
How do you prevent yourself from unreasonably making people feel uncomfortable, if not through the consistent expression of civility?

How do you assess comfort and other needs?

Civility cannot coexist comfortably with injustice.

There are many important matters to consider in relation to justice and injustice, especially when seeking to invest wisely, including the desire to vote wisely.

Voting is one of the most important investments anyone can make, at least when eligible to do so.

Giving an opinion, whether requested or not, may or may not involve the provision of advice.

An opinion may or may not be an expression of knowledge.  

Most purported advice is little more than a sales pitch.  It rarely provides adequately accurate information.  

In a similar way, the food on offer commercially rarely has much in common with relatively healthy comfort food.  

Mass produced meals are rarely adequately comforting or adequately nutritious, in much the same way that mass produced tourism is rarely adequately relaxing or even particularly pleasant.

Perhaps you are mostly interested in investing in appropriately high standards to ensure you feel comfortable, well-fed and relaxed.

How do you collaborate with the parts of yourself most comforting to you?

How do you seek to improve, or simply accept, the least comforting parts of yourself?

How do you separate yourself from whatever is not part of you?

How do you try to ensure you do not mistake the comforting for the trustworthy, in any circumstance?

Have you been thinking recently about the life experiences you associate with suitable independence and necessary comfort?

Perhaps you are bravely attempting to survive from day to day instead of thriving as you deserve to thrive.

Or perhaps you are keeping alive in comfort, without a care in the world.

We each have the same number of hours in each day we happen to survive.

But how do you prefer to use those hours, and why?

Perhaps you face each day mainly with courage rather than in comfort.

If civility makes you feel uncomfortable, why is that the case?

Perhaps you do not associate it with authentic living.

Perhaps, in your experiences of life, you have rarely encountered a comfortable feeling of civility.

What are the simple comforts you attempt to maintain in your life, and how realistically?

What are the simple comforts you tend to take for granted, and why?

What are the threats to your life, and your comfort, and why do they exist?

How sensibly do you associate hygiene with comfort, and how do you know?

Civility is an essential feature of truly simply, comfortable, authentic living.

What are the economic features of that way of life, and how, if at all, are they reflected in the political and economic reality you experience?
