
Interpersonal respect is a human right and a human responsibility. 

Respectfulness is a mutual standard.  Anything below that standard is disrespectful on one side or the other, or both.

Perhaps you associate respectfulness with maturity.

Perhaps you associate respectfulness with the nurture of viability, and thriving.

How do you attempt to uphold appropriate standards, particularly in terms of respect?

If this is your first experience of Civility Today, welcome.

What are your expectations of this publication, and why?

You may be seeking to contribute to the ongoing investigations associated with this news service.

How are you investing in an intelligently kind culture through which civility and privacy are appropriately respected? 

What do you know about law in relation to respect?

Human-made laws rarely reflect adequate respect for nature.

Any person demanding loyalty is a bully, not a person deserving of respect.

Bullies often mistake loyalty for respect.

Loyalty is about mutual respect.

There is no reason for any reasonable person to be loyal to a bully, or even to a polite person for that matter. 

Enlightened loyalty is not about commitments to particular people or particular organisations but to particular ideals, such as enlightenment itself, and truth.

You may associate compliance with known rules of etiquette to be a form of respect.

Yet real respect is never obsequious.

How do you distinguish between civility and sycophancy?

If you have ever expressed anger, have you always done so with acceptable civility?

If you have never expressed anger, have you never experienced injustice?

Where, if anywhere, do you feel safe?

When, if at any time, can you relax?

Are you sure you value democracy highly enough?

Are you sure you respect the privacy of unknown people high enough? 

Are you sure you have adequate respect for the privacy of vaguely known and widely known people?

Are you sure you respect the rights of everyone adequately?

A good environment, both physically and socially, is a form of hygiene.

How do you attempt to show respect towards all sentient beings?

What do you know about civility in relation to plants, animals, microbes and ecosystems?

What do you know about respect in relation to devotion?

How are you attempting to contribute to respectable political pluralism if not by maintaining reasonable moral universalism at the centre of the political spectrum?

If you are not doing so, why not?

What do you contribute to appropriate dialogues?



While income inequality is quantitatively inevitable in terms of wages, dividends, inheritances, interest accumulated on savings, and other expressions of luck, everyone is entitled to a living income if not a living wage

Yet everyone also has a right to live in safety, with the respect, care and support civility demands.

This is not a matter of politics.  It is a matter of justice.

You may be aware that civility is closely associated with empathy.

If you are an Australian voter and you want Australia's political system to reflect interpersonal respect, rather than bullying, greed and sleaze, how is that transformation likely to occur without suitably respectful, appropriately well-informed parliamentary candidates during elections?

What do you know about civility and respect in relation to finance?

Quite obviously, at least to reasonable persons, Australia's most highly renowned courtesy experts have a considerable amount of work to do, as usual, whether they are paid to do it or not. 

You may show respect for their work through your support for Civility Today.

Australians collectively, through their usual voting habits, undoubtedly demonstrate a noticeable lack of respect for civility. 

But why do Australians so regularly vote for rudeness?

How do you attempt to express respect for your possibly very brief access to Civility Today and other information resources in this digital vicinity?

What does respect for maturity, democracy and civility mean to you?

What does your dignity mean to you?

How dignified is your approach to maintaining standards of dignity, democracy and constitutionality if not through the advancement of civility?

Civility is only superficial if political accountability is ignored in the name of politeness, and so is democracy.
