
Showing posts from September, 2021

Training - Part Four

For many members of the public, whether in Australia or elsewhere, especially members of the public without advanced training in law, economics and/or political coverups, legislation can often seem intimidating , in much the same way as the higher expressions of culture . Perhaps you mainly associate training with employment . That is an easy mistake to make. If you have received training in hospitality , what did it include, and what did it exclude, and why? When citizens become more knowledgeable about problematic situations, at least in fully functioning democracies, they are able to ask more pertinent questions of the people who are meant to be accountable to the public . There is no point in providing empathy training for people incapable of acquiring empathy . There is no point in providing etiquette training for people incapable of refraining from the consumption of mind-altering substances, regardless of whether or not those substances happen to be legal or otherwise a

Training - Part Three

Do you currently supply anyone with training of any sort? Whether you do or not, how do you intend to complete the mission set for you by the Council of Enlightenment and the Spirit of Enlightenment?    Where is the evidence that you are an enlightened being? The training offered by the Council of Enlightenment is officially for real world leaders only. How can you prove you are such a leader? How well are you investing in evidence ? 

Training - Part Two

The public interest requires your philanthropy , with or without the contribution of money .  You currently have virtual access to Frugality Cottage for dignified digital training purposes. There are many resources to support your ongoing education within the cottage, as you may have already discovered. Perhaps you have sought mentoring assistance from Adelaide . You may have discovered various training opportunities available to you during storytime .

Training - Part One

Accomplishments in the advanced expression of empathy, etiquette, protocol, graciousness, courtesy, appropriate policies, and quality leadership, can most easily be acquired and expressed through elegant egalitarianism, especially as taught through the International Training Centre for the Harmonious Interplay of Beauty, Understanding and Magnificence. If you have never received any sort of training through that ethereally esteemed quaternary institution, that is a great pity.  You will obviously have much catching up to do, even if you are lucky enough to find the appropriate key with which to begin. What do you already know about quaternary education and training? How do you usually assess knowledge ? How do you usually examine, and attempt to improve, policies ? How do you usually attempt to nurture and develop your own leadership abilities? Are you seeking to learn more about appropriate patronage ?


What is your acquaintance with water politics ? How do you think about policies in relation to water, and why? How much value do you place on water, particularly when it is placed where you require it? How do you think about water in relation to civility?


Gratitude is only required when a service is provided below cost through pro bono practices, or through other philanthropic pursuits, or as a privately supplied gift, or as an expression of much needed charity. Gratitude is not required when receiving goods and/or services through business practices, or through the state. No gratitude is owed in terms of experiencing any right. Nor is gratitude owed when receiving something unwanted. No gratitude is owed when receiving a 'gift' as part of a promotional campaign. The only time gratitude is owed is when a suitable gift is received as an intrinsic gesture, not an extrinsic one. How are you willing to show your gratitude towards experiencing Civility Today , and why?


Comparing one time in history with another is always important when seeking to understand what has occurred. How do you compare political parties in Australia and elsewhere, and for what reasons? How do you compare political candidates , and for what reasons? How do you compare yourself with other people? How do you compare Australia with other societies ?  How do you compare the House of Representatives in Australia with similarly-named legislative chambers elsewhere , and those with a similar purpose ? How do you compare the Senate with similarly named legislative chambers elsewhere , and those with a similar purpose ? How do you make comparisons in relation to knowledge , maturity , civility, structure and tasks ?


Reality should always be regarded as the plot of history, the present and the future. Choices and decisions form the narrative. Perhaps you regularly attend storytime in the little digital library in Frugality Cottage.

Gentleness - Part Four

Do you usually associate gentleness with Mozart? The current leadership ensemble of the Mozarty Party has been discussing whether the public, and the media, would take more notice of its beautifully composed policies if the party was renamed the Farty Party. Of course, flatulence is more acceptable in democratic politics than the tin eared arrogance of fatuous factions. If a Civility Party existed in Australia, with or without the assistance of Mozart, it and its members would be attacked, maligned, denigrated and otherwise abused by rude, biased people from the 'major' political parties, and by the rude, biased minions of rude, biased, possibly unaligned billionaires, multi-millionaires and bigots, inside and outside the mass media. There is, in fact, now a Civility Party in Australia .

