
Perhaps you sometimes mistake civility for sentimentality, and/or vice versa.

What are your thoughts about civility and democracy?

What are your feelings about civility and democracy?

When do you know you urgently require a particular form of advice?

Expressing a sentiment is often mistaken for the provision of advice.

What are your current thoughts and feelings about royalty, and why?

How do you usually examine interpretations of words, sentiments and situations?

Perhaps you are a sentimental sort of person.

If so, you probably much prefer expressing your feelings than your thought, or even your knowledge of facts.

You are likely to spend much of your time daydreaming.

Regardless of whether you are a sentimental dreamer or another type of person, how do you usually think about such concepts as emotions, feelings, opinions and sentiments?

And how do you feel about those concepts?

How do you prefer to communicate your thoughts and feelings, and to whom, and for what purpose?

What is your acquaintance with quality editing?

Perhaps you have a preference for sentimentalism and/or sensationalism.

How do you prefer news to be presented to you, and why, and when?

What sort of news do you prefer to receive, and why?

Perhaps your view of the future is associated with sentimentality.

Perhaps your view of the past is associated with sentimentality.

How have you been thinking about, and feeling about, moral truths recently, with or without thinking and feeling about royalty very much at all?

Perhaps you express ethical intuition and/or moral sense when attempting to convey your sentiments.

How do you attempt to ascertain the sentiments within a group or society, particularly in terms of collective sentiments?

How do you know when sentiments are quite sensible?

How do you know when sentiments are quite silly?

You may be aware that people without much of an inner life are frequently bored by, and with, their own thoughts.  They often seek to escape from their own emotions too, through various diversions and distractions. 

Such people tend to speak without first thinking about what to say.  They do not appreciate quietness.  They do not really appreciate nature, either. They may or may not spend much time daydreaming.

Perhaps you regard appreciation as a sentiment.

Too many narcissists unreasonably procreate and waste and cause competitive hate and greed and ambition amongst themselves.  They also encourage unreasonable conflicts in societies more widely. 

Perhaps you disagree, at least partly, with that sentiment.

Friendship and patronage have much in common in terms of mutual benefit but they are obviously not the same experience.  

What are your sentiments in relation to friendship?

What are your sentiments in relation to patronage?

Violence is always an expression of unkindness.

What are your sentiments in relation to violence and other forms of unkindness?

If you desire to take other people's children away from their own communities and family relationships, for your own sentimental or otherwise selfish reasons, you are cruel.

Please check the facts before imposing your own ideas of goodness on anyone else. 

Perhaps you are not yet aware that cruelty and real philanthropy are incompatible.

What do you regard real philanthropy to be?

What are your sentiments in relation to philanthropy?

Perhaps you have a sentimental way of thinking about, and feeling about, a home environment.

How and where, if at all, are you investing in better communities than the ones in which most people apparently live and/or work?

Do you usually associate kindness with compassionate finesse and graciousness and/or the cheerful provision of private hospitality and/or the sensitive presentation of news? 

What, if any, is your current, preferred approach to investing in civility, and where are you doing so? 

How are you investing in preventing yourself from being exploited, especially as you may soon be at your most vulnerable? 

How do you try to invest in good advice?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to have considerable influence in that world by acting in good faith, with or without investing money.  Too many people are acting in bad faith for their own benefit.

Everyone has a duty to act in good faith.

Yet the sentimental provision of donations and other 'gifts' is not necessarily beneficial to anyone.

That is why there are no 'donate' buttons anywhere within the Adelaidezone, as you may have noticed.

How, if at all, are you investing in the Adelaidezone?

How loyal are you to civility, democracy, enlightenment and truth, and where?

Perhaps you usually associate loyalty with sentimentality. 

How have you been investing in the exploration of your own intellect, and that of other persons, over the past few years, and why did you decide to take that route?

Perhaps you have not really been conducting intellectual explorations at all, or at least none of any substance.

What do you know about sharing information and emotions appropriately

Intellect is mean to be an expression of appropriateness.

How intelligently have you been investing in magnificent maturity, and where is your evidence?

It is impossible to invest reasonably in unreasonable people.

It is impossible to invest reasonably in places unreasonably fit for intelligently frugal living.
What have been your contributions to investing in an intelligently kind culture?
Many unkind individuals are excessively sentimental, superficially pleasant and tediously devoted to persuading other people to share their tastes, beliefs and opinions.

Peace is always associate with civility.

Good investments are always associated with good research.

Authenticity is always associated with emotional honesty and impeccable integrity.

What are your sentiments towards investing in fruitful editing?

How do you know you have a sensible approach to hygiene in all its literal and figurative forms?

Perhaps you are obsessed with cleanliness, particularly if someone else does the cleaning.

Perhaps you are in denial about your obsessive-compulsive behaviours.

Perhaps you are in denial about your unreasonable demands.

Perhaps you are disgusted by other people's habits.

Realistically accepting negative emotions in ourselves and other people supports mental health.

How do you compare equanimity with sentimentality and sentimentalism?

For several months now, you have had unrestricted access to this immensely important, relatively new, entirely online publication.

Considerable dedication has been required on the part of the contributors in order to supply the various levels of this daily news service.

What have you been discovering about yourself through Civility Today?

You are currently experiencing the public, introductory level of this news publication.  The higher levels are community levels.  The lower levels are private.  

You may have been developing at least one of the lower levels yourself, through your private journal writing, and through your various, communal and public pursuits.

How can you prove you are entirely dedicated to contributing to the creativity and civility associated with Frugality Cottage?


Without virtual access to the intangible cottage, you would probably never have gained access to Civility Today, or to any of the other immensely valuable informational, educational and artistic resources in this digital vicinity.

