
If you currently have access to Civility Central, you will know that the first three topics covered in the introductory course there are as follows:

1. Controversy

2. Privacy

3. Climatology

Why do you think those subjects have been given priority by the assessors?

While civility is associated with the avoidance of controversy, through respect for privacy and climatology, climate politics is a highly controversial subject.

For most people in the world, politics is either a zero-sum game or a cause of considerable loss. 

A net zero carbon policy does nothing to reduce the level of carbon already in the atmosphere.  

A net zero approach to politics improves nothing.

Civility is always a good investment.

Good investments are never gambles.  They are based on good evidence.
What are your ongoing contributions to climate civility?
What have been your completed, project-based contributions?

To whom have you delegated responsibilities recently, particularly in terms of climate politics and climate policy?

Greenhouse gas emissions are still rising

The scientific facts do not require an idealistic sentiment.  They require urgent, effective, equitable action, particularly towards reducing and eliminating the use of coal in electricity generation.

Yet the environment also includes the political environment.
What have you been learning from recent history?
What do you already know about the experience of relentless heat of one sort or another?
What have been your experiences of heatwaves, and how often? 

What have been your personal experiences of hyperthermia and hypothermia?

What have been your personal experiences of extreme weather events and their economic consequences?
Civility is associated with the expression of well-informed kindness.  That does not necessarily imply that any display of civility is appropriately appreciated or even respected.
How, then, do you define climate civility at present, and why?
What has been your average carbon footprint on an annual basis since the time of your birth, and how do you know?

Perhaps you outsource quite a few measurement services.

How do you know whether or not to trust someone else's measures?

How do you measure civility?

Campaigning for civility, or carbon neutrality, or climatological sensibility, may be conducted as an individual effort. 

Even so, its effectiveness can often be much improved through communal work.

Yet effective communal work, even more so than individual work, requires proper training.

Are you currently part of a civility circle?

Perhaps you have been part of a virtual sewing circle or online knitting club, and possibly even a revolutionary one of one sort or another

What do you believe to be the most suitable ethical code for civility campaigning, with or without revolutionary influences and/or a reformist agenda?
The Civility Embroidery Circle, like the Civility Journalism Circle, has a long-term quest.
Perhaps you feel intimidated by apparent displays of knowledge and nobility, and by your apparent ignorance. 

Arrogant individuals prefer to experience deference towards themselves.  They express contempt towards most other people.

That is why arrogant individuals expect to be paid higher than necessary salaries and/or fees.

What are your questions in relation to various quests?

How do you attempt to understand the purpose of various climate quests?

What is the structure of your reasoning when answering important questions, including those associated with structure

There are still people who believe that any strictures of their acquisitions of wealth are unjust.

Such people usually fail to distinguish clearly enough between wealth, income, profit, responsibility and sustainability.

You may or may not have the money to pay for the expertise you require.

You may not even have the knowledge with which to inform yourself of the availability of appropriate expertise and the costs involved in acquiring it.

You may or may not be aware of whether information available for a substantial fee from one sources is available elsewhere either free of charge or for a reasonably affordable cost.

You may or may not be aware of all your possible options when choosing between the providers of a particular service, particularly one you urgently require.

You may or may not even be aware of whether a service you have already experienced has been substandard and possibly even in breach of one or more laws.

How do you usually assess the services supplied by governments, businesses and other organisations?

What sort of training have you received to help you improve your assessments or services and organisations, and where?



How are you supporting, and possibly even providing, public interest journalism for the benefit of people elsewhere?

What have been your contributions to various projects, campaigns and protests?

What have been your experiences of campaigning against rudeness?

What have been your experiences of campaigning for civility?

Perhaps you enjoy expressing gratitude by paying appropriately for quality services. 

But how do you define any service in terms of quality?

How do you assess your own services, whether you are paid to provide them or not?

You may provide philanthropic services from time to time.

Or you may merely act begrudgingly through a sense of obligation, through social pressures and/or financial pressure.

Most people in need of highly valuable services, of any sort, do not have the money to pay the true cost.
How much or little have you paid to access Civility Today, and why?

What do you wish to know now, and why?

If you are willing to answer these questions politely, so much the better.

