
Showing posts from February, 2022


You may be aware that harassment is a form of rudeness.  It is therefore a sign that civility is inadequate. In a purported democracy, such as Australia, why has the implementation of a suitable standard of civility for political representatives, in line with reasonable community expectations, in various locations, been so difficult to achieve ? What do you know about a culture of harassment, and why?  What do you know about the impossibility faced by many women when seeking to balance competing demands, such as a career, family care of the young and old, household management, sexual harassment and masculine arrogance, all while attempting to pay a mortgage or rent after a relationship breakdown?  What do you know about the politics and economics of harassment and other injustices?


If politics officially happened to be a sport, most of its players would be treated like drug cheats, once caught. Yet there are apparently no truly reasonable rules associated with winning elections in Australia, at any level of societal governance. And organisational governance, all over the world, often amounts to little more than bullying. Do you currently yearn to locate, and relocate to, a healthy community with a healthy culture in a healthy environment with a healthy system of governance and therefore good standards of health care? The wellness industry is often as dangerous as the pharmaceuticals industry and the political lobbying industry and the agrochemicals industry and the fossil fuels mafia.    How do you know when societies are being destroyed by inadequate governance?   How do you know when societies are being improved through good governance ?    The destruction of societies happens with weapons and diseases and greed and through the failure of governments,


While elitism is dangerous because it fails to address the needs of non-elites, populism is dangerous because it scapegoats intellectuals . Both elitism and populism are unaccountable towards appropriate expressions of democracy .  Australia is mostly known for a confusion and fusion of powers rather than the appropriate separation of powers . Social and political power usually becomes either excessive or inadequate unless it is appropriately shared. What do you know about virtual volunteering, especially in relation to moderation , elegant editing and the appropriate expression of freedom? Perhaps you associate simple living, suitable independence, intelligent frugality and appropriate civility with intentional living and/or anti-consumerism . How do you account for rudeness and indifference to suffering in various situations? Why do some people feel too afraid to express the truth about their own suffering? How do you identify appropriate expressions of empathy ? How appropria


How do you assess credentials in terms of civility?


 How do you usually think about civility in terms of veracity ?


When, if ever, have your needs been addressed through overly expensive, over-engineered products instead of simple, more affordable and immensely practical solutions? What do you believe to be practical approaches to providing support in various situations? What, if anything, is practical about the Australian constitution and other constitutions? How do you know you have an adequately practical approach to investing in ethics ? How practical is your approach to measuring and maintaining ethical, technical, epistemological and aesthetic standards , and how do you know? How practical is your approach to improving democracy, and tackling corruption along the way, and how do you know? What is your approach, in practice, to investing in thoughtful reciprocity ?  How do you distinguish between practical knowledge and theoretical knowledge? How do you attempt to identify practical ways to improve a culture ? Political practices can certainly be improved through sufficient time spent eac


Perhaps you have been investing in thoughtful discussions with suitable civility in order to gain a deeper appreciation of how people truly think and feel about problems and how to solve them.  But have you been doing so with adequate inclusion and adequate exclusion?  What does investing in a sense of belonging mean to you in various contexts, particularly within organisations, institutions, communities, neighbourhoods and nation states?  Inappropriate inclusion is often as problematic as inappropriate exclusion. Which problems have you identified but have chosen to disregard, and why have you not made an effort to solve those problems? Which methods do you use for selecting the problems to solve, and why? Most societies and governments are built on a foundation of aggression and deception rather than a culture of well-informed kindness.   Aggressive people associate kindness with weakness.   There is nothing weak about well-informed kindness. How have you been investing in the


If this is your first visit to Civility Today , welcome . What are your expectations here, particularly in terms of obligations? Civility must be carefully and consistently nurtured if it is to be adequately developed and maintained. What do you nurture and why? Nurturing is associated with caring.  It is associated with kindness.  It is not necessarily associated with knowledge. What is your acquaintance with symbiosis ? What is your acquaintance with human nature ? What is your acquaintance with the nature versus nurture debate? If you believe that politicians, political parties and their staff should be obliged to comply with something similar to a code of professional ethics , possibly supervised by a board of highly qualified, suitably experienced, independent commissioners, why do you have that belief? Perhaps you believe that such a code should oblige factual accuracy and appropriate provisions for privacy, including during election campaigns. How do you assess ethical obliga


What, if anything, is sacred about civility? When, if ever, is civility associated with sanctity?


