
How and where have you informed yourself about Adelaide?

How and where have you informed yourself about the Adelaidezone?

How do you interpret the words Adelaide and Adagia?

How, if at all, does your enlightened patronage support the Adelaide Adagia News Ensemble?

Very occasionally, references to particular articles in Civility Today are presented from a relatively exclusive table in Mr Twitter's Coffee House.

The unusual coffee house, and Frugality Cottage itself, are situated on the Social Media Quadrangle within the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter, as you may already be aware.

Suitability and civility are also essential conditions for quality volunteering in the view of the courtesy experts.

You may be aware that only appropriately registered patrons are permitted to attend special events in and around Frugality Cottage, and elsewhere in the Adelaidezone.

Those special events include educational workshops and creativity workshops, though please note that there are no shops associated with Frugality Cottage.

If you are registered as patron in Frugality Cottage, perhaps you have already attended one or more of the virtual workshops there. 

You may even have registered for ongoing training as a volunteer in and/or from the cottage.

If you are seeking direct or indirect employment associated with the Adelaidezone, please be aware that only Australian citizens residing in or near Adelaide will be eligible to apply for any upcoming vacancies, and only after they have completed the prerequisite formal and informal training.

Perhaps you have been supplying support to Adelaide and/or Adelaideans, whether for recompense or through volunteering, or even through the practice of political philanthropy.

The Adelaide Adagia courtesy experts are world leaders in their magnificent profession.  They do, of course, charge appropriately substantial fees for their highly valuable services.

That is primarily to ensure they attain and maintain enough surplus funds for the accurate practice of their associated philanthropy.

If you have a physical and/or emotional connection with Adelaide and/or other parts of South Australia, how have you been supporting, and possibly even providing, public interest journalism for the benefit of people in this part of the world?

What do you know about the Adelaide Adagia News Ensemble and its enlightened patrons?

Whether you currently regard yourself as a journalist or politician or business leader or charity organiser or academic researcher or otherwise, what do the words Adelaide and Adagia mean to you at present, and why?

The Adelaide public often perceives situations as respectable on the surface, with no awareness of the nastiness underneath, until the illusion is removed.

Perhaps you are an enlightened being seeking election or re-election to the Parliament of Australia or the Parliament of South Australia or a local council in Australia.

If so, who regards you as an enlightened being, and why?

And who does not regard you as being or becoming enlightened at all?

The management of all elections and election campaigns should be in the hands of enlightened beings, even if there are no suitably enlightened candidates to present to the public. 

If you are an Australian citizen, what are your current contributions to civility, with or without a suitable hashtag? 

What do you know about the structure and history of Standards Australia?

What do you know about the structure, history and standards associated with a democracy sausage?

What do you know about the recall of products of various sorts, and how have you acquired that information?

What do you know about the recall of parliaments?

What do you know about the recall of food products in Australia?

What do you know about the recall of therapeutic goods in Australia?

What do you know about the recall of other products in Australia

How do you usually find out about urgent recalls of products?

What do you know about product safety in Australia and other countries?

How safely are you supplying Australia and the world with a suitable standard of democracy?

The most polite word for most politics and politicians in Australia is not polite at all.  Unfortunately, the same applies to most journalism and journalists in Australia.

Even though Australia has codes of practice for various types of work, the Parliament of South Australia has been dithering over implementing an appropriate code of conduct for itself since 2004.  The political party of the current state government has been blocking the implementation of such a code ever since.

What do you know about people, problems and pursuits in Australia receiving much more public funding than they deserve?

What do you know about people, problems and pursuits in Australia receiving far less public funding than they deserve?

What do you know about people, problems and pursuits in Australia receiving much more private funding than they deserve?

What do you know about people, problems and pursuits in Australia receiving far less private funding than they deserve?

What should be the standards of conduct expected of all federal electoral candidates, whether they are successfully able to win seats in the Parliament of Australia or not?

What should be the standards of conduct expected of candidates for seats in state and territory parliaments and local council chambers?

If you are seeking to witness a political landslide in Australian federal politics quite soon, who do you believe should be the beneficiaries of it, and why, and how?

How would you prefer the culture of the House of Representatives to change, and why?

Who would you prefer to hold the most power in and through the Senate, and why?

From various points of view over recent centuries, Australian politics has not been known for its civility, and nor has Australian society.

If you vote in and from South Australia, what do you want that experience to achieve over the next twelve months, through you local council, through the state government, through the federal government, and internationally?

How have you acquired knowledge of Australia and/or civility, and where?

When politicians can easily dismantle legal provisions discouraging political corruption, even in South Australia, what does that say about their devotion to integrity and democracy?

What pressure did those politicians receive through News Crap and other bully pulpits to encourage more excessive reporting of alleged wrongdoing in sensationalist ways?

Such a horribly outdated and immensely cruel practice has long constituted freedom of the press to the News Crap minions and other journalese pursuers of injustice.  

Bullying is not a form of freedom.  It is a form of tyranny.

Alleged perpetrators of wrongdoing deserve privacy, as do alleged victims of wrongdoing.  Yet invasions of privacy, by journalists and politicians, have cruelly abused the public in Australia, and elsewhere, for many decades.

Yet the judiciary of Australia, like the legal profession more generally, and the accountancy profession, and the medical and surgical professions for that matter, have a tendency to protect their own interests at the expense of the public more often than not.

How do you measure the quality of democracy in, and on behalf of, Adelaide and other areas of South Australia?

What are you able to provide Australia at present, and why?

What is your awareness of the possibility of a political landslide at the next Australian federal election?

What do you know about the Civility Party of Australia?
