By definition, no project is meant to be ongoing. It is, instead, meant to have clearly defined goals and a clear plan, and schedule, for reaching those goals.
An enlightened investment is much more than a fund of money, a schedule of spending and the pursuit of self-interest.
A schedule is a structure for the use of time, and possibly even clocks and calendars.
How do your schedules involve standards?
How are your schedules associated with descriptions?
The projects associated with Civility Today and Frugality Cottage usually take place all the time, on a regular basis, in real time, quite briefly.
the associated schedules for the projects are the personal
responsibility of each participant, as are the associated plans and
goals, and the finances.
Amazingly successful planning is rarely behind schedule.
How do you usually plan for contingencies?
How do you usually respond when your schedule is disrupted by events outside your control?
How do you usually respond when your schedule is disrupted by your own carelessness?
What have you discovered about investing in amazingly successful planning, particularly in terms of flexibility and pre-planning and contingency plans?
Perhaps you do not have a long-term approach to investing in quality of life.
If you have a well-informed preference for lovingly prepared meals in the company of lovely people,
enjoying freshly harvested local foods over several leisurely hours,
in unpolluted air, with wonderful conversations, cheerful problem solving, the pleasant
sharing of knowledge and experiences, and the exploration of enlightening
possibilities for future peace and prosperity, then you will certainly
need to make enough time in your schedule for such delightful experiences.
How are your plans, schedules and goals associated with other people's plans, schedules and goals?
Perhaps your planning involves persuading people to fit into your schedules and share your goals.
Many schedules are intended to be tools within systems, particularly organisational systems.
Perhaps you have used scheduling tools, whether successfully or otherwise.
Perhaps you have used appointment scheduling software or employee scheduling software.
What do you know about automated planning and scheduling?
When have you experienced technologies, and schedules, as dehumanising?
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