
To travel has always been a highly political.

How do you usually think about travel in relation to civility?

You may often associate travel with transport.

You also also quite likely to associate travel with journeys.

But do you usually associate travel, transport and journeys with morality?

How do you usually think about civility in relation to morality?

If you are currently on a physical and/or psychological journey towards greater civility and greater morality, how do you know?

What sort of research have you conducted in relation to travel, transport, morality and civility, and when, and why?

How do you usually conduct yourself when you travel?

How do you usually conduct yourself when you are not on a journey?

How do you usually assess your own conduct

How do you usually assess the conduct of other people, whether they are in your home environment or elsewhere?

You may associate travel with hospitality?

When have you acted as a host, and why?

When have you been treated like a guest, and why?

When have you been treated like a nuisance, and why?

How do you distinguish between citizens, community members, prospective community members, potential customers, regular customers, mere tourists, marketing tools, possible nuisances and suitable research participants?

If you travel to and from a workplace quite regularly, or have done so in the past on many occasions, how have you reflected upon that experience?

What do you know about travel in relation to greed and destruction?

What do you know about travel in relation to political influence?

Perhaps you have usually travelled to locate opportunities and overcome difficulties.

Perhaps you quite often travel to participate in supply chains and/or other services.

Travel is often a time-consuming activity.  It is quite unproductive.  It may even use a considerable amount of energy.  It often causes a considerable amount of pollution, directly and indirectly.

Civility Today is mainly produced from a cloud above the Adelaidezone Digital Political Diamond.

Ordinary members of the public never have direct access to that location.

Are you in Australia now

If so, what is your citizenship?

Wherever you may be in the world, and regardless of your citizenship status in any part of the world, and even your possible lack of any such status, perhaps you are seeking ethereal citizenship status within the highly civilised, entirely virtual Adelaidezone.

If so, please show your entitlement to such a privilege very soon.

How do you usually experience digital journeys?

How do you usually experience ethereal adventures?

Frugality Cottage is never associated with the promotion of unnecessary purchases or any other aspects of consumerism.

Even so, virtual tourists often visit the cottage in search of special experiences and even a few souvenirs

The highly experienced Adelaide Adagia courtesy experts have been examining political problems, all over the world, from many different locations, for a considerable time now. 

They have noticed that when civilised approaches to politics and journalism are developed and expressed, even in Australia, very few influential members of the ordinary public are adequately supportive of those approaches, or the associated processes.

That has been a traumatic finding for everyone devoted to providing quality journalism through this publication, and through other quality publications in this digital vicinity.

Additionally, the ordinary public, including the non-influential members, do not express peaceful initiative and quality initiatives to a satisfactory extent, particularly in political and philanthropic terms.

When you travel, perhaps you maintain a dedicated daily diary, a journey journal of some sort, or even a log book.

Perhaps at least a few of your travel experiences have been published in an academic journal or in a guide book or as travel-related journalism or as travel-related marketing or as a contribution to a trade journal associated with transport and/or tourism and/or hospitality and/or civil engineering.

Perhaps you have documented your international and/or domestic experiences of travel restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Perhaps you have documented your experiences of civility and incivility in various parts of the world, at least from your own emotional and/or economic point of view.

The courtesy experts associated with Adelaide Adagia have long encouraged authentic and authenticated competence in the art and science of civility.

Suitable civility should, in their view, always be an essential condition of employment.

If your current employment and/or income and/or expenditure involves many hours of travel in a typical week, why is that the case?

The courtesy experts have sought to educate all sorts of people in the competent expression of civility.  That is especially the case regarding interpersonal pursuits, including economic pursuits, romantic pursuits, and political ones.

You may be aware that unscrupulous advertisers tend to regard a mass market as relatively young, even though the relatively young are relatively poor and relatively gullible.  

Indoctrinating gullible people into spending money begins long before they have the money to spend.  The gullible often pressure other people to provide the money, whether those people are parents, grandparents, purported friends, potential employers, or the employees of financial institutions. 

When the pursuit of money becomes an obsession, all sorts of problems can arise, particularly problems relating to travel, transport and incivility.

What do you know about police pursuits of reckless road users?

What do you know about wrecked vehicles and wrecked lives?

What do you know about the laundering of money directly and/or indirectly through travel experiences? 

What do you know about travel and transport in relation to the buying and selling of dangerous goods and dangerous services? 

