
Showing posts from January, 2022


Here at Civility Today , we try to keep everything clean. We understand and express appropriate etiquette . We understand and express appropriate hygiene . Cleanliness has many aspects. What does being clean mean to you in various contexts?


Investigating possible abuses , including the abuse of power, is an important and useful activity for any advocate of civility. How do you account for elder abuse in Australia , and elsewhere? What do you know about abuse in relation to age, gender and money ? How do you account for poverty in Australia , and elsewhere, especially when it affects children , adolescents, young adults and older women ? What is your acquaintance with social inequality , in theory and in practice? What is your acquaintance with extortion in Australia , and elsewhere? What is your acquaintance with the history of Australian currency ? What do you know about how that currency has been used and abused by rich, rude persons in Australia at various times in history? What is your acquaintance with tokenism in Australia, and elsewhere? Why does freedom of speech only adequately apply on the floor of parliament? Why does freedom from verbal abuse and blatant lies not apply anywhere? One of the most important t


How often have you explored Civility Today over recent months, and for what purpose? What is your preferred approach to investing in evidence , and why?  How, if at all, do you assess your goals in terms of usefulness? As you have been investing in importantly useful information here, what have been your reasons for doing so? How do you assess usefulness in relation to your expectations ? What are your expectations when investing in useful inventions ? How do you identify the people most likely to express opposition to your interpersonal expectations? Perhaps you do not usually expect opposition to usefulness, especially if you are inadequately acquainted with history . Civility is useful because it is reasonable. All reasonableness is useful to the maintenance of civility. All participants in quaternary educational practices are expected, as prerequisites, to be competent researchers, and therefore relatively unbiased.  That is why knowledge and experience of investing in social r


Do you regard civility as an invention or as something quite natural? How can civility be improved by investing in useful inventions ? What is you acquaintance with quality project management in relation to useful inventions?  How do you decide whether an invention is useful or not? Civility Today is an invention in itself.  It is a relatively new approach to journalism, and education, and towards the philanthropic distribution of necessary information. How do you usually think about expectations in relation to inventions? How and where do you usually volunteer your inventiveness, and how usefully? Are you aware that an opinion is a form of invention? Perhaps you do not regard moral boundaries as inventions of the imagination. All inventions are inventions of the imagination, even when put into practice through various products, tools and collaborators. Human-made laws are inventions, as are responses to them. Civility is a very useful invention indeed.  Its main purpose is to prev


While accurate descriptions are important, accurate definitions are even more important. How do you define the meaning of civility, in theory and in practice? How do you attempt to embody that definition? It may not yet have occurred to you that, in Australia at least, civility is currently a subversive act by definition. Civility does not involve the expression of inappropriate opinions on popular culture, if mentioning it at all. Indeed, civility does not involved the expression of any inappropriate opinions, in any circumstance.  It does, however, involve the expression of insightful points of view regarding the development of cultural practices, including cultural practices associated with civility itself.  What is your opinion on the meaning of civility? What is your definition of politics ?  How do you define political reality? How honest are you when composing definitions, examining beliefs, identifying problems, developing policies and implementing possible improvemen


Yesterday, the 300th daily presentation was displayed here . How do you usually display love, and towards whom, or what, and where? Do you love anything about Australia and/or Australians? Perhaps you love one particular Australian, or a few Australians, or none at all. Perhaps you love a particular part of Australia or Australia in its entirety, or no part of Australia at all. What do you know about Australians in relation to experiences of love? What do you know about Australians in relation to experiences of civility? What do you know about Australians in relation to experiences of integrity? Why is it so difficult for Australians to elect persons of integrity to positions of political influence? What is your awareness of the structure of official and unofficial Australian governance? What do you know about Australian standards of conduct?  What is your acquaintance with the Australian Constitution ? What do you know about money in Australia? What do you know about the consequen


What do you know about the art and science of self-preservation ? What do you know about wildlife conservation and wildlife management ?  How are you investing in conservation , and where, and why? Justice is not a project.  It is an expression of love. Predatory persons are incapable of the empathy associated with the love of justice. Influential bullies, regardless of their fame or income, usually feel the need to protect themselves, and possibly the people they claim to love, from the aggressive minions of other influential bullies. Justice arises through real love, like peace and civility and truth, not through industry. Perhaps you think justice is a luxury. Perhaps you think love is a luxury. Perhaps you think hope is a luxury. Perhaps you think civility, peace and truth are luxuries. Perhaps you think love is an industry. What do you know about love in relation to security ? Industries are collections of business activities.  Yet many activities, whether related to business


