
How do you define the word finance, and why do you choose the words you use in relation to that topic?

How clearly do you distinguish between public finance and private sector finance?

Does your definition of finance relation mainly to independence or dependence?

Does your definition of finance have much in common with a drug of dependence

Does your definition of finance mention anything about instant gratification?

Perhaps your definition of civility is associated with delayed gratification.

Does your definition of finance mention aggression?

When parliamentarians acquire additional responsibilities to those of ordinary backbench members of state, territory and federal parliaments, should those parliamentarians be expected to take a pay cut to ensure they are not financially motivated to seek higher responsibilities than their abilities reflect?

Should the federal Department of Finance be the arbiter of political ethics or should that responsibility pass to a more independent, less money-related entity?

The Department of Finance does not have a departmental plan each year.  It has a "Corporate Plan".

What does that say about attitudes and ethics within the department?

What do you know about political party finance

What do you know about political funding in Australia, and how do you know it

What do you know about public finance in Australia, and how do you know it?

What do you know about finance and wealth in Australia, and how do you know it?

Wealth in the form of fixed assets is really not available as wealth to spend in emergencies, such as when income is inadequate to meet basic needs and perform financial obligations, including debt repayments.

Why, then, is so much public money used in the construction of fixed assets rather than mending broken lives?

Perhaps you are currently facing a financial emergency with few liquid assets, with or without flood damage and/or bushfire damage and/or vermin damage to your fixed assets, livelihood and/or mental health.

You may be aware that property prices are not an indication of real wealth.  False perceptions of wealth cause people to behave irrationally, including loan officers in financial institutions.

How do you place a financial value on knowledge?

How do you place a financial value on needs?

What do you know about personal finance in relation to civility?
