
Are you consistently capable of distinguishing between true civility and superficial charm?

Are you consistently capable of expressing enlightened moderation?

How consistent is your personal identity, in your own mind?

If you are carefully and consistently investing in the quality analysis of events, what have you discovered through each daily and monthly analysis of various results, especially in terms of civility?  

How carefully and consistently have you been investing in good faith, and how do you know? 

All good policies are based on good research and good faith.  That is how consistency is maintained, corruption prevented, hypocrisy avoided and quality encouraged.

How carefully and consistently have you been investing in a healthy imagination over the past few years, and how do you know that the imagination in question is your own?   

How do you attempt to maintain consistency in relation to your carefulness and provision of care?

How carefully and consistently have you been provided with care, particularly when most in need of it?

How do you know your civility is based on consistent principles, every day?

Unfortunately, there are many practitioners of consistent unpleasantness in the world. They offer nothing to the greater good and most usually cause great harm instead.

How consistently have you been investing in urgent reforms, and with what results?

If you have been investing in thoughtful reciprocity with adequate consistency, where is the evidence of that achievement most noticeable and/or notable?

How consistently and thoughtfully have you been investing in suitably clear boundaries

How consistently and thoughtfully have you been investing in good policy, and for what purpose?

When and where are your thoughts most likely to be consistent?

When and where are your thoughts most likely to be inconsistent?

The minds of bullies are not only infested with hubris but with the deluded belief that expressing hubris is normal.

That is why bullies tend to be overconfident, overly assertive, unjustly aggressive, and possibly even sleazy.

They are consistently domineering and consistently disrespectful of needs other than their own.

How consistently do you assess your own behaviour?

After all, that is one of the most important purposes of Civility Today.

Perhaps you are seeking consistent access to various, associated services.

If you are not yet a patron of Civility Central but you wish to bypass most of the long-term assessment processes in order to gain access as soon as possible, you may be pleased to know that there are several alternative options available to you.

If you already have the personal resources required to become a new patron of Civility Central in an advanced, fast-tracked sort of way, possibly by registering as a substantial financial benefactor and/or consistent philanthropic contributor to Civility Today, do please make your intentions known very soon.

What is your preferred approach to investing in trustworthy collaborations, and why? 

How can you be sure you are investing in the very best mental health whilst doing so?

How consistently and intelligently have you been investing in simple living since the beginning of this century, and where?

What has your intellect taught you about consistency?

How consistently and intelligently have you been involved in investing in social research, and with what results?

How consistently and intelligently do you intend to interact with Civility Today over the next few months, and why? 

How consistently and intelligently have you been investing in importantly useful information over the past twelve years, and for what purpose?

How do you know you act consistently for the common good whilst supporting the improvement of your own health?

What are you currently doing to encourage a culture of well-informed kindness all around the world, in every situation?  

How consistently and intelligently have you been investing in political kindness over your lifetime?

If you consistently associate enlightened, authentic living with intelligent frugality, why do you do so?

You may or may not have been investing in intelligent frugality with consistent civility. 

If you believe consistent expressions of well-informed kindness contribute to good mental health, where is the evidence to substantiate that belief?

How consistently have you been investing in appropriately high standards over your lifetime, and how do you know?

Perhaps you prefer to express yourself politically through creativity rather than directly, especially given the absence of clearly stated, and consistently upheld, constitutionally protected political rights in most societies, including Australia.

How consistently do you assess the dangers associated with any sort of reporting, whether through bureaucracies, academia, journalism, and even through social media?

What is your current study plan, if one exists, and how consistently to you intend to follow it, and with what level of commitment, and why? 

How do you know you are investing in useful studies, with or without a study plan?

If you wish to experience a high quality of life consistently well, how are you investing in that future possibility if not through quality experiences of democracy?

What do you already know about consistently investing in quality of life, and how do you know it? 

You are either entirely, consistently and persistently on the side of civility or you are not.