Civility and dedication are obviously associated strongly with peace and freedom.

How can you prove you are entirely dedicated to investing your time wisely, through peace and freedom?

Are you sure you are investing in thoughtful discussions adequately peacefully, adequately freely and adequately wisely?

If so, how do you interpret emotions, and words, and gestures, and intentions?

Perhaps you associate civility with interpersonal attraction even more than empathy.

Perhaps you associate interpersonal attraction with strong, positive emotions and/or disconcerting ones.

How does your view of sentiment relate to your experiences of emotion?

What do you prefer to nurture, and why, and how?

How much time do you devote each day to the careful assessment of sentiments, and needs?

How much time do you devote each week towards investing in political kindness?

How do your sentiments reflect your ethics?

What are your sentiments towards animals?

What are your sentiments in relation to law and justice and politics and popularity and creativity?

How are your preferences a reflection of your sentiments?

What are your sentiments with regards to housing?

You have been invited to make contributions towards Civility Today in several ways:



You have also been invited to participate in self-directed training in relation to this publication:



You have been invited to think carefully about vulnerability and the necessity for civility in relation to it.

What do you know about vulnerability in relation to climatological knowledge?

Perhaps you are currently experiencing anguish.

Perhaps you are currently seeking greater independence?

Perhaps you are currently obsessed with your sexuality.

Perhaps you are currently seeking to learn more about scandals

A gang mentality arises whenever people are incapable of thinking for themselves appropriately.
Such people are not interested in identifying and assessing evidence.  They act on the basis of stupidly dangerous impulses.  Their emotions turn them into monsters, temporarily or permanently.  They do not really value anything or anyone.  They cannot assess anything philosophically at all.
Perhaps you are scandalously ignorant of political reality.
When gangs with political power falsely claim they will strive to reach net zero carbon emissions in thirty years, they are really saying they intend to keep the global temperature rising until then.  They disregard the trustworthy scientific evidence already available.  They ignore responsible ways to acknowledge dangers.  They are not interested in averting disasters.
Such political gang members are not only untrustworthy but complicit in the destruction of life on Earth.  They have already shown they do not even have suitable policies in place to prevent or contain pandemics.  They would rather allow greed and viruses to flourish as long as the people with surplus wealth can still be protected.
How do you know you have a suitably informed philosophy with which to address such problems?
Inside and outside various governments, rudeness has long been an epidemic in most societies.

Bias has long been a pandemic.

Civility does not tolerate rudeness.  Nor does it tolerate bias. 
It does tolerate a healthy democracy.
Such a democracy does not exist in Australia at present, or anywhere else for that matter.
What are your sentiments regarding the health of democracies, and the absence of healthy democracies?

Politics tends to represent biased expressions of power, not accurate knowledge.

What, then, can be done to transform politics everywhere for the better?

When abusive political practices are reported in the media, the media is blamed by abusive politicians for reporting upon the abuse. 
In quality democracies, the news media is meant to report accurately on facts and sentiments.

When abusive media practices occur, those abuses are usually ignored by government politicians if the abuses are in accordance with the biases of government members.
How have you been attempting to improve your contributions to quality journalism?
Guidance on doing so has already been supplied through Civility Today:

Journalism - Part One

Journalism - Part Two

Journalism is meant to provide clarity.

But how should journalists, and citizens, respond to political ambiguity?

How do you usually attempt to acquire discernment, and where? 

Perhaps you usually associate discernment with morality, good taste, discretion and/or royalty.

What have you discovered about various forms of gatekeeping, and how?

You may be an arbiter of taste, a filterer of messages, an editor, an assistant, and/or a person who knows the boundaries between the acceptable and the unacceptable in terms of ethics.

You may be a sensible censor.  You may be a protocol officer.  You may be an expert on ceremonies.  You may be a mediator.  You may be a translator.  You may be a security officer.

What has science, particularly social science, revealed to you about the filtering of information, the refinement of ideas and the distilling of theories?

When is openness necessary?

When is exclusivity necessary?

What is your usual approach to the gathering of news?

How artistically or otherwise do you prefer to present the news you gather?

To whom do you prefer to present the news, and why?

How do you usually acquire access to quality news of relevance to you?

How have you informed yourself about the local and global aspects of the courteous acquisition of news?

What is your acquaintance with suitable moderation and quality democracies?

How and where are you usually involved in the thoughtful distribution of quality news and/or quality satire and/or quality science and/or quality history?

Perhaps you prefer satirical sentiments rather than other varieties.

Where and how do you seek out special experience and mementos of those experiences?

Perhaps you often seek out souvenirs and other mementos and merchandise, possibly for sentimental purposes.

How do you usually assess cultures, and where?

What is good patronage, in your view, and how does it relate to civility, and frugality, and good work, and the improvement of societies, and the improvement of the world?

Do you consider yourself to be a patron of well-informed kindness?

Do you consider yourself to be a patron of well-informed investing?

Have you taken the opportunity to learn about quality opportunities?

What are your usual financial and moral contributions towards improving and/or maintaining adequate standards of justice, mental health, physical health, privacy and civility?

How, for example, do you support the work of Civility Central?

Civility Today is a pilot project conducted on behalf of Civility Central.

All genuine courtesy experts devote most of their attention to local concerns, particularly in terms of etiquette.

You may have attended local, national and/or international etiquette classes, possibly to help you pretend you are of a higher social class and/or a higher socioeconomic status and/or that you originate from a different cultural background than the one you acquired at birth.

But what do you know about etiquette in terms of sentiments and governments?

You may have attended protocol tutorials, for a wide range of reasons.

Do you believe you have duty to support reasonableness and honesty in any way possible? 

How appropriately are you interacting with Civility Today now, and how do you know?

Civility is all about appropriateness.
