
What do you know about politics in relation to influence?

What do you know about decisions and the consequences they influence?

How do you think about the influence of power and money

What do you know about the influence of systems?

One of the most reasonable approaches to security in the 21st century is to maintain a low profile while having significant societal influence.

Even so, reasonable approaches to security do not necessarily imply ethical expressions of societal influence.

How do you think about the influence of maturity and science?

What do you know about influence in relation to elections in any part of the world?

How do you think about privacy in relation to influence?

What do you know about publishing and broadcasting in relation to influence?

What, if anything, do you share with journalists in terms of information, culture and influence?

How do you measure accountability if not in terms of power, influence and authority? 

If you have the influence to change any national legal systems to provide better protection of psychologically traumatised persons, why have you not yet used that influence adequately?

Regardless of your citizenship status, anywhere at all, and regardless of your current geographical location, political power and/or social influence, how are you involved in maintaining standards and improving upon them?

How do you usually examine the topic of funding, particularly in relation to societal influence?

Perhaps your perception of Civility Today is influenced mainly by its visual presentation rather than its intellectual content. 

Or maybe your image of this publication is influenced by the reputation of its expert advisors.

What is your knowledge of this publication, and of civility, and how does that knowledge influence your perception of images, if at all?

If you already have experience in campaigning for the expansion of civility in any society, are you here to help the initiators of this online publication expand their societal influence as suitably, and quickly, as possible?

Are you sure you know the difference between influence and popularity, and profitability?

Influences on the alteration of consciousness are many and varied, including through the consumption of chemicals, media images, dogmas, prejudices and ideologies.

What do you know about the political influence in Australia of anti-democratic power brokers and self-serving lobby groups

What do you know about unjust political influences in other societies, and between societies?

What do you know about sexuality in relation to influence?

Sleaze takes many forms but there are particular, consistent patterns. 

What do you know about finance in relation to influence?

All excessive political power undermines democracy, with or without the influence of the Minerals Council of Australia, News Corp, the Institute of Public Affairs, the Pharmacy Guild of Australia, the Australian Banking Association and/or the Australian Council of Trade Unions.

What do you know about scandals in relation to influence?

In many countries, including Australia, influence peddling has often been viewed as an acceptable part of politics.

In much the same way, accepting dirty foreign money for election campaigns was, until relatively recently, quite legal in Australia.

All foreign money is dirty when used in political campaigns.

How do you tell the difference between a political campaign and an information service?

Perhaps you think public servants should not be permitted to gain positions of influence in political parties until at least a decade after they leave the public service.

Public servants have been considerable beneficiaries of public finance through their employment, and though any associated perks they have received at public expense.

How do you usually think about money in terms of power and influence, and why? 