Perhaps you wish to know where to show some honestly-acquired money in order to place it in the service of climate civility and/or public interest journalism.

How do you usually assess your social activism, political activism, economic activism and climate activism on a daily basis?

How do you define your activism?
What do you know about the G20 and the B20 and recent, associated activities in Rome?

What do you already know about the United Nations Climate Conference in Glasgow?

What is your current approach to assessing social actions, including political actions, and why?

How do you attempt to understand ecosystems, and from which perspective?

What do you know about social networks and computers as social actors

What is your acquaintance with political sociology?

Perhaps you are only willing to provide answers to important questions if you are paid a substantial fee to do so.
Perhaps you are only willing to assess answers to important questions if you are paid a substantial fee to do so.
What have you already discovered about campaigning associated with climate civility? 

Expressing power involves the availability of choices.

Power is associated with the concentration of energy and/or influence for a particular purpose.

Democratic power is a misnomer.

How do you define democracy if not through the diffusion of political power, particularly as expressed through the provision of reasonable choices throughout societies, and across the world? 

Perhaps you regard your life as an experience without much choice involved.
Perhaps you mostly act through a feeling of obligation as a consequence of associated fears, and possible threats.
Perhaps you usually regard how and why questions as referring to opinions rather than descriptions.

How honestly are you investing in privacy?

How often do you ask that question of various organisations, and what sorts of responses do you receive?

How do you examine claims of honesty while investing in health?

How do you locate and examine the most relevant records?

How carefully do you distinguish between genuine charity and genuine philanthropy?

How are you investing in suitably clear boundaries between your philanthropic activities and everything else in your life?

True philanthropy is associated with magnificent maturity.

How are you investing in magnificent maturity, and through whom?

What do you know about philanthropy, and how do you know it?

How much trust do you place in yourself and your suitable independence? 

What do you know about quality in terms of independence and trustworthiness?

What do you know about scarcity in terms of independence and trustworthiness?

How are you investing in trustworthy collaborations and for what purpose?

Why are you currently reading Civility Today?

What is your usually approach to assessing the abilities of a person in a leadership position?

What is your current acquaintance with enlightenment and how did you acquire it?

How are you investing in enlightened beings?

The job of quality journalists, in the public interest, is to remove the illusions disguising corrupt practices, and incompetent ones.  

Within and between overly influential organisations, of any variety, there is often much deception.

Opinionated persons with a desire for attention distort the truth for their own benefit.

Much political power has been acquired and conveyed through rudeness.

What, then, are the advantages of civility, and for whom?

An irresponsible culture does not easily become a suitably responsible culture.  

Outside intervention is often necessary in order to dismantle irresponsibly dangerous practices, and the networks of influence associated with them.

But who is justified in providing such interventions, and how?

You may regard civility as an innate expression of personality rather than as an attained accomplishment.

Perhaps you blame rudeness on the innate traits of a person rather than investigate their cultural experiences, and their mental state.

How intelligently have you been investing in good relationships, and how do you know? 

How do you assess your own intellect and manners in relation to climate civility?

How intelligent are your preferences when investing in conservation?

Please answer these questions intelligently, and with civility, if at all possible, as soon as possible.

How well are you investing in honesty, and how do you know?

Anti-democratic persons do not behave in appropriately responsible ways.

Selfish people, of any sort, do not behave in appropriately responsible ways.

Supporting democracy appropriately is sensible.

Being selfless is often dangerous and therefore not sensible at all.

While honesty may be expressed with rudeness or civility, that expressive practice should usually be regarded as a choice.

Do you usually associate economics with civility or rudeness?

Do you usually associate economics with structure or chaos?

Do you usually associate economics with honesty or criminality?

Perhaps you have never been asked those questions in the public sphere before.

Perhaps you have never been asked those questions anywhere.

What do you know about investing in the public sphere, and how do you know it?

What do you know about capacity building?

How do you know your thoughts, feelings and tastes are authentic?

How have you acquired your social expectations?

And what are your expectations of democracy?

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee, as an ethereal international non-government organisation, primarily upholds the Geneva Conventions, particularly in relation to the usage and abusage of sharp implements and sharp language.

The committee upholds most aspects of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, with the notable exception of various impertinences and demonstrations of impunity relating to diplomatic immunity for conduct unbecoming and similar offensiveness.

What do you already knw about the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee, and how did you acquire that information?

Civility Today is, as you will be well aware by now, a pilot project.  It is conducted by the courtesy experts associated with Adelaide Adagia and its news ensemble, in collaboration with the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee, on behalf of Civility Central.

The committee has been actively campaigning for climate civility for far longer than Extinction Rebellion, and far more elegantly, yet equally ineffectually.

The committee has also long noted that even the most durable and priceless home furnishings will not withstand the onslaught of bushfires, floods, coastal erosion, munching moths, marauding mice, ordinary toddlers, intoxicated teenagers, sleazy political advisors and very rude raids by the Australian Federal Police.

What does the word 'constitution' mean to you?

How do you usually think about the meaning and purpose of structure and infrastructure?

How do you usually assess aggression, deception, competition, and human error?

Civility, empathy and democracy are closely associated subjects.

What do you know about deception in relation to finance?

Of course, civility and deception cannot coexist, in any situation or circumstance.

Deception and obsession often go hand-in-hand towards the abyss of excess.

Civility prefers moderation.

But what do civility and moderation mean in relation to finance and your definition of it?

What do you know about Adelaide?

How do you interpret such a question, and why?

What do you know about the Adelaidezone?

How do you interpret that question, and why?

Are you adequately devoted to investing in trustworthy collaborations in everything you say and do?

Are you adequately devoted to investing in social research regarding decision-making practices?

Are you adequately devoted to investing in conservation through science, civility, empathy and democracy?

The questions here are associated with many opportunities to improve yourself and your leadership, whether from Adelaide, or the Adelaidezone, or anywhere else.

How clearly do you distinguish between the physical world and the digital world?

Where do you believe the political world resides?

Where does the world of your imagination reside?

Peacefulness is always more likely when hygiene is adequate, civility is maintained and freedom flourishes through well-informed kindness.

Security is always compromised when hygiene is inadequate, civility is absent and rudeness is mistaken for freedom.

What do you know about democracy in relation to civility and empathy?

Why do some people prefer news crap instead of quality journalism? 

How do you support the work of quality journalists?

How do you define quality in relation to journalists and journalism?

How do you define quality in relation to politics and politicians?

Why do some people feel they have the right to share information about other people's suffering, without sufficient permission from those people?

Why do some people spread gossip about the private lives of particular individuals? 

Why do some people insist upon imposing their personal views on other people, without making sufficient time and care to consider opinions differing from their own?

How will you decide upon the way to seek answers to your questions?  

How will you know whether the first answer you find is based adequately upon the truth?

How will you know whether any of many possible answers will be presented with civility?

An impolite culture is unworthy of respect.

But how do you define the polite and the impolite in terms of intentions?

Whether you currently have a disability of any sort, or none at all, how have you been investing in a sense of belonging for people with and without disabilities, if not through civility, empathy and democracy?

Perhaps you would prefer to respond to the questions here in the form of a dialogue and/or question-and-answer session and/or blog and/or vlog and/or through various fictional and non-fictional narratives

Many voters are likely to prefer politicians to answer important questions honestly, in a timely and courteous way.

Perhaps you are associated with a quest for the improvement of democracies in various parts of the world. 

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee has a long-term quest of its own, as you are probably well aware if you have followed its campaigning for at least a century or two

The most ladylike members of the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee, regardless of gender, are eligible for membership of the Civility Embroidery Circle.

Any members of the committee with a propensity to behave like Tricoteuses are obviously ineligible.

You may have heard of the Knights of the Round Table but have you heard anything respectable about the Ladies of the Civility Embroidery Circle? 

Civility is all about suitability in terms of morality, knowledge, influence, reasoning, and graciousness.

There is nothing imposing or coercive about true civility.  It gently nurtures an informed approach to caring, kindness and peace, through respect for reality. 

But when have most people, including most politicians and rich people, ever respected reality properly?

Far too many people continue to regard rights and responsibilities as mysteries, especially when the rights apply to other people and the responsibilities apply to themselves.

