
When time interacts with human consciousness, what are the usual results in terms of civility?

When time interacts with altered states of consciousness and/or altered levels of consciousness, what are the usual results in terms of rudeness?

What do you know about consciousness in humans and other species?

You may be aware that consciousness and civility are both associated with awareness of environmental reality, as perceived through the senses.  That includes social reality.

You may be aware that sexual arousal is an altered state of consciousness.  And like all such alterations, it distorts perceptions of reality.

Unwanted attention, whether sexual or otherwise, can often be traumatic for the recipients of that attention.

The desire for attention, whether sexual or otherwise, is abusive whenever it is selfish or otherwise insensitive.

Healthy sexuality, as with healthy brain development, involves maintaining standards of civility in all situations, regardless of levels and states of consciousness.

Male sexuality is often a mystery to female persons, just as female sexuality is often a mystery to male persons.  That is due to the fact that sexuality is an entirely subjective experience.

Even within a sex, and even within a gender, that are many different subjective experiences regarding sexual arousal, sexual pleasure, sexual appropriateness and sexual abuse. 

Yet sexual abuse, whether through harassment or physical aggression or psychological manipulation, is likely to cause long-term psychological harm to the victim if not long-term physical harm.

Women and girls have the added burden that sexual aggression can cause unwanted pregnancies.  Indeed, pregnancies, throughout history, have not arisen through the well-informed volition of mothers-to-be.  They have arisen through the aggression of male persons.

Many first-time mothers-to-be have been unaware of the cause and effect relationship between male attention/aggression and pregnancies.  And most males in such situations have been entirely irresponsible and possibly quite immature, regardless of their age.

Ignorance of psychological trauma, or even an entire disregard towards it, is especially likely if you are a male person with a male-dominated and competitive approach to social interaction and an overactive sex drive.  You are likely to lack emotional maturity.  You are likely to be narcissistic.

If you are a male politician or a male political staffer, perhaps you have spent most of your taxpayer-funded time thinking about your big, swinging ego and/or swinging voters and/or possibly even sexual swinging in a purportedly sacred space in Parliament House in Canberra, such as the prayer room or the lower house.

Sleaze is meant to be a personal matter between consenting adults.  The public does not usually consent to sleaze through the ballot box, unless deceived.

There is much deception involved in all forms of apparent consent.

And far too many male persons mistake self-initiated sexual antics for playfulness rather than abuse.  Inappropriate playfulness is itself a sign of immaturity, as is the excessive use of innuendo, gossip and inappropriate language.

Immaturity is also indicated by an inability to distinguish between image and reality.  Yet inappropriate images of the sexual and the sex-like, in entertainment, advertising, fashion and elsewhere have distorted perceptions of reality very dangerously indeed in impressionable minds, regardless of gender.

If you are a sleazy individual, evidence suggests you rarely read important reports, even if you have commissioned them at great public expense.  You obviously enjoy drinking alcohol and/or partaking of other addictive substances.  You may even enjoy ignoring the human rights of persons who do not happen to be related to you, especially if you regard such persons as nuisances and/or sex objects and/or mainly as props for your political career.

Perhaps you have colleagues who ignore the human rights and social expectations of their own family members.  Such arrogant behaviour is quite common, especially in Australia.

Whose abuses have you willingly ignored in order to gain the advantages you currently value, regardless of your gender?

Whose suffering have you willingly ignored, and why?

There are abusive women as well as abusive men, of course.  They may have deluded themselves into believing that the only way to achieve their career ambitions is to ignore the abusiveness of men.  Such women may even pretend they are honorary males rather than responsible women.

Other abusive women pressure other women, including daughters and daughters-in-law into having children.  Such women long to achieve the status of  grandmother.

Abusive women may also pressure their husbands or male lovers into becoming reluctant fathers.  Such women long to achieve the status of mother.

In politics, many men desire to achieve the status of husband and father in order to advance their political ambitions.  They may even loudly promote their status as a husband and father publicly, and usually inappropriately.

Perhaps you rarely make the time to think about sexuality appropriately.

Perhaps you lack the maturity to think about anything appropriately.

All parenting is political.  As many heterosexual sex acts are associated with the possibility of producing a pregnancy, considerable care must be taken to ensure consent is adequate.

In any intimate activity involving two or more persons, and in every other social situation, appropriate hygiene measures must obviously be considered with proper care.

Hygiene is intimately associated with civility, of course.

Ill-mannered persons, whether they have a background in the legal profession or not, lack the maturity required for political leadership.

Once elected, politicians do not have the right to follow their own opinionated agendas like overly-indulged children, they instead have a duty to do their best for the common good.

In view of this, all persons with the honour of representing the public in parliaments, and other legislators, are only Honourable to the extent that voters have selected them for the responsibility of upholding democracy with decorum

Intoxication, of any sort, is incompatible with decorum.

How do you attempt to uphold democracy?

You may have noticed that psychologically immature male persons, of any age, cannot cope with psychologically mature female persons, of any age. 

There are also psychologically immature women with an inability to distinguish between mature and immature persons of any sex, gender or political persuasion.  Like immature men, they are confused by maturity and do not know how to identify, and respond to, unacceptable immaturity.

But a mature woman may not know how to respond appropriately either, especially if ambitious.

All organisations associated with money and/or power are likely to attract ambitious people, including those with a propensity to become overly excited.  An overly excited person tends to lack empathy, disregard the need for civility and mock demands for serious leadership.

The culture of Australian politics has long been obnoxiously immature and therefore irresponsible.

Immature persons are meant to be supervised by responsible adults.  But who are those adults, and where are they?

Only appropriately responsible adults can address societal problems appropriately.

In so many situations in Australia, uncivil behaviour is mistaken for being amusing and/or it expresses the camaraderie of misogynistic mateship.

Uncivil behaviour is also expressed as inappropriate civil engineering and insensitive social engineering.

But will the public ever give a landslide victory to appropriate responsibility?

Unethical political campaigning often has much in common with drink spiking.  It is irresponsible.  It is cruel.  It is an attempt to hide evidence of deception.  It frequently involves authorities blaming victims.

Healthy sexuality is never traumatic.  Nor does it cause trauma, even vicariously.

Improving cultural practices should always be a priority.

The urgent improvement of behaviour applies to political and judicial abuses of power in relation to sex discrimination

It applies to paedophile rings.

It applies to sex traffickers.

It applies to predatory cults.

It applies to all gangs and similar groups.

Healthy social hierarchies do not involve imbalances of power.  They involve higher levels of appropriate responsibility, to keep everyone safe.

When people view cruelty as entertainment, their attitudes are seriously wrong and very dangerous.

No responsible person would consent to cruel treatment.

No responsible person give permission for cruelty to occur.

How do you tell the difference between appropriate sexual conduct and sexual misconduct

How do you address inappropriate matters relating to sex and gender?
