Consequences - Part Two

How do you usually think about consequences in relation to defence?

How do you usually think about consequences in relation to attack?

Many people do not apparently care about the consequences of their own actions.  

They fail to inform themselves adequately before buying the products of profiteers. 

On a daily basis, well-informed yet unkind people invest directly and/or indirectly in the companies of war profiteers and other purveyors of corrupt practices.  They may even have shares in the associated companies.

Have you not noticed that the world is still at war?

As usual, aggressive persons are at war with everyone else.

How do you usually reflect upon the consequences of insensitive communications

How do you express empathy through your individuality and freedom?

Perhaps you are too afraid to do so.  Perhaps you usually feel coerced into conforming with activities you would rather avoid but you worry about the consequences of not conforming.

What do you know about politics in relation to conformity and its consequences?

If you have been investing in thoughtful discussions, you may or may not have been investing in thoughtful action as a consequence.
You may have missed a considerable number of thoughtful opportunities by not making that follow-up investment.
What do you know about the consequences of popularity?
How do you assess the causes and consequences of local and global exploitation and other forms of harm? 

All trustworthy collaborations are honest explorations, conducted in freedom to advance security and certainty.

But when will a landslide victory for honesty ever occur in Australian politics, or anywhere else for that matter?

The effects of winning elections have often had Faustian consequences, as have the effects of not winning elections.

How do you usually assess the consequences of conduct

What do you know about consequence culture and cancel culture?

What do you know about other pejoratives?

What do you know about shunning and other forms of social rejection?

When have you experienced the silent treatment, and why?

What do you know about friending and following and why people pursue such activities?

What do you know about online trolling and how do you distinguish it from legitimate critiquing?

What do you know about incivility as a form of attention seeking?

What do you know about the research associated with Civility Today, and what do you intend to do with that information this year?

What do you know about philanthropy in Australia and how do you compare it with situation in other parts of the world?

Many Australian organisations are infested with bullies, not genuine philanthropists.

Many Australians behave so selfishly that they do not even care if other people die as a consequence of that selfishness, whether in Australia itself or elsewhere.

You may or may not be aware that many purportedly philanthropic activities in Australia, and many allegedly charitable ones, are little more than fads.  They are expressions of the arrogance of donors and the greed of employees.

How do you define an emergency, with or without the surprise of a large object hurtling towards you and your assets as a consequence of nature or human error or arrogant indifference, or through the interaction between nature and human error and arrogant indifference?

Perhaps you define most emergencies as being the disastrous consequences of human negligence rather than mere human error.

To err is human. To be negligent is corrupt.

Diverting minds away from corruption is itself corrupt.

The corrupt deliberately confuse the minds of gullible citizens.

Which sorts of diversions did you seek last year, and why?

You may be aware that the political usage of constitutional conventions in Australia has much the same effect as a fiction-derived code of chivalry, especially in terms of fake honour and non-nobility

As the conventions are sometimes ignored, the societal consequences have a similar effect to failing to slay the dragon

Do you regard pandemics as dragons?

Do you regard climate change as a dragon?

Do you regard corruption as a dragon?

Do you regard bullying, particularly political bullying, as a dragon?
