
How do you usually think about bureaucracy in relation to civility, and law?

It is often impossible to practice the civility of intelligent frugality appropriately, primarily as a consequence of unjust bureaucratic interference.

How, if at all, have political, technical and/or bureaucratic practices prevented you from investing in civility in ways you would prefer?
For publicly-funded bureaucrats on substantial, six-figure salaries, power is mainly associated with shaping and reshaping policies to suit themselves, usually after duping the public into believing policies are made by politicians.
Perhaps a bureaucracy has prevented the public and/or private funding of activities you regard as being in the public interest. 

How, if at all, have you been trying to tell the public the truth about dangerously self-interested persons with military careers, bureaucratic careers, political careers, business careers and even academic careers?
What do you know about bureaucracies related to military, political, business and academic activities?
What is your preferred approach to investing in the public sphere, and for what purpose, and how have bureaucracies been involved in that process?

The public domain is an economic concept.

The public sphere is a social and political concept.

The public interest is a philosophical concept.  

How, if at all, do you prefer investing in better governments, and for what particular purposes, besides basic improvements in the bureaucratic delivery of public services?
What do you know about bureaucratic obstacles to investing with Adelaide appropriately?

How do you assess the language used by politicians, bureaucrats, journalists and celebrities?

How do you assess the influence of language?

How do you assess access to educational opportunities, to privileged information, to money, and to power? 

How do you assess standards of etiquette?

What is your acquaintance with the most enlightened form of 21st century etiquette, and how did you acquire it?

How do you assess standards locally, nationally and internationally?

Perhaps you do not usually associate bureaucracies with the maintenance of appropriately high standards.
What do you know about the bureaucracy associated with royalty

What have been your experiences of investing in urgent reforms, and where, and with what level of success, or failure?
In political positions, and in bureaucracies and companies and non-profit organisations, people in high status positions have often achieved very little indeed in terms of improving the world, however much adulation they may receive from colleagues and/or the media.

Yet working together to improve the world is an urgent necessity, even with obstacles placed in the way by self-serving bureaucrats.
Real democracy is in the public interest.  That is why all politicians, bureaucrats and citizens are meant to be trustworthy servants of democracy, all over the world.

What do you know about quality democracy as political pleasantness?

While the predominant mindset within the market economy is associated with selfish acquisitiveness, the predominant mindset within government bureaucracies is one of bored indifference.

When selfish acquisitiveness is associated with government bureaucracies, there is corruption.

The predominant mindset in most community-related groups is one of prejudice.

And prejudice often provides the impetus for ambition, and for cruelty.

Why are there so many inappropriate expressions of freedom in the world?

How are you attempting to lead people towards appropriateness? 

What have you been discovering about necessary ethics?

How can you be sure you are investing in the very best mental health when bureaucracies are likely to cause you considerable stress and distress when you are most in need of their support? 

What, and who, is preventing you from investing in political kindness more effectively?
