
Showing posts from October, 2021


How do you attempt to assess whether a quality is innate or acquired? What do you know about your own innate qualities and their source(s)? How do you identify the source(s) of rights, and obligations? What do you know about the history of ideas about royalty? Perhaps you would rather think about Halloween today. Perhaps you would rather think about the global climate conference beginning today. Perhaps you would rather think about something else entirely. Perhaps you would prefer to seek out the latest gossip about a particular royal family. Perhaps you would prefer to ignore the political abuses associated with excessively powerful individuals and excessively powerful families and excessively powerful organisations in various parts of the world. Each day, since Civility Today began, you have been invited to reflect upon important questions. Perhaps you have not regarded the questions as important at all. Perhaps you are more interested in answering interesting questions than importan


You may associate business mainly with money rather than with civility and integrity.  A corrupt culture expresses the view that integrity is bad for business. In a corrupt culture, fake expressions of civility are sometimes viewed as necessary as a means to an end while real civility is viewed as never necessary. Good management involves achieving goals through the ethical prevention of problems.  The same applies in any organisation, institution, household or situation. Yet there are many externalities to consider before making decisions, particularly investment decisions. Those externalities include the prevalence of rude persons in dominant political parties, dominant businesses and other dominant organisations, institutions, households and situations.


Many controversies are associated with the inappropriate use of particular words and phrases. Do you have the maturity to address controversies appropriately? Do you have the knowledge with which to address controversies appropriately? Are you fully aware of the controversies associated with your own actions, and your inaction? Are you fully aware of your duties regarding civility and the alleviation of needs, the management of controversies and the improvement of public policy? What do you know about the history of political controversies in Australia ?  What do you know about the history of Middle Australia ?  What do you know about the history of moneyed Australia ? What do you know about the history of marginalised Australians and other people marginalised by Australian society and its government? If you know something about the long political career of Australian career politician William McMahon , you will be aware that there is nothing new about leadership challenges, spil


When, if ever, has civility had dominance, in any situation? A landslide win for one dysfunctional political rabble rather than the other, in a predominantly two-party system , has never solved any of Australia's substantial problems. And whenever one party dominates, or one other group, or an individual, dominates a situation, and possibly even has a complete or partial monopoly on power, real problems will not be solved. How do you identify real, substantial problems? Is dominance one of those problems?


How do you prefer to think about heuristics in relation to civility?  


How do you think about civility in relation to ambiguity ? Perhaps you prefer to think about ambiguity in terms of emotional conjugations ?


How do you think about civility in relation to regularity, irregularity, anomalies and suchlike matters?? What do you know about the etymology of regular ? What do you know about the purpose of regulations ? Perhaps you prefer to experience regularity through the expression of dogma , or not as the case may be.


A code of conduct is always necessary when prospective new members are to be introduced to, and inducted into, an existing culture. The maintenance of associated expectations is also necessary. With or without a code of conduct to follow, you have a moral duty to make the world a much better place than it would be without you, regardless of your access to money. In the minds of rich, rude Australians, and rich, rude persons more generally, the possession of money is a sign of moral superiority.  Yet there are many confusions about the possession of money and what that possession really means in practice. There is nothing moral about the possession of money. There is nothing moral about the absence of money in a person's life, either. How much time do you devote each day towards assessing and developing moral intelligence , in yourself as well as other people, and what approach do you prefer to take? You may be aware that moral development is only partly associated with


How and where have you informed yourself about Adelaide ? How and where have you informed yourself about the Adelaidezone ? How do you interpret the words Adelaide and Adagia ? How, if at all, does your enlightened patronage support the Adelaide Adagia News Ensemble? Very occasionally, references to particular articles in Civility Today are presented from a relatively exclusive table in Mr Twitter's Coffee House. The unusual coffee house, and Frugality Cottage itself, are situated on the Social Media Quadrangle within the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter, as you may already be aware. Suitability and civility are also essential conditions for quality volunteering in the view of the courtesy experts. You may be aware that only appropriately registered patrons are permitted to attend special events in and around Frugality Cottage, and elsewhere in the Adelaidezone. Those special events include educational workshops and creativity workshops, though please note that there a


How do you usually assess the meaning of vulnerability , and why?  What do you know about your own vulnerabilities, and how? How do you assess civility and hostility in relation to vulnerability? How do you assess vulnerability in relation to democracy ? How do you assess vulnerability in relation to psychological trauma? How are you attempting to hold hypocrites to account, particularly wealthy and otherwise powerful ones? Perhaps you prefer spending time watching television or playing computer games or accessing websites to view images of vulnerable people being disgustingly abused, especially if you happen to be a hypocrite yourself, and possibly even a psychopath.   There are many online locations where the abuse of vulnerable persons can unfortunately be witnessed, including the website of the Parliament of Australia . There are many sources of vulnerability and layers of trauma to consider when assessing whether a behaviour is appropriate. You may be aware of environmental,