What have you been reporting about travel and transport recently, and how, and why, and where, and for whom?

What do you know about smuggling?

Perhaps you mostly associate your travel experiences with snuggling and/or struggling.

How do you prefer to convey information about the needs of people, plants and animals, and to whom?

How do you prefer to contribute to the improvement of complaints processes?

Perhaps you regard such improvements as unnecessary.

Perhaps you regard complaints as distractions.

Perhaps you regard the act of complaining to be perpetrated exclusively by nuisances.

Civility Today is a relatively serious daily news service, as you may have noticed.  

Perhaps you do not appreciate the current opportunity offered to you to read it, distribute it, and contribute to its continuation.



If you believe the Social Media Quadrangle within the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter is a magnificent location in and from which to experience enlightenment, how did you acquire such discernment?

From where do you usually supply quality reporting, and to whom?

To whom do you attempt to provide guidance away from gullibility, and how?

Who have you most recently guided away from the dark web and the black market and other dangerous locations? 

Many parts of the Adelaidezone are in the deep web.  None are in the dark web.

How do you think about money in relation to time and civility and travel, and why?

Perhaps you spend most of your time thinking about money, even if you have very little of it either to spend or invest.

How, then, are you likely to find the time for investing in better communities?

You may be aware that tabloid journalism feeds off gullibility for profit.  It provides infotainment excessively emotively on topics likely to attract the attention of the gullible.  Such topics include sex, crime, celebrity, fashion, sport, money, melodrama, scandals, tragedies and disasters.

Civility implies a devotion to truth, integrity and courtesy.

How do you attempt to discover the truth about various aspects of arms trafficking, people smuggling, human trafficking, drug trafficking, cigarette smuggling, adventure travel, extreme sports, national and international sports governing bodies, various concert tours, illegal fireworks, the illegal parts of the antiquities trade and art market, environmental crimes, parachute journalism, military tours of duty, national and international military exercises, space exploration, the ownership of hotel chains, the politics of civil engineering and mining engineering, the extent of global corruption, especially political corruption, various other abuses, the causes and consequences of poverty and vulnerability, and the ownership of mansions, luxury cars, luxury apartments, private jets and superyachts?

How does your experience of the world compare with the experiences of other people with whom you have a relationship of some sort?

What have been your personal experiences of poverty, and how did you acquire them?

What have been your personal experiences of luxury goods, and how did you acquire those experiences and the goods, and where?

Governments, academia and the mass media have failed to prevent widespread societal suffering, anywhere in the world.

How reasonably do you assess needs and news?

What is your acquaintance with Civility World, and when did you first gain that acquaintance?

What is your acquaintance with Civility Today, and what have you been doing with the information you have already acquired here?

How do you prefer to observe local events?

How do you prefer to be informed about world events?

What do you know about diplomacy and travel advisories?

How has the weather affected your travel plans on various occasions? 

How have various interruptions, delays, accidents, postponements, confusions and crimes affected your travel plans on various occasions?

Perhaps you prefer to travel without a plan, and possibly even regardless of public transport timetables, especially if you have private transport and easy access to all the fuel, food and accommodation you could possibly require along the way.

Perhaps you have often had the money and desire to travel but a tendency to procrastinate.

Perhaps you prefer regular trips on cruise ships and/or several long-haul flights each year.

Or perhaps you have an interest in studying behaviour associated with travel.

Perhaps you mostly travel in an attempt to impress people, whether those people are friends, family members, colleagues, employees, students, neighbours, people you admire and/or people you despise.

What do you know about local travel and distant travel in relation to conspicuous consumption?

Perhaps you enjoy attending national and/or international conferences mainly to impress people.

Perhaps you travel as a way to be treated like royalty, or as you imagine royalty to be treated.

Perhaps you mostly travel with a desire to meet royalty, either immediately or at a later time.

What have you discovered about the climate impact of travel, and how?

How have you informed yourself about tourism, including science tourism?

What do you know about recreational travel and student travel and business travel and political travel? 

What do you already know about the environmental effects of aviation?

Perhaps you regard yourself as a global nomad or as another type of nomad.

Perhaps you travel in search of an oceanic feeling, whether on an ocean or elsewhere.

Perhaps you travel for business as a way to reduce company tax and/or personal tax.

