Necessity - Part One

How do you nurture anything if you are feeling overwhelmed and in need of a restful few hours, days or weeks?

To nurture requires time.  In fact, it may require time every day, in much the same way as providing a daily news service, such as this one.

But is a daily news service necessary, in your view?

If so, what sort of daily news service do you require, and why?

And what sort of daily news service do you provide, and why?

Have you ever been treated by anyone as though your personal life and right to privacy are self-indulgent luxuries rather than necessities?

Do you usually regard necessities as rights

Perhaps you sometimes regard luxuries as therapeutic and therefore temporarily necessary.

Perhaps you think answering questions is mostly to be negotiated on a fee-to-know basis rather than a need-to-know basis.

Or perhaps you have you been campaigning to prevent rudeness appropriately.

Is rudeness sometimes necessary, in your view?

You may think the market economy is a rude way to address urgent societal needs.

How do you account for government negligence in the face of market failures?

What do you believe to be the rights of citizens in terms of government support in times of need? 

How do you define government negligence?

How do you define market failures?

How have you assessed the needs and rights of stranded citizens over the past two years?

How have you mapped government rudeness?

How have you mapped public indifference to the needs and rights of strangers, opponents and enemies?

How have you mapped public indifference, and government indifference, to the needs and rights of people experiencing disability?

What is the purpose of your social research, and your policy research, and how have you obtained the resources to support those pursuits? 

How respectful are your investigations, and towards whom?

And who views your investigations as a threat, and why?

You may be willing to acknowledge that people in influential societal positions should be required to uphold a higher level of civility and credibility than people in less influential positions.

That is why a code of conduct for influential persons must, of necessity, be more stringent than one for most other people.

Regardless of your profession, or lack of one, how do you try to maintain your own privacy, your own personal boundaries, and enough time each day towards understanding your true self, meeting your needs and expressing your creativity?

Who is spying on you, and why?

How do you distinguish between unjust intrusions and legitimate research?

How well are you currently investing in social research in relation to the needs of people with disabilities, and how do you know you are investing wisely in that regard?

When a person is in need of assistance from political representatives, the most usual response from those representatives is indifference.

When a person is in need of assistance from police officers, the response is usually indifference, or aggression.

Even when official administrative procedures are followed, real needs are usually ignored, or treated as a nuisance.

Politicians, police officers, public administrators and sales people rarely have an adequate acquaintance with ethical considerations, and nor do most other people for that matter.

They may or may not have any respect for civility, or for ethics more generally.

How carefully do you provide yourself with sufficient rest?  

How do you measure your mental productivity?

When, if ever, have your needs been met inadequately, and why?

How do you prefer to make intelligently kind investments for the benefit of persons with intellectual disabilities, brain injuries, neurological disorders, cognitive decline, mental immaturity and/or psychological needs?

How do you compare preferences with necessities? 

There are much more useful and responsible ways to show appreciation for kindness than buying things or selling things or giving away unwanted things to persons who do not really need, or even want, those things.

You may appreciate when boundaries between the acceptable and unacceptable become clearer to the people most responsible for maintaining those boundaries.

Who are those people?

How do you ascertain necessities in terms of education

How do you ascertain necessities in terms of defence?

How do you ascertain necessities in terms of trade?

How do you ascertain necessities in terms of appreciation?

How do you ascertain necessities in terms of distribution?

How do you ascertain necessities in terms of devotion?
