
How do you assess fairness if not in terms of progress?

What do you know about fairness in relation to the public interest?

Conflict arises whenever there are perceptions of unfairness.

Yet much unfairness is hidden from the public through psychological manipulation and conspiracies of silence.

Competing demands can unfairly cause feelings of guilt.

You may have experienced guilt when feeling unwell or tired or when your personal and professional commitments clash or when someone abusively causes you to experience a guilt trip.

How do you usually think about fairness in terms of fairs and fears and affairs and fairy tales?

How do you attempt to nurture fairness in the world?

Realistically maintaining hygiene is important, for everyone.

Realistically expecting everyone to do their fair share of nurturing and working is also important.

Fairness expresses equality, empathy, civility and hygiene.  It also encourages honest communication.

How do you distinguish between nurturing and working, especially in terms of fairness?

What do you know about investing in evidence, particularly in terms of fairness?

Who is on the team to make your life the best it can possibly be?

And upon whose team(s) do you make a contribution, and why?

Which of your team mates are not contributing a fair share, in one or both directions?

Which of your team mates are not really team mates at all?

How do you know when expectations are fair?

How do you know when expectations are unfair?

How do you know when goals are indicative of fairness?

How do you know when goals are indicative of unfairness? 

What do you do when laws encourage the unfair acquisition and accumulation of wealth?

How do you know you make fair contributions in various circumstances?

How do you know when a contribution is unfair in terms of inadequacy?

How do you know when a contribution is unfair in terms of excess?



How do you assess the fairness of journalistic reporting, scientific reporting, government reporting, and financial reports of income and expenditure?

How fair is your reporting in various circumstances, and how do you know?

How fairly do you report problems, and how do you know?

Banks and other financial institutions often lend money to help people meet their immediate, basic needs, at least if repayment seems remotely possible.  Financial institutions may even give people money to implement grandiose dreams.

But accountancy is often filled with false claims about value.

What is your current approach to investing money, and why?

Does your approach usually involve the investment of your own money or the investment of borrowed money, or both?

Perhaps your investments involve the acquisition and expenditure of stolen money and/or stolen time and/or the theft of other resources.

What have been your contributions to alleviating suffering, and how successfully, and how do you know?

How do you identify genuine suffering and assess responsibilities in relation to it?

What have been your experiences of purportedly therapeutic services, particularly those requiring you to spend money?

What have been your experiences of complaints procedures, whether in governments, businesses or in other organisations?

How have you identified the most urgent societal problems for governments to resolve?

How do you assess accountability?

When a government's revenue through taxation is inadequate, it borrows money through international financial markets, or from other governments.

Many governments also print money, for various reasons.

Taxation is meant to be an expression of mutual fairness, particularly if it is regarded as the main source of government revenue.

Unfortunately, as taxation is rarely mutually fair, and nor are other means of raising government revenues.

Similarly, government expenditure is rarely indicative of mutual fairness.

All expressions of genuine fairness take individual circumstances into consideration appropriately.

It is easy to complain about perceived problems, particularly to people without any power to address those problems.

Yet who has most responsibility for addressing societal problems and how are you holding them account for failing to do so?

What are your responsibilities, apart from holding wrongdoers appropriately to account?

Who has no real interest in truly free and fair elections, and why?

How do you define the qualities of a free and fair election, particularly in terms of truth, including truthful reporting?

How do you distinguish between fair privileges and unfair privileges in various contexts?

What do you know about formality and informality in relation to fairness and unfairness?

A suitably mixed economy is not dominated by either a market economy or a planned economy.  It instead encourages intelligent frugality through peaceful community development, well-informed kindness, quality bartering, gentle subsistence and other non-monetary economic practices.

It therefore combines the fairest features of traditional economies with those of the circular economy.  It is shaped mostly by informality rather than excessive formality.  It is not shaped by circular reasoning or cycles of violence or business cycles or by attempts to dismantle necessary regulations and necessary rights.

What do you know about fairness and unfairness in relation to timetables, schedules and agendas?

How do you know you are investing in amazingly successful planning with adequate fairness?

When, if ever, have your attempts at fairness actually resulted in physical and/or psychological trauma for yourself or someone else?



To seek unnecessary assistance is often an expression of laziness.  It may even be unfairly manipulative.  It may mainly be indicative of irresponsible self-pity.