Civility is not a neutral concept.  It is an insistent concept, for the common good.  It is especially on the side of the common good terms of mental health and societal health.

How consistently and intelligently are you addressing scandals?

The consistent expression of well-informed kindness is the basis of a healthy, peaceful and prosperous society.

How do you usually think about good policies and their consistent and gentle implementation? 

The highly enlightened and elegantly egalitarian global Mozarty Party has been gently yet consistently involved in Australian election campaigning, and political and musical educational services, for several years now, with little support from the ordinary public, and with little attention from the mass media, as is usually the case with higher expressions of art and politics in this part of the world, or any other part of the world for that matter. 

How consistently do you practice elegant relevance?

How do you assess the consistency of your influence?

How do you know you have the consistent ability to critique with civility?

When have you most recently performed an evaluation, and for what reasons?

How consistently and thoughtfully do you perform evaluations, and how do you know? 

How consistently do you display civility, whether in Australia or elsewhere?

The highly experienced and frequently exasperated Adelaide Adagia courtesy experts associated with Civility Today have long attempted to improve the culture of Australian politics, and Australian culture more generally.

Unfortunately, those experts have far too frequently been treated abysmally by the Australian public, and by Australia's political representatives.

The possible reason is that the courtesy experts always work undercover.

Being maligned for politely holding powerful, influential and uncivil people to account for being rude, biased and hypocritical is certainly likely to be stressful for all suitably sensitive individuals.

And suitable sensitivity is required for the consistent expression of well-informed kindness.

That is why consistently investing in privacy is so important.

Civility and privacy have much in common.  Both support the maintenance of good mental health and good societies.

What have been your experiences of various people and various organisations in terms of consistent and inconsistent civility and/or incivility?

Overcoming the stresses and strains of unreasonable and insensitive and ignorant behaviour requires the consistent preference for reasonable decisions.

Whether with family members or within groups of friends or with colleagues, or even with seemingly compatible new acquaintances and ordinary members of the public, consistent civility is as necessary as consistent privacy. 

How do you know you treat everyone consistently well?

How do you treat politicians, celebrities, wealthy people, and other influential individuals, if not as ordinary members of the public?

How do you know your past and/or present employment, if any, has been consistent with morality

The development of appropriate state and community constitutions is one of the most important tasks for anyone to complete.

How do you decide upon what is appropriate in that regard?

How consistently have you been investing in improved constitutions over the past few years, and with what results?

How consistently do you use well-informed definitions of well-informed kindness and well-informed investing in your analysis of events and expectations?

How can you prove you consistently deserve to be treated with civility?

How consistently do you treat other people with civility?

What do you know about investing in advanced decision-making practices with adequate consistency?

Do you regard empathic civility and egalitarian integrity to be consistently associated with the inclusive representation indicative of enlightened democracies?

Perhaps you find that question quite difficult to answer.

Where have you been looking for a consistently suitable approach to addressing climate change on a local scale, and on a global scale?

How consistently have you been investing in evidence, including psychometric evidence?

Quality evidence should always be presented as elegantly as possible, whether for a specialist audience or a generalist one.

The general public requires quality evidence to be presented in a generally understandable way, hence the necessity for elegant egalitarianism.

How consistently have you been practicing and investing in elegant egalitarianism, and how do you know?

Although you may not be a genius to the same extent as Mozart, you may have been learning from him about the art of consistent civility, particularly public civility.  You may also have been learning from him about private expressions of humour.

How consistently have you been investing in better governments, and what level of return have you so far received on that investment?

Even in private life, investing in peacefully authentic living is in the public interest.  It is even more important in the public sphere.

How consistently and thoughtfully and thoroughly have you been attempting to improve policing, and how do you know? 

How consistently and thoughtfully and thoroughly are you currently investing in quality journalism?

You may, for example, consistently show your appreciation towards Civility Today.
