
Showing posts from November, 2021


What have been your experiences of hubris this year, whether as a witness or perpetrator? What do you know about hubris in relation to landslide wins in elections? Hubris can never be defeated.  It can only be managed, sidelined, marginalised and condemned. If you are infected with hubris, how do you attempt to rid yourself of it? Much rudeness arises from hubris. Much delusion is expressed as hubris. Much aggression is expressed as hubris. Hubris is especially common when political parties with political power fail to separate their organisation appropriately from government organisations, and from other organisations.  It is a significant example of atrocious management. How do you identify management tools to help you overcome hubris in yourself and other people?


Have you been reading any books about civility and/or moderation this year? Have you written any books about civility and/or moderation this year? 


You may regard diplomacy as the international expression of civility. What have been your experiences of civility and rudeness in relation to international experiences, including international law?

Assessments - Part Four

Why do some people refuse to reassess a policy, even on the basis of evidence that the policy is causing considerable suffering? How do you usually assess policy situations in terms of civility and empathy ?  How do you usually assess policy situations in terms of civility and gender ? How do you usually assess your own activities and goals ? How do you usually assess other people's activities and goals? Perhaps you have been investing in social research to help you assess whether your goals are feasible. How do you usually conduct feasibility studies ? Perhaps you goals include investing in thorough assessments of possibilities . How do you usually identify and assess dangers and claims of safety ? How thoroughly do you assess the mental health of anyone, including yourself? Well-informed, intelligently kind approaches to quarantine are reasonable investments in health , wealth and wisdom.   How do you usually assess your skills in such matters?    

Assessments - Part Three

Most people are either sycophants or ill-mannered in other ways. Sycophants pretend to be polite, primarily for their own economic and/or political  and/or social advancement.  They are incompatible with trustworthiness. Perhaps you disagree with the assessment that most people are ill-mannered. Perhaps you have lower standards of courtesy than expected by the courtesy experts associated with Adelaide Adagia. How do you usually think about life in relation to compatibility ? Please think carefully about civility and compatibility when making assessments in relation to the following concepts:   Australia Landslide Constitution Standards Candidates Structure Power Money Maturity Nurture Knowledge Time Culture Democracy Campaigning Policies Moderation Duties Science Disability

Assessments - Part Two

Civility demands many assessments in the public interest. How have you been making those assessments this year? How do you assess political standards internationally? How do you assess political standards locally, especially when local politicians are reluctant to implement a suitable code of conduct for themselves? How do you assess political standards when politicians and their advisors at a national level continually prevent effective laws from being implemented to address their own corrupt practices? If you despair at the corruption, incompetence and indifference within and between organisations, you are certainly not alone. How do you assess feelings of despair in your own mind and other people's minds? Australian voters urgently require suitably courteous parliamentary candidates to be presented for the accurate assessment of voters. How do you assess whether corrupt political organisations are capable of providing such candidates? What is currently funding your lifest

Assessments - Part One

You have now had the chance to experience Civility Today each day for many months, free of charge, and free of the requirement to log in to access this experience. How did you assess political power in Australia in the middle of 2019 ? How do you assess political power in any society, at any time, and why do you take that approach? And whenever a political group experiences a landslide win at the ballot box, how do you respond? How have you developed standards of civility to inform your assessments of history and ongoing events? How do you make assessments in relation to money ? How do you usually assess and prevent potential conflicts of interest? How do you usually identify and address blatant conflicts of interest? How do you make assessments in relation to time ?


 How well do you express dignity in relation to civility ?


Civility is not compatible with predatory activities. How do you know you do not predate upon human vulnerabilities? Politicians will continue to ignore the structural causes of despair because they are beneficiaries of those structures.  They have no understanding of psychological trauma and its long-term consequences. They harvest information from and about sufferers for predatory purposes .  They are hunting for votes.  They do not care.  They are incapable of doing so.  They do not want to change the systems, or the corrupt culture associated with those systems . But who is truly investing in better communities ? And who is investing appropriately in good patronage ? Are you? If so, how are you attempting to thwart the nasty culture of corrupt political patronage in Australia, and elsewhere? What do you know about predatory cultural practices? Some people simply want to play games, possibly including predatory ones. Some people want to improve civility in the world but fail to l


How carefully do you identify emergency situations and attempt to address them with civility? And how do you respond when those situations are treated inappropriately?


You may associate aloofness with safety and/or arrogance more than civility. Yet cautious aloofness is always necessary when societal dangers have the potential to cause harm.


You may associate survival with struggles of various sorts, rather than the maintenance of civility. Perhaps you associate survival with the ability to overcome conflict , the courage to do so, and the healthy expression of sexuality and creativity .


