
When corruption arises, what does that say about inadequacies in a society's constitution?

Populists blame well-informed intellectuals for societal ills and falsely accuse them of being elitist.  They ignore the truth about incompetence and corruption.

Populists, by definition, are incompetent.  When they gain political power, they inevitably encourage corruption.  They have nothing to offer towards the improvement of democracy.

Well-informed intellectuals have the ability to identify incompetence, and corruption, including political corruption.  That is why they are viewed as threats by populists, including populist members of elites.

Whether well-informed intellectuals are willing and able to inform the public about the truth of corruption, in a suitably coherent way, is another matter entirely.

In a two-party system of purportedly representative democracy, whichever of the two parties forms government is likely to be incompetent and/or corrupt, in much the same way as a one-party state and/or dictatorship.

Corrupt people are rarely practitioners of appropriate civility.  They are never practitioners of appropriate moderation and appropriate patronage.

Corruption, especially in the forms of greed, rudeness, impunity and cruelty, has long been perpetrated in the name of parliamentary democracy in Australia

What have you been learning about the Australian Constitution and its inadequacies? 

Where are the energetic, non-traumatised persons of integrity in Australia?

Which of those persons happens to be without citizenships associated with any other parts of the world?

If you are energetic and non-traumatised, and you possess Australian citizenship and no other citizenships, and you have all the other qualities required for federal election candidature, please demonstrate your integrity, civility and empathy immediately.

If the abhorrent political culture of Australia is to be replaced by one associated with civility, how and what do you intend to contribute over the next few months and years?

How do you know your leadership will address corrupt practices adequately?
