
Do you regard civility as an invention or as something quite natural?

How can civility be improved by investing in useful inventions?

What is you acquaintance with quality project management in relation to useful inventions? 

How do you decide whether an invention is useful or not?

Civility Today is an invention in itself.  It is a relatively new approach to journalism, and education, and towards the philanthropic distribution of necessary information.

How do you usually think about expectations in relation to inventions?

How and where do you usually volunteer your inventiveness, and how usefully?

Are you aware that an opinion is a form of invention?

Perhaps you do not regard moral boundaries as inventions of the imagination.

All inventions are inventions of the imagination, even when put into practice through various products, tools and collaborators.

Human-made laws are inventions, as are responses to them.

Civility is a very useful invention indeed.  Its main purpose is to prevent the escalation of conflict by encouraging the reasonable, free and fair expression of informed points of view, primarily with a view to resolving disputes peacefully.

Opinion may be expressed through artistic freedom, which is itself an invention with a very long history

One expression of that invention is satire.

How do useful inventions have a place in your investments in life, in justice, in pleasure, in simple living, in suitable independence, and in yourself?

How do you think about, and express, usefulness and/or inventiveness in relation to the arts?

What do you know about the Adelaidezone as an artistic practice?

What do you know about the Adelaidezone as a useful invention?

You may be willing to acknowledge that truth is not an invention.  Yet many useful inventions are associated with the desire to acquire particular knowledge.

Acquiring knowledge is the only accurate way to gain a deeper awareness of the truth about reality, including the truth about civility.