When do you know that purported civility is no more than arrogant insincerity and there for condescension ? What have you been learning about civility and incivility over the past few years or decades?  What do you know about theological condescension ?


How much do you value civility in Australia and other places? How much do you value knowledge about civility and its expression? Civility is associated with investing in value in relationships, especially community relationships. How do you ascertain the value of any community in relation to the ethics of its members? What, if anything, do you value about history , including the history of communities?   What do you know about value investing ? How reasonably are you currently investing in civility and what value have you placed on those investments? What value do you place on the ability to reason well? How do your preferences reflect your values? How do you prefer to identify the interests, values, attitudes and talents people bring to a learning experience? How have your experiences of formal and informal education shaped your values? You may or may not regard the scientific assessment of value and values as an industry . How much are you willing to pay to have your value


How do you think about virtue in relation to time ? How do you think about virtue in relation to ethics ?  What are your thoughts in relation to virtue across time? How is your civility an expression of virtue?


How do you think about the therapeutic in relation to time ? How therapeutic is civility?


How have you assessed the usability of Civility Today ?


How, if at all, have you been investing in thoughtful reciprocity as a way to invest in life itself? How are you investing in life if not through investing in ethics and practicing moral principles with non-hypocritical consistency? 


How do you usually assess convenience , and in which contexts? When do you find it convenient to act with civility? When do you find it convenient to act otherwise?  How do you prevent yourself from mistaking convenience for quality? How do you know when inconvenience is a sign of incompetence and/or corruption?


Are you an enabler of knowledge or an enabler of unjust privilege? Are you sure you know yourself well enough to answer that question appropriately? How should the culture of legal privilege be transformed for the better, in your view? How should the culture of social privilege be transformed for the better, in your view? How should the culture of parliamentary privilege be transformed for the better, in your view? How do you usually assess privileges associated with the public sphere and/or public funds? How do you distinguish between a good geographical area in which to invest as a home environment and an unsuitable area?    Do you consider the ability to make such a choice to be an exceptional privilege most people will never enjoy?    How do you think about civility in terms of domestic situations, neighbourhoods, communities, workplaces and privileges?   What do you believe to be unjust privileges in relation to housing ?


Your access to this initial level of Civility Today has been made possible through the world's most respectable endowment fund .  If you are seeking access to one or more of the advanced levels of this publication, what are you willing to endow in order to gain the associated privileges?


How have you been investing in suitably clear boundaries to help you maintain your privacy and freedom ?  Perhaps you are seeking help to initiate a patronage arrangement in relation to this publication. If you have been peacefully investing in reasonableness over the past few years, who has helped you to do so, and how successful have your investments been? If you have been peacefully investing in ethics over the past few years, who has helped you to do so, and who has not? What are your current priorities regarding the following, and why?   Australia Landslide Constitution Standards Candidates Structure Power   Although civility often helps to reduce aggressive expressions of contempt , there is no guarantee that aggression will be reduced sufficiently through expressions of civility.  This is particularly the case when the cause of contemptuousness is self-evident. How do you assess helpfulness in terms of certainty and uncertainty? Are you sure you are ca


You may regard cruelty as the opposite of civility. Cruelty is always an urgent problem to solve. How do you know you are adequately empathic, adequately intelligent, adequately thoughtful and adequately willing to answer reasonable questions with civility? How does your leadership help you to prevent cruel practices?  If you are a good leader, you are likely to remind people that cruelty is NOT normal . How does your activism help you to prevent cruel practices? You may justifiably associate dog whistle politics with rudeness.  The aim of such politics is to feed upon fears for personal and/or political gain. Yet the mainstream culture of journalism tends to feeds upon fears, much like the cruel worlds of fake news , clickbait and public shaming , including online shaming . How do you attempt to assess public opinion and its sources? Far too many cruel people exploit gullibility for selfish reasons, such as making money and winning elections . How do you know when attempts at


Do you usually associate goodness with civility and maturity ? Do you regard goodness as glorious ? This news resource provides all the information you need now , especially if you follow the links appropriately. What is your acquaintance with good research ? What is your acquaintance with a good democracy ? What do you believe investing in good policy means in practice, especially in a purported democracy? What do you think investing in evidence means in terms of the public interest ?  What do you know about goodness in relation to the experience of disability ? How do you prefer investing in good relationships , and why do you take that approach? What do you believe to be the main features of a good community ? How has your upbringing, and your family history , affected your views about quality of life, simple living, good relationships, pleasant communities, civility, empathy and democracy?


How have you been assessing your accomplishments in relation to tasks ? What have you accomplished in relation to the environment ? How does your intellect reflect your accomplishments? The Civility Party of Australia continues to seek pleasantly accomplished candidates to represent it at various levels of government.


Are you a member of a power elite? Are you a member of an influential community group? Are you a member of a team with immense popularity ? Are you a member of a collective associated with activism and/or advocacy? What do you know about memberships in relation to conduct ? Perhaps you have explored the priority membership possibilities associated with the Civility Party of Australia.


How do you distinguish between private distress and public distress? What do you know about political distress? How do you assess the causes of distress? How do you attempt to alleviate distress? All quality journalism is associated with answering those four questions. Civility is associated with the prevention of distress. Where have you been investing in thoughtful discussions , and with whom, and for what purpose(s)?  Thoughtful discussions express civility beautifully and help to alleviate distress. What do you know about civility in terms of ethics, and in terms of community ? Do you think prisons, penal transportation , financial punishments, media coverage or societal civility provides the most effective way to deter crime? Preventing distress is often associated with the prevention of criminal activity. What has your social and historical research revealed to you about the relationship between freedom and certainty?  Perhaps you believe that freedom and certainty prevent dist


What do you regard as the most appropriate relationship between civility and reality? How do you nurture civility and reality, and do you do so equally? Reality must always be appropriately nurtured, as must civility, of course. Appropriate nurturing is informed by reality. Nature is reality for healthy societies. How do you usually think about nature and nurture in relation to reality and civility? What have been your responses when realising that there is no effective umpire associated with the political games played at all levels of government in Australia and elsewhere? How do you usually think about reality in relation to culture , and cultural expectations? What is reality to you, and why? How is it possible to moderate anything without knowing for certain what is real and what is not? What do you know about reality in terms of moderation ? Ownership may only be temporarily real, or not real at all. Physical items, including dwellings, may seem real, but are they really? Civil


How do you prevent yourself from unreasonably making people feel uncomfortable, if not through the consistent expression of civility ? How do you assess comfort and other needs ? Civility cannot coexist comfortably with injustice. There are many important matters to consider in relation to justice and injustice, especially when seeking to invest wisely, including the desire to vote wisely. Voting is one of the most important investments anyone can make, at least when eligible to do so. Giving an opinion, whether requested or not, may or may not involve the provision of advice . An opinion may or may not be an expression of knowledge.   Most purported advice is little more than a sales pitch.  It rarely provides adequately accurate information.   In a similar way, the food on offer commercially rarely has much in common with relatively healthy comfort food .   Mass produced meals are rarely adequately comforting or adequately nutritious, in much the same way that mass produce


Are you properly prepared for your upcoming duties in relation to the moderation of all excessive practices? What are your attitudes towards such matters? Investing time in a deeper understanding of civility would certainly be wise and possibly even brave. Civility cannot coexist with unreasonableness. How do your preparations help you to maintain reasonableness?  Are you appropriately reasonable as well as appropriately open to new experiences ? It is obviously difficult to maintain civility when stupidity, rudeness, selfishness, delusions and vanity are prevalent. How do you assess your choices and prepare your preferences when investing in freedom ? What have been your preparations towards investing in thoughtful discussions in the months ahead? How do you assess your thoughts and feelings when making preparations? If you have been required to conduct an examination of something or someone, or you have been reluctantly preparing for an examination of some sort, you may have p


What do you know about civility in terms of greatness? How much time do you devote each day to thinking about power and how it should be used for the greater good? A devotion to the greater good involves investing in ethics with adequate consistency over time. How do you think about your moral duties in relation to greatness and enlightenment?  Does your sense of duty towards civility and enlightenment provide you with great joy ?  What do you consider to be your greatest achievements, and why?  What form do your beliefs currently take, and why? How do you currently think about goals and greatness in relation to the environment ? If you do not currently have access to Civility Central , that is a great pity. If you wish to gain access to that great source of enlightenment, please prepare yourself properly for the long-term Access Assessment Process.