What will your legacy be? Will it be a protective one or a dangerous one? Will it be one reflective of justice or one reflective of injustice? Will it be one reflective of good planning or one reflective of the opposite? If you wish to be remembered for a good legacy, what will it be, and who will implement it? What have you already provided the world as a civility legacy? What sort of inheritance have you received, and why? What sort of inheritance do you expect to receive, and why? What sort of inheritance do you expect to leave behind, and for whose benefit? Who deserves to inherit from you, and how? How do you tell the difference between a useful legacy and a useless, or even, problematic, one? What are you seeking to bequeath in support of the second Age of Enlightenment, and how will you do so ? Many areas of the world, including in Australia, have been or become disaster zones , with or without adequate local government planning laws.     It is impossible to live comfortably


 What does altruism mean to you?


There are many aspects to scarcity .  How do you usually assess the subject of scarcity? How do you usually assess any subject? To whom do you ask questions about scarcity, and why? How do you usually assess scarcity in relation to trade ? What do you know about artificial scarcity ? How do you think about scarcity in relation to life itself?  How do you think about scarcity in relation to politics ? How do you think about scarcity in relation to courage ?


What are your habits and how did you acquire them? Who assesses your habits , and why?


How do you define the word merit , and why?  What is the point of view upon which that definition is based? What are your views about meritocracy ?


When corruption arises, what does that say about inadequacies in a society's constitution ? Populists blame well-informed intellectuals for societal ills and falsely accuse them of being elitist.  They ignore the truth about incompetence and corruption. Populists, by definition, are incompetent.  When they gain political power, they inevitably encourage corruption.  They have nothing to offer towards the improvement of democracy . Well-informed intellectuals have the ability to identify incompetence, and corruption, including political corruption .  That is why they are viewed as threats by populists, including populist members of elites. Whether well-informed intellectuals are willing and able to inform the public about the truth of corruption, in a suitably coherent way, is another matter entirely. In a two-party system of purportedly representative democracy, whichever of the two parties forms government is likely to be incompetent and/or corrupt, in much the same way as a


How often are your investigations associated with science ? How often are your investigations associated with disability ? How consistently do your investigations express the essence of civility? How do you investigate societal problems? How do you investigate ways to solve those problems? How do you investigate environmental problems? How do you investigate ways to solve those problems? How are your investigations associated with moderation ? How are your investigations associated with the public interest ? How do you compare approaches to investigations ?


Where do you usually locate assistance regarding ethics ? Where do you usually locate assistance regarding industry ? Do you usually locate assistance regarding ethics and industry in the same place? Where do you usually locate assistance regarding politics ? Where have you looked for assistance regarding enlightened moderation ? Where do you usually locate assistance to help you assess accountability ?


You may or may not associate the word 'nature' with the word ' nurture ' on a consistent basis. You may or may not associate the word 'nature' with the word ' law ' on a consistent basis. You may or may not associate nature with invoking assistance . You may or may not associate the word 'nature' with the word ' health ' on a consistent basis. You may or may not associate the word 'nature' with the word ' appreciation ' on a consistent basis. You may or may not associate the word 'nature' with the word ' conduct ' on a consistent basis. You may or may not associate the word 'nature' with the word elegant ' on a consistent basis. You may or may not regard natural civility as possible.


How do you reflect upon the meaning of civility in relation to friendship? How do you define friendship?


Civility is never meant to be disruptive, but what causes disruption, and why? There are natural causes of disruption and anthropogenic causes.  Sometimes the two are intertwined. Perhaps you would prefer Civility Today to present reports about disruption more than news about civility.


How do you usually think about civility in relation to serendipity ? Perhaps you have discovered Civility Today through a happy coincidence . Serendipity is usually associated with luck and pleasure and the acquisition of unexpected yet delightful knowledge and experience.


What do you know about charlatans in relation to civility and incivility?


What does the word civilian mean to you at present, and why? What do you know about civilians in relation to civility?


Much work has been involved in producing Civility Today on a daily basis since its launch in March last year. How have you preferred to show your appreciation for that work? We always work in the public interest. When does a constitution work in the public interest and when does it not do so? When does money work in the public interest and when does it not do so? How are you working in the public interest now ? What do you know about culture in relation to work? How much work have you done when campaigning for civility, on any day of any year? How do you work towards civility as a goal, and where? How do you work with civility as a process, and where? How much work have you done, in each year of your life, towards improving compatibility in various contexts? Many people focus their attention on identifying and highlighting problems without contributing anything substantial to the alleviation and prevention of those problems.  Quite a few of those persons work in academia and/


How do you usually think about civility and incivility in relation to perceived hostility ?


 Do you regard civility or incivility as most oppressive ?


How do you prefer to rebel against the incivility of the cruel? What has your education taught you about rebellion ? How have you acquired knowledge of the politics of civility and incivility?


How have you interpreted Australian federal politics since the middle of 2018 ? What do you recall of the 2019 federal election ? Perhaps you have no interest in Australian politics.  That is a reasonable response if you are not an Australian voter and have no intention of becoming one. How do you prefer to make interpretations of policies, plans and procedures? How do you identify, examine and interpret the natural and technical aspects of systems ?


Would you feel disappointed if Civility Today no longer continued, or at least if it did not continue to be available, free of charge, to the ordinary public? The ordinary public is about to be banned from the virtual library in which this publication is on display. Perhaps you would like to show your appreciation of Civility Today to continue your access.    

Consequences - Part Four

What do you understand the consequences to be of the online disinhibition effect ? What do you understand to be the consequences of narcissism ?  What do you know about sensation seeking and its consequences? What do you know about the consequences of gaslighting , phishing , catfishing , cyberbullying and sadfishing ?  What do you know about the consequences of personality disorders ? How do you usually learn about graciousness and dignity in relation to civility, and what do you do as a consequence of that awareness? How do you explain the relationship between civility and courtesy, and to whom? Do you usually associate civility with kindness? Do you usually associate incivility with cruelty and controversy ?

Consequences - Part Three

For shareholder-funded board members on bonus-based gravy trains, power is mainly associated with duping major shareholders into believing profits happen as a consequence of talent. What are the consequences of funding greed?  Are you aware that greed is a consequence of emotional immaturity? Immature persons, of any age, often fail to distinguish clearly enough between their own fantasies and the realities of life, even when fully conscious.  That may be a consequence of the stage and state of their brain development or it may be the result of a brain injury or it may be a consequence of developing inappropriate expectations through unhealthy cultural influences. You are likely to be aware that many adults cannot be considered to be fully independent persons, though not in the same way as children. Such adults include persons with severe, chronic physical and/or mental illnesses.   They include individuals with disabilities requiring ongoing support. They include any perso

Consequences - Part Two

How do you usually think about consequences in relation to defence ? How do you usually think about consequences in relation to attack? Many people do not apparently care about the consequences of their own actions.   They fail to inform themselves adequately before buying the products of profiteers.  On a daily basis, well-informed yet unkind people invest directly and/or indirectly in the companies of war profiteers and other purveyors of corrupt practices.  They may even have shares in the associated companies. Have you not noticed that the world is still at war? As usual, aggressive persons are at war with everyone else. How do you usually reflect upon the consequences of insensitive communications ?  How do you express empathy through your individuality and freedom? Perhaps you are too afraid to do so.  Perhaps you usually feel coerced into conforming with activities you would rather avoid but you worry about the consequences of not conforming. What do you know about polit

Consequences - Part One

What do you believe will be the consequences of last year's events on this year? Perhaps you have the ability to infer likelihoods in a predictive way. How do you assess the meaning of consequence in various contexts? What do you know about the consequences of civility and incivility. Welcome to Civility Today in a new year. Does today imply a beginning or an ending for you, or neither, or both?  How will you be making inferences this year, particularly in relation to causality ? What are your tacit assumptions for the year ahead? Perhaps you assume you will continue to have access to Civility Today . Perhaps you assume that logical consequences consistently apply in this part of the Internet .  You are likely to be aware that genuine civility is not an expression of consequentialism .  Nor is it an expression of deontology or any other mechanistic obligation.  Even so, politeness is certainly a duty in most circumstances, except pointless ones. Genuine civility is associate