
It is not difficult to find basic knowledge about Australia, or any other nation state.

When have you experienced difficulty in acquiring the knowledge you have required in a difficult situation? 

Perhaps you have mostly had difficulty seeking the help you have required, and possibly even the help you currently need quite urgently.

Perhaps the difficulties you have experienced are associated with a disability you, or someone else, happens to possess.

Difficulties are often associated with disabilities.

Who, though, is responsible for alleviating any associated suffering, and how, and why, and under whose supervision?

Who is responsible to improving public health, and why, and how?

When people are unwell and/or angry and/or anxious, they may find it more difficult than usual to maintain civility.

How do you prefer to receive difficult news?

When have you experienced difficulty in acquiring the news you have needed?

Overcoming difficulties, and alleviating difficulties, and preventing difficulties, can be achieved by investing in purposeