
You may regard cruelty as the opposite of civility.

Cruelty is always an urgent problem to solve.

How do you know you are adequately empathic, adequately intelligent, adequately thoughtful and adequately willing to answer reasonable questions with civility?

How does your leadership help you to prevent cruel practices? 

If you are a good leader, you are likely to remind people that cruelty is NOT normal.

How does your activism help you to prevent cruel practices?

You may justifiably associate dog whistle politics with rudeness.  The aim of such politics is to feed upon fears for personal and/or political gain.

Yet the mainstream culture of journalism tends to feeds upon fears, much like the cruel worlds of fake news, clickbait and public shaming, including online shaming.

How do you attempt to assess public opinion and its sources?

Far too many cruel people exploit gullibility for selfish reasons, such as making money and winning elections.

How do you know when attempts at creativity are cruel?

How do you distinguish between an unavoidable mistake and a conscious decision to be irresponsible and possibly even cruel? 

How does your sense of responsibility help you to prevent cruelty?