Civility Today continues to be published daily, as it has since its launch in March . How much do you value this daily publication, and where is your proof ?  How reliable are you as a supporter of civility and Civility Today ? What do you know about the broad relevance of the articles presented here for public perusal, at no direct cost to ordinary readers? What have been your experiences of peer reviews relating to such matters? What have been your experiences of editorial boards in relation to reliability, civility and relevance? How do you assess reliability in terms of objectivity ?  How do you assess the reliability of computer networks ? How do you assess reliability in terms of systems engineering ? How do you assess the reliability of statistical assessments of data ?  How do you assess human reliability , and why? What do you know about reliabilism , fallibilism , infallibilism , infallibility and ineffability in relation to civility? What do you know about unreliable na


The Twaklin Trust has long supported surreptitious investigations into prejudices and other biases . Even the name of the trust is associated with that research practice. What does Twaklin connote to you as a word, an image and as a name, and why? How do you assess reputations ? Prejudices simultaneously take many forms and the same form.  They involve unjust labelling , pigeonholing , typecasting , stereotyping , over qualification ,  impostor syndrome, dead end jobs, coerced obligations, bullying, rudeness, dehumanisation and a dismissive disregard for human rights. There are many prejudices associated with the experience of disability .  Even the word 'disability' is a label, a pigeonhole, a stereotype. How do you know your mind does not contain ugly prejudices and other biases? How do you know you are not unjustly biased in your perceptions of ugliness, and beauty? Being socially invisible is 'normal' for many persons with disabilities, and for many other perso


How do you identify, measure and describe the results of your civility?


Civility Today has been published on a daily basis for more than two hundred days now. This is therefore, quite probably, a very good time for your evaluation of this publication. How do you know you have the appropriate critiquing skills for such a task? What have been your previous experiences in the conduct and reporting of impact evaluations ?


According to the editorial panel associated with Civility Today , civility should always be regarded as its own reward.  It should never be treated as an incentive in any way whatsoever.  What are your thoughts on this matter? If you are seeking an incentive in return for supporting Civility Today , why are you doing so?  What do you know about perverse incentives and unintended consequences ?  


You may usually associate civility with courtesy rather than the expression of citizenship . You may not usually associate civility with political candidates . You may associate incivility with politics even though you may associate courtesy with diplomacy . You may associate incivility with injustice. Addressing injustices effectively, and courteously, begins with a focus on structure . How do you think about courtesy in relation to various forms of campaigning ? You may have sought to advance your knowledge of the art and science of courtesy after unpleasantly experiencing and/or witnessing the behaviour of one or more rude persons.


What do you know about politics in relation to influence? What do you know about decisions and the consequences they influence? How do you think about the influence of power and money ?  What do you know about the influence of systems ? One of the most reasonable approaches to security in the 21st century is to maintain a low profile while having significant societal influence. Even so, reasonable approaches to security do not necessarily imply ethical expressions of societal influence. How do you think about the influence of maturity and science ? What do you know about influence in relation to elections in any part of the world? How do you think about privacy in relation to influence ? What do you know about publishing and broadcasting in relation to influence ? What, if anything, do you share with journalists in terms of information, culture and influence? How do you measure accountability if not in terms of power, influence and authority?  If you have the influence to cha


What is your acquaintance with factor analysis ? What do you know about factors of production ? How do you assess the impact factor of purported facts?


What do you regard as the most important facts about civility, and Civility Today ? How do you define the meaning of fact ? How do you define the meaning of de facto ? How do you identify the most important facts in relation to a structure or system? As words, fact and factor have the same etymology as factory . That meaning equates with to make , to do and to perform .


How do you review situations in terms of civility, and its absence? How have you reviewed Civility Today ? You may, for example, wish to review, and reflect upon, the earliest articles here:   Australia Landslide Constitution Standards Candidates Structure Power Money Maturity   What do you believe the purpose of your review to be? How useful will the reviewing process be, and for whom?   Nurture Knowledge Time Culture Democracy Campaigning Policies Moderation Duties Science Disability Compatibility Community History Empathy Gender Public Tasks Inclusion Evidence Media Descriptions Analysis World Privacy Leadership Freedom Peace Priorities Goals  


How do you think about advice in relation to civility? What sort of advice do you require in relation to democracy , and from whom, and why? What sort of advice do you require regarding well-informed investing ? What sort of advice do you require in relation to any other sort of planning ? How do you assess interpretations of the advice you require and/or supply? What sort of advice do you supply regarding the editing of news reports, and to whom?  When have you most recently sought advice through the media , and why?