
Elegant egalitarianism supports civility through the fair sharing of obligatory nurturing, particularly health-related nurturing.

Civility is a free choice.

Nurturing is an obligation.

How do you nurture your choices?

How do you distinguish between natural obligations and cultural obligations?

How do you distinguish between natural choices and cultural choices?

How have you usually assessed your choices in relation to democracy

What is your preferred approach to identifying your preferences?

Perhaps you would prefer to have more choices, particularly in relation to improving democracy.

History has long been shaped by choices, obligations and decisions.  It has also been shaped by the instinct for survival.

Sometimes, people have chosen to behave with civility.

Sometimes, they have decided to nurture the truth.

Sometimes, they have ignored their obligations to society, and even to nature.

Sometimes, they have provided fictional narratives in the absence of palatable truths.

How do you usually assess choices in relation to politics and economics?

If given the chance and the choice, most people are likely to enjoy investing in peacefully authentic living.

How should governments assist that process, and why have they rarely done so?

How do you usually think about processes in relation to choices?

What do you believe to be the legitimate responsibilities of any government in terms of providing choices?

How and where do you choose to distribute your civility?

Perhaps you are yet to catch up with all the most relevant news here.

Please do so now, if at all possible. 

How do you usually assess your choices in terms of relevance?

How do you usually assess your choices in terms of elegance?

How do you usually assess your choices in terms of egalitarianism?

If you are an advocate of civility, how do you choose to show the world your competence in that practice? 

If you are a civility activist, how do you choose to express your morality, and how consistently do you do so?

Perhaps you have been involved in the daily distribution of Civility Today for quite a few months now.

If not, why not?

How do you assess the link between the concept of finance and the concept of obsession?

How do you define the word obsession, and why do you choose the words you use in relation to that topic?

How have you been investing in thoughtful discussions in one or more languages, and therefore words with various meanings in various contexts, and how do you know you have been using words of your own choosing?

Good journalism is meant to contribute to thoughtful discussions on cultural practices, including political practices, and about the associated choices.

How have you been identifying your choices this year?

How have you been assessing those choices?

How have you been assessing restrictions on your choices?

How do you usually make relevant comparisons within and between societies if not in relation to choices? 

How did you identify, assess, compare and make decisions in relation to your choices last year, and the year before that, and the year before that, and throughout your life?

What have been your choices in relation to royalty?

What have been your choices in relation to poverty?

What have been your climate choices and how have your responded to them? 

What are your climate choices now, and what are your climate obligations?