How do you measure the acceptability of behaviour in terms of civility and rudeness? How do you define necessary standards of civility and integrity, and how do you respond when those standards are not met? If you regard yourself as one of the most courteous candidates for political office, whether for a state seat or a federal seat or a local government one, how do you intend to present yourself to the public, the media, and your political competitors, after reading Civility Today ? If you already know enough about money in Australia, you will be aware that it is mainly associated with rudeness. Australians with more than enough money are usually quite rude to persons in possession of little or none at all, and towards persons they perceive to be poorer than themselves. Much rudeness in Australia is associated with the Australian economy. Providers of knowledge are often treated rudely by persons who feel threatened by that essential service, not only in Australia but in every


How do you usually think about censorship in relation to civility?


How do you usually think about copyright in relation to civility? You are currently experiencing a copyrighted publication.


How have you explored the relationship between civility and civilisation?  Perhaps you associate civilisation with inauthentic living. Perhaps you even think civilised discussions are a luxury.  Yet civility itself involves investing in peacefully authentic living . Such a way of life requires the accurate assessment of compatibility and incompatibility, particularly in terms of value and values. Perhaps you associate courtesy with inauthentic social interactions. Perhaps you associate inauthentic behaviours with civility.  


How do you think about the meaning and expression of control in relation to civility and planning ? How do you distinguish between courteous and discourteous expressions of control? How do you prevent impulsiveness from being mistaken from well-planned, morally appropriate control of situations?


How do you reflect upon expressions of hypocrisy in relation to civility and democracy ?


If you have written poetry about civility, how have other people responded to it?


When catastrophes and other disasters and emergencies occur, how do you attempt to maintain civility? How does money affect your responses to distressing situations? How does your planning prevent distressing situations from arising?


Do you regard understanding as an expression of civility? If so, what do you understand about culture in relation to civility and incivility, and how do you know it? What do you nurture , and why? What do you understand about the law , and how? Are you sure you understand enough about the eternal laws of the Universe? Only unreasonable people ignore the laws of nature. Only unreasonable people are bullies. How do you attempt to prevent misunderstandings? None of the domineering political parties understand the public interest or the basis of good public policy or the reasonable purposes of public revenue and public expenditure. How does the science of civility inform your understanding of history, geography and ecology? How, if at all, is it possible to understand the science of civility without empathy? How do you usually invest your time, and why? How have you been investing in the continuity of well-informed, intelligent expressions of kindness over the past week, month, year


How do you usually think about policing in relation to civility and ethics ? How do you currently attempt to defend democracy against corrupt politicians, corrupt police, mobs of deluded citizens, organised and disorganised crime gangs, other opportunistic bullies, greedy media moguls, overly privileged cliques, intrusive tabloid journalists, rude photographers and dangerous foreign governments, especially if you currently regard yourself as a good police officer? What do you know about police corruption in Australia and other countries, even if you are not currently a police officer? Perhaps you regard investigative journalism as a job to do when police officers are apparently incapable of doing the job they are meant to do.  How do you define good policing? Politicians, bureaucrats, police officers, legal practitioners, members of royal households and members of royal families rarely follow the rule of law consistently well.  They do not even know the policies they are meant t


How do you usually think about the weather in relation to civility? In what sort of whether are you likely to respond appropriately to such a question? The long-term costs of extreme weather events will inevitably include many additional disasters to the ones already immensely evident.  How do you measure your net worth from one week to the next, or even one minute to the next, with or without a weather-related or pandemic-related or crime-related disaster in between?  How do you usually think about weather in relation to climate ?  Perhaps your image of yourself changes with your moods, and with your social interactions, your cultural experiences, and your health, and possibly even with the weather. Perhaps your image of yourself changes with feelings about how independent or dependent you happen to be. Perhaps your image of yourself is shaped by the news, entertainment and advertising you experience. Perhaps you have been investing in the very best mental health by moving away


To travel has always been a highly political. How do you usually think about travel in relation to civility? You may often associate travel with transport . You also also quite likely to associate travel with journeys. But do you usually associate travel, transport and journeys with morality? How do you usually think about civility in relation to morality ? If you are currently on a physical and/or psychological journey towards greater civility and greater morality, how do you know? What sort of research have you conducted in relation to travel, transport, morality and civility, and when, and why? How do you usually conduct yourself when you travel? How do you usually conduct yourself when you are not on a journey? How do you usually assess your own conduct ?  How do you usually assess the conduct of other people, whether they are in your home environment or elsewhere? You may associate travel with hospitality ? When have you acted as a host, and why? When have you been treated like a