Perhaps you prefer working from resorts and resort hotels in various parts of the world, depending on the season, rather than from home or an office tower.

Perhaps you once could afford to live and work in many places but can now only afford to stay in the cheapest hostels.

Perhaps you now live in and/or work from a hôtel particulier.

Perhaps your work in a luxury hotel but can only afford to live in cheap accommodation in a relatively dangerous area.

Perhaps you work and travel as a photojournalist.

Perhaps you travel to follow in the footsteps of famous travellers and/or famous travel writers and/or famous people more generally.

How do you assess the quality of descriptions, particularly in relation to problematic situations?

How do you assess the analysis of events, problems, plans and possibilities?

How do you assess freedom and its value?

How do you assess preferences?

How do you assess the quality of communications in terms of civility, accuracy, timeliness, relevance and sensitivity? 

The courtesy experts associated with Adelaide Adagia are highly experienced in the art and science of courteous travel and courteous hospitality.  Indeed, they are providing considerable hospitality to you now, as you may have noticed.

How do you usually express respect, particularly when treated as a guest?

What do you know about the ways in which virtual tourists are treated in and around the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter?

How do you usually attempt to acquire expertise on the topic of courtesy

The people most in need of the professional services provided by the Adelaide Adagia courtesy experts have the required money to pay for those services but they do not care about civility.  They mostly care about luxury.

You may be aware that differences within and between social classes have long been believed to influence attitudes to politics, all over the world. 

Yet the Adelaide Adagia courtesy experts have discovered that political beliefs and practices are primarily associated with prior experiences of psychological trauma and/or social privilege.

What do you know about travel in relation to psychological trauma and social privilege?

When, if ever, have you been required to escape from a situation for your own safety?

When, if ever, have you had the opportunity to escape from an unpleasant situation momentarily in order to face with more psychological resilience?

What have been your experiences of rest, recreation and recovery?

When have such experiences required you to travel and when have they required you to stay home?

Perhaps you have made at least one journey in search of a new home, whether recently or in previous years.  You may have done so either because you lost a home for one reason or another, or never had a proper home, or could no longer afford to live in your home environment, or the location became too dangerous for you, or you sought to expand your property portfolio.

How have you acquired knowledge of civility and incivility, and where?

Perhaps you read luxury magazines mainly for information on how to launder money and/or avoid paying tax and/or to imagine yourself upholding particular rules of etiquette for reasons of self-aggrandisement.

Perhaps you think of the past and present mainly as an annual cycle or a monthly cycle or a weekly cycle or a daily cycle or a parliamentary cycle rather than as a longer time, particularly one longer than a decade.

Perhaps you prefer to travel by bicycle or tricycle. 

Perhaps you have never made a journey into the EverTime.

Your access to Civility Today implies you have acquired access to the ethereal entrance and virtual library of Frugality Cottage. 

There are no laundry facilities associated with the cottage. 

Frugality Cottage is not currently used as a residence or restaurant or holiday accommodation but as a non-tangible investment house. 

There are many non-tangible assets associated with Frugality Cottage.

Perhaps you regard memories of your travels as non-tangible assets, whether you have documented those memories accurately or not.

But what does it mean to document travels accurately?

Perhaps you watch and/or make travel-related YouTube videos.

But do you also watch and/or make videos and/or compile news reports and/or educational documents about energy subsidies?

How do you compare fossil fuel subsidies with food subsidies and housing subsidies and water subsidies and education subsidies and health subsidies?

What is your acquaintance with corporate welfare and crony capitalism?

The Adelaide Adagia courtesy experts know that power and influence can only be understood through the complicated, entangled intersections of various societal systems.

How do your assessments and narratives interpret those intersections and systems, and for what reasons?

What do you know about travel in relation to trade, and the promotion of trade?

How carefully have you assessed the meaning of success in relation to your plans, including your travel plans?

Perhaps you mostly assess success in relation to freedom.

Yet people often have very strange ideas about freedom.  They mostly associate it with acquiring money and/or experiencing leisure-related travel and/or owning buildings and/or running businesses and/or giving opinions and/or promoting themselves and/or various products.

Perhaps you have been investing in freedom in relation to the concept of time.

If your investigations involve physical travel, why is that travel necessary?
What do you know about secret tunnels

What do you know about disruptive diseases
What do you know about organised crime perpetrated through apparently reputable organisations?
What do you know about transnational crimes?
What do you know about state crime and cyberwarfare?
What have been your experiences of investing in amazingly successful planning?

