much preparation or no preparation at all.

They may be wanted or unwanted.

What do you know about introduced species?

You may associate introductions with a debut.

Perhaps you know something about the experiences of debutantes.

You may associate introductions with inventions

You may associate introductions with premiรจres.

You may associate introductions with previews.

You may associate introductions with the title sequences of films and television shows.

You may associate introductions with brief biographies and entries in dictionaries, directories and encyclopaedias.

You may associate introductions with entrances, possibly including grand entrances, and gateways.

You may associate introductions with timelines.

You may associate introductions with initial meetings.

You may associate introductions with the beginning of a life, or a new beginning.

News is often an introduction.

You may associated introductions with the establishment or founding of an organisation, a society, a family, or a set of facts.

You may associate introductions with the launch of a new product or ship.

You may associate introductions with opening ceremonies.

You may associate introductions with diplomatic protocol and an order of precedence.

You may associate introductions with New Year.

You may associate introductions with forewords, prefaces, preambles, prologues, opening sentences, opening paragraphs, lead paragraphs, opening chapters, opening acts and debut novels

How do you prefer to introduce people to each other?

How do you prefer to make recommendations?

Perhaps you have written a letter of recommendation from time to time.

Perhaps you associate introductions with making announcements.

Perhaps you associate introductions with academic abstracts and executive summaries.

Perhaps you associate introductions with the first few bars of a piece of music, a prelude, a fanfare, an overture, or another type of musical introduction.

Perhaps you associate introductions with press releases and inverted pyramids.

How have you introduced yourself to Civility Today, and why?