How do you know when you genuinely require assistance, and how do you know you seek it appropriately?

How do you express gratitude when assistance is provided to you through well-informed kindness?

Everyone, everywhere, in every circumstance has a right to be treated with civility.

If a monetary transaction is involved, the amount to be paid must be fair and reasonable.

How much have you paid to read Civility Today over the past year or so?

Fairness is associated with gentleness.  Any attempt to provide fairness in ungentle ways is ill-informed and possibly even corrupt.



Perhaps you are involved in unfair expansionism or another type of intrusive practice.

What is your current investment strategy, and how do you know?

What are the most important tools and techniques associated with that strategy?

Civility Today is playing a leading part in representing free and fair media in Australia and all around the world.

What part are you playing, and why?

How are your communication practices indicative of fairness?

How do your communication practices expand fairness in the world, rather than expansionism?

Quality journalism is an expression of civility.  It never manipulates emotions for selfish purposes.  It is never presented as clickbait.  It is always fair.  It is always suitably tasteful.

What do you believe to be the relationship between fairness and tastefulness?

While investing in useful inventions of the technological variety is necessary whenever needs cannot otherwise be met fairly, even more necessary is the invention of better, fairer cultural practices. 

Quality journalists obviously report upon politics, economics and technology fairly. 

How are you helping them to do so, even if you do not regard yourself as any type of journalist, politician, economist or technologist?



How do you know you are investing in good policy in a philanthropic sort of way?

When did you begin investing in urgent reforms, and where, and how?

How do you determine whether an influence is fair or unfair? 

What, and who, has influenced your beliefs about fairness and unfairness, and how, and why?

How do you know you are fairly investing in the very best mental health?

In the domineering political parties and other domineering groupings in Australia, and elsewhere, the desire for political power and influence often far outweighs the desire for fairness.

What do you know about the economics of free and fair elections?  

What do you know about the economics of political corruption?

The volunteers associated with Civility Today do not accept bribes of any sort.  They have no intention of appeasing bullies or otherwise obnoxious persons.  

Perhaps you confuse accountability with accountancy.

The public purpose of accountancy is to ensure everyone pays a fair share of taxation.

The public purpose of accountability is to improve democracy.

How have you assessed the purpose of royalty and/or presidents and/or governments in relation to fairness? 

Regardless of your current socioeconomic status, political responsibilities, diplomatic responsibilities and citizenship status, how have you attempted to improve the executive functions of your brain?

And how have you attempted to improve the responsiveness of executive governments, legislatures, judiciaries, military practices, and financial systems towards well-informed kindness? 

People with unfair social and/or political influence often skew accounts of the past and present.  They do so by highlighting particular events in particular ways.  
Such people may even attempt to preserve particular reputations, particularly of politically and/or economically powerful individuals and/or organisations.  
The activities and achievements of organisations and individuals viewed as a threat to those reputations are either denigrated or ignored by unfairly influential persons.

How have you been investing in improving political practices over the past few months, and where, and with what level of success, or failure? 

How kindly and thoughtfully have you been investing in love?

How kindly and thoughtfully have you been investing in appropriately high standards?  

If you are not yet investing in improved constitutions, why not?

A fair, peaceful and prosperous future requires everyone to be consistently and  conscientiously involved in investing in improved constitutions, for the benefit of everyone.

From where have you been advancing a fair and courteous culture, and how?

Perhaps you regard fairness as merely a sentiment rather than a necessity.

Where have you most recently been investing in political kindness, and with what results?

You may associate fairness mainly with caring and kindness rather than with politics and economics.

A free and fair media supports the maintenance of a free and fair society, at least in theory.

A free and fair media also, in theory, supports the advancement of democracy where it is evidently absent or possibly in the process of being dismantled.

How fair is your attitude towards climate problems?

How have you define your attitude?

How have you define the problems?

How do you know when an attitude towards climate problems is unfair?

How do you know when an attitude towards other problems is unfair?

How do you distinguish between a lack of care, a lack of interest and a lack of ability?

How do you distinguish between an inability caused by a lack of talent, an inability caused by a lack of training, an inability caused by unfair demands and an inability caused by illness and/or disability? 

True enlightenment has always been associated with well-informed kindness and a clear sense of purpose, yet unfairly powerful people controversially dismiss the benefits of being well-informed, kind and purposeful.

What does investing in good faith mean to you? 