Gentleness - Part Three

Do you usually associate gentleness with Adelaide ? Do you usually associate Adelaide with civility? Perhaps you associate gentleness and/or civility and/or Adelaide with intelligently frugal pleasures:   Intelligently Frugal Pleasures - Part One Intelligently Frugal Pleasures - Part Two Intelligently Frugal Pleasures - Part Three Intelligently Frugal Pleasures - Part Four   The highly experienced courtesy experts associated with Adelaide Adagia graciously provide their editorial assistance to Civility Today . You may wish to volunteer your thoughtful services in the provision of suitable editorial support and elegant promotional assistance.  All that is necessary is to act with well-informed kindness, now and always.

Gentleness - Part Two

Do you usually associate gentleness with scholarly pursuits rather than political ones? Do you usually associate gentleness with the public and/or the public interest ?  Do you usually nurture gentleness through your leadership and philanthropy ?

Gentleness - Part One

Do you usually associate gentleness with quietness? Do you usually associate gentleness with civility? Do you usually associate gentleness with rural life rather than urban life? Do you usually associate gentleness with intelligent frugality and liminality? Intelligent Frugality and Liminality - Part One Intelligent Frugality and Liminality - Part Two Intelligent Frugality and Liminality - Part Three Intelligent Frugality and Liminality - Part Four Your access to Civility Today is probably associated with your access to Frugality Cottage, its introductory noticeboard and its little digital library. Do you usually learn about knowledge , culture , time and maturity in at least one library each day? Perhaps you have been investing in a gentle philosophy of well-informed kindness for quite a while now, or not as the case may be. Perhaps you consider the real world to involve the intermingling of cruelty and reasonableness, corruption and gentleness, and intrusiveness and truth. How

Trauma - Part Four

The Australian political parties making most of the noise during election campaigns do not care about voters.  They care about winning at the ballot box.   Nothing else matters in their game.  They merely want to gain good media coverage to help them win. Most people employed by media organisations in Australia do not care about voters either.  The commentators mainly enjoy watching the game. And so ordinary voters always lose, unless they happen to be beneficiaries of various rorts , with or without connections to sports.  Instead of cheering crowds along the way to government victory or opposition oblivion, there are distressed voters, and duped ones. Distressed voters are usually dismissed as ordinary punters.  Their distress is regarded as nothing more than a bad bet. 

Trauma - Part Three

Trauma is an urgent matter to address effectively.  That must be achieved in terms of understanding its causes, preventing those causes from arising in future and sensitively healing traumatised minds. Do you have the knowledge with which to do so? Do you have the time with which to do so?

Trauma - Part Two

Being treated abysmally is inevitably traumatic for persons renowned for their civility, graciousness and well-informed kindness.

Trauma - Part One

It is often the psychologically mature who experience psychological trauma , most usually due to the fact that they are expected to cope without necessary support in highly stressful circumstances. Psychological maturity is not the same as psychological resilience . If you are psychologically mature, you may have lost your resilience after experiencing relentless psychological abuse . What is your acquaintance with political trauma ? What do you now know about Civility Today ? How do you prefer to show your maturity in relation to civility and democracy? What do you know now about civility, democracy, maturity, and knowledge itself? Addressing experiences of trauma requires a sensitive, suitably gentle approach.


Do you usually think about prosperity in terms of money or knowledge or democracy ? Do you usually think about prosperity in personal terms or national terms or in another sort of way? There is nothing wrong with being rich in itself.  Wealth, in the hands of pleasant persons with a devotion to the common good, can be very good indeed, particularly in the absence of quality governments. There is a considerable amount wrong with being rude, regardless of socioeconomic status .  How do you think about prosperity in relation to civility? How much are you willing to pay to experience Civility Today over the months ahead, and why?


How do you usually think about civility in relation to food? Do you usually think of food in terms of meals or agriculture or shopping or health or manners?


You may associate light with power . You may associate light with delightfulness. You may associate light with knowledge . You may associate knowledge with enlightenment. You may even associate knowledge with delightfulness. But do you ever associate civility with light? Perhaps you associate civility with the Earth's atmosphere, both literally and figuratively. The atmosphere prevents a considerable amount of dangerous radiation from reaching the surface of the Earth. What do you know about ultraviolet ? What do you know about visible light ? What do you know about the electromagnetic spectrum ? What do you know about colour ?  What do you know about light in relation to time ?


