
What do you know about civility and incivility in relation to social parties, political parties and illegal parties?

How do you usually attempt to prevent strange, and potentially dangerous, interpersonal encounters from happening?

How do you usually attempt to prevent strange electoral outcomes?

Landslide electoral wins have mainly resulted when one political leader has become overwhelmingly more popular than another, regardless of policy platforms.

The popularity of the winner often arises not from personal abilities and qualities but from the perceived corruption and/or incompetence of the losing side.

But what happens when there are no particularly popular political leaders?

How do political leaders gain and maintain popularity if not through the mass media and/or social media?

Gaining a high public profile before a winning an election is no guarantee of political competence, or enduring popularity.

Political competence requires economic competence, adequate civility and extraordinary empathy.

Perhaps you mainly associate parties with celebrations.  That may particularly be the case if the political party and/or sporting team you support tends to win competitions quite often.

What causes a landslide win to occur in politics if not a considerable amount of time and money and teamwork? 

What causes sporting wins to occur if not a considerable amount of time and money and teamwork?

You may be aware that prime ministers and premiers in Australia are all too easily ousted from power when their parties gain large majorities in elections.

The same does not necessarily apply when there are small majorities or a hung parliament.

Large majorities cause some politicians to experience hubris.

Yet the will of the people cannot be ignored while a large parliamentary majority exists.

No prime minister or premier can legitimately be toppled with a large majority at the ballot box.  

That was why the Gillard coup of 2010 was so shocking to the Australian public.

It was also why the Olsen coup of 1996 in South Australia was also shocking.

What do you know about the structure, history and standards of various political parties in Australia?

Perhaps you think too much time is spend on thinking about, and discussing, political powerful persons, political groups, and group politics, whether through the mass media or on other ways. 

Perhaps you think too little time is spent in critiquing the culture reflected through a party, whether the party is celebratory or otherwise.

What is the point of political parties in a purported democracy?

How, if at all, have you examined the internal structure and power relations of a political party, , or any other organisation, and for what purpose?

Civility has always been at the heart of all Mozarty Party policies, except when critiquing poorly composed music, impious priests, and the promotion of either or both.

How do you usually assess and compare party policies, and when are you most likely to give such a task your full attention? 

Some parties claim to focus their policies on economics when they really do nothing of the sort.

Why do domineering political parties given themselves the right to spy on citizens?

Such organisations are evil.  They must be stopped.  The people within them must be brought to justice as quickly as possible.

For influential members of political parties, power is often perceived to be reflected in gaining pre-selection for safe seats in parliaments.

For well-informed voters, legitimate power is produced by solar panels and expressed through suitable tweets.

For ill-informed voters, legitimate power mainly involves putting numbers on ballot papers once in a while.

For people with influence as journalists, power is expressed through the composition of misleading headlines, the provision of emotive descriptions of situations, and intrusions into privacy.

For people with influence as celebrities, power is expressed through the ability to make money through the promotion of products, including themselves.

The conduct of elections by electoral authorities in Australia has only had a few mishaps.

The conduct of political parties, and individual candidates, before, during and after election campaigns, has been another matter entirely.

How do you know when necessary ethics happens to be absent?