What is the importance of climate, and to whom?

Perhaps you are seeking to be interviewed by one of the highly experienced journalists associated with Civility Today

If so, how have you already answered all the above questions in written form, and verbally, and possibly even visually, and how do you intend doing so as part of your daily activities in the weeks and months ahead, and for whose perusal?

You may not necessarily associate the media, or social media, with philanthropy, whether the media in question is a commercial entity, a government-funded entity or a community, not-for-profit entity.

Politely stating the truth may or may not influence public opinion.

Helping the public to question assumptions may be more likely to have the desired effect, hence the daily news service here.

This level of Civility Today is mainly intended to help you acquire news about yourself. 

How much time are you willing and able to devote each day to answering important questions, whether you are a journalist, an artist, a politician, or even a philanthropist?

Developing a news resource on the topic of civility is certainly difficult when the topic in question is not a central feature of a culture, especially a political culture.

What do you know about the political culture of Australia, and how do you know it?

How often have you heard politicians claim they are solving a problem by spending money on addressing it?

How rarely have journalists questioned whether public money is spent appropriately?

The purpose of voting in a democracy is to invest in an intelligently kind culture, of course.  That is why voting is such an important task.

But what other tasks are required of everyone before and after voting, at least if they are eligible to vote? 

Why have local governments so rarely planned districts to be healthy places in which communities, and individuals, can thrive?

What do you know about the causes of mental distress within neighbourhoods and workplaces and households and environments and in and between societies more generally?

What do you know about zoning in relation to local government planning laws and other government practices?  

When politicians easily put laws in place to suit themselves, against the public interest, what does that say about their respect for law and its moral purpose?

How is your freedom dependent upon having as much as possible invested, emotionally and/or financially, in various situations, organisations, places and relationships?

How is your freedom dependent upon having as little as possible invested, emotionally and/or financially, in various situations, organisations, places and relationships?

How do you know whether to invest in continuity or invest in change in particular circumstances?

How does the word 'landslide' make you feel at present, whether physically or politically or otherwise?

Perhaps you regard politics as a leisure activity or displeasure activity.

Perhaps you believe you are experiencing leisure when reading the news.

Perhaps you think the time involved in maintaining a democracy is too much like hard work.

The public is never treated with respect through the use of political machines, or military ones. 

How well do you attempt to understand epidemiological and climatological etiquette and hygiene?  

What do you know for certain about climate vulnerability?

How do you attempt to encourage other people to pay attention as necessary?

And how does the media respond?

Most members of the public are assumed by journalists to have very short attention spans.

Yet people do pay attention to whatever they personally regard as important and/or interesting.

Perhaps you have a great deal of interest in the workings of your own mind though you may feel annoyed and embarrassed when your level of prejudice is noticed.

Civility Today is not really meant for ordinary members of the public.  It is meant for real world leaders. 

Which cultural practices do you most value, and why?

How much do you value kindness, especially well-informed versions of it?

How much do you value intelligently kind cultures?

What do you consider to be the most reasonable rules for the development and maintenance of an intelligently kind culture, and why?

How do you usually think about, and clarify, other people's intentions and expectations, and your own?

How is it possible to invest in an intelligently kind culture without questioning assumptions?

What do you already know about how and when cultures emerge, and how did you acquire that information? 

How are you currently investing in an intelligently kind culture, and why?

If you have been investing in trustworthy collaborations, how do you know that trustworthiness is associated entirely with justice and peace rather than more dubious pursuits?

Perhaps you think investing in peacefully authentic living is an upmarket sort of investment.

What do you believe you know about enlightened leaders as practitioners of global justice? 

How carefully have you been investing in evidence and for what reasons?

How do you develop and maintain civilised group practices?

How do you attempt to upgrade the quality of social norms?

What do you know about peace in relation to morality

Do you often mistake comfort for peace

Do the questions here make you feel uncomfortable? 

What are the cultural features you find most comforting in your usual way of life, and why?

What are the climatic features you find most comforting in your usual way of life, and why?

The Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee, including the ethereal members associated with royalty, are urgently addressing immorality with as much civility as possible.  Perhaps you are doing likewise.