How carefully are you investing in enlightened productivity at present, and how do you know?

How have you been reflecting upon your ethics in relation to your travels?

What is your current investment strategy and how does it relate to travels, transport and your ethics?

How do you assess journeys in terms of justice?

You may already know that the Adelaidezone has much in common with a lost world rediscovered.  Parts of it may seem to you like subterranean fiction or even underground art, at least if you have a chance to travel in style to the semi-secret cave palace under Mount Lofty.
The palace was initially meant to be a monastic complex but, as is often the case when the sacred becomes more secular, or is abandoned, greed was the cause of its subsequent develoment.
No-one entirely devoted to the sacred would live in a palace.
The initial builders of the complex unexpectedly found gold soon after beginning their diggings, in 1948.  They soon abandoned their sacred mission and instead fought each other for ownership of that highly sought-after economic resource.  
The winner became the head of an international criminal network in the 1950s.  
The losers were buried under the floor of the Chapel of Sacred Poverty, the only part of the complex partly completed to the original design.
By the mid 1960s, the underground palace was highly luxurious.  It was then suddenly and mysteriously abandoned, sometime between 1967 and 1969.

But how do you separate fact and fiction in relation to such matters, especially if you do not have access to the truth?

According to international law, there are no truly international governance bodies. 

Any international organisation with governance credentials only achieves that status though the mutual agreement of various temporary and/or semi-permanent, diplomatically-recognised, national governments.

Perhaps you mainly associate travel with the experience of appreciation.

What have you ever appreciated about national leadership, especially in relation to any citizenship(s) you may possess?

What have you ever appreciated about local leadership and international leadership?

What sort of leader are you, whether in political terms or in other ways?  

Perhaps you have had some experience as a virtual and/or physical tour guide.

How do you prefer to explore history?

Perhaps your travels have made you more aware of history, and the arts, and of various environments and climates, and living conditions.

Perhaps you are most aware of your citizenship status when experiencing life in a place where you do not have citizenship.

What is your acquaintance with the Abbey of Needle's Eye and the College of Needle's Eye?  

Perhaps you have already completed a Twaklinoviate through one or both of those extraordinary quaternary training venues.

Perhaps you have been a guest at Castle Zinziere in Nilkawt on one or more occasions.

Perhaps you have even been a guest of the Nilkawtians at the cave palace under Mount Lofty.

Perhaps you have been a regular participant in a Twaklinesque decorum forum in one part of the Universe or another.

Perhaps you know something about Dadadian separatist movements, and Australian ones.

How do you usually think about health, hygiene and safety in relation to travels?

How have you reflected upon the meaning of maturity in relation to travel experiences?

You may have noticed that the invisible mat in front of the invisible door to Frugality Cottage has the word 'home' on it.

The word 'home' itself is not invisible, of course.

Have you read the notice on the door?

Although the notice is not invisible it is often, apparently, ignored by tourists, journalists and other visitors.

Perhaps you merely regard yourself as one of the many virtual tourists flowing through Frugality Cottage at present, en route to somewhere else, or nowhere in particular.

Tourists often stare in bewilderment when experiencing locations they regard as special or otherwise important, just as they do when experiencing something or somewhere or someone merely unusual. 

Yet, when asked about the reasons for a place, or person, being special and/or important to them personally, the reasons given are usually superficial.

Perhaps you have attempted to meet famous people for the same reasons tourists seek to visit famous places.  

What is your awareness of local history in various parts of the world?

Perhaps you mainly regard local history from the point of view of tourists and/or ghosts.

How do you usually attempt to act in the public interest, wherever you happen to be?

Are you quite well aware of the ignorance of most tourists

Are you quite well aware of the ignorance of most journalists?

Are you quite well aware of the limits of your knowledge regarding the good management of appropriate investments?

Perhaps you prepare for studies and tours through introductory texts, such as encyclopaedias, dictionaries, phrase books and instruction manuals.

How do you attempt to use unfamiliar pieces of technology if not with a little helpful guidance?

How do you attempt to learn new skills?

How do you attempt to identify and develop your talents?

How do you attempt to assess the ethical aspects your personal and professional interests and ambitions?

What is your preferred approach to investing in useful studies, and why, particularly if those studies may require you to travel?