Civility Today began as a daily news service in March this year. Its early themes were as follows:    Australia Landslide Constitution Standards Candidates Structure Power Money Maturity Nurture Knowledge Time Culture Democracy Campaigning Policies Moderation Duties Science Disability Compatibility Community History Empathy Gender Public Tasks   How and where have you been reporting on those themes this year, and why? How have you acquired your knowledge of important themes? Perhaps you do not regard knowledge itself to be an important theme.


Stability is obviously an important theme, whether politically , financially or environmentally.


What have you discovered about satire in relation to civility? Perhaps you associate satire mainly with opinion and leadership. If you have been investing in the experience of art , how much of that experience has been shaped by expressions of satire? And how compatible with civility is the satire you prefer to experience?


Moderators are gatekeepers . Perhaps you are such a person. There are many types of gatekeeping in relation to communication. What do you know about civility and democracy in relation to gatekeeping?


How do you assess the causes of various scandals in Australia, and elsewhere? When does income inequality become scandalous, in your view? When does wealth inequality become scandalous, in your view? When does expenditure inequality become scandalous, in your view?  You may be aware that money is involved in many scandals, as are various abuses of power associated with both. The never-ending scandals, of every sort, retraumatise emotionally exhausted people. If you are an Australian politician, you may have attended empathy lessons, most probably to lessen the scandal of your prior conduct.  When scandals are prevalent and self-evident, good people are shocked .  But how do most people transform their feelings of shock into worthwhile contributions to the improvement of societies? When does age-related inequality become scandalous, in your view? When does ability-related inequality become scandalous, in your view? When does gender inequality become scandalous, in your view? W


How do you define the word finance , and why do you choose the words you use in relation to that topic? How clearly do you distinguish between public finance and private sector finance ? Does your definition of finance relation mainly to independence or dependence? Does your definition of finance have much in common with a drug of dependence ?  Does your definition of finance mention anything about instant gratification? Perhaps your definition of civility is associated with delayed gratification . Does your definition of finance mention aggression? When parliamentarians acquire additional responsibilities to those of ordinary backbench members of state, territory and federal parliaments, should those parliamentarians be expected to take a pay cut to ensure they are not financially motivated to seek higher responsibilities than their abilities reflect? Should the federal Department of Finance be the arbiter of political ethics or should that responsibility pass to a more independ


When time interacts with human consciousness, what are the usual results in terms of civility? When time interacts with altered states of consciousness and/or altered levels of consciousness , what are the usual results in terms of rudeness? What do you know about consciousness in humans and other species ? You may be aware that consciousness and civility are both associated with awareness of environmental reality, as perceived through the senses.  That includes social reality. You may be aware that sexual arousal is an altered state of consciousness.  And like all such alterations, it distorts perceptions of reality. Unwanted attention, whether sexual or otherwise, can often be traumatic for the recipients of that attention. The desire for attention, whether sexual or otherwise, is abusive whenever it is selfish or otherwise insensitive. Healthy sexuality, as with healthy brain development, involves maintaining standards of civility in all situations, regardless of levels and stat


Civility is all about making decisions appropriately. How do you make decisions affecting the lives of other people if not through the sciences of civility and empathy ?


How do you, personally, address rudeness and the injustices associated with it? What is your personality, and how rude or civil is it? Perhaps you regard rudeness as a disability , yet disability, by definition, implies a societal disadvantage, not an advantage. Why is rudeness so often an advantage, particularly for the already wealthy and the already powerful? For the less powerful, including persons with disabilities, rudeness tends to be punished.  Even the despair of such persons is punished when it threatens the powerful.  Even complaints by the powerless are regarded as rude. Do you have an agreeable personality or a disagreeable one , and who says so?


What is the cost to democracy for not supplying the public with the chance to read a publication such as this one? A full cost-benefit analysis is always required, both financially and morally.


What is your awareness of the history of social formalities? Perhaps you are aware that their primarily purpose has long been to prevent people from killing each other. Law is a social formality. Expected attire is a social formality. Table manners are social formalities. What do you know about political formalities? What is your knowledge of official formalities and unofficial ones? What is your acquaintance of the similarities and differences between formality and politeness in various societies? How do you compare the table of precedence for the Commonwealth of Australia with similar formalities elsewhere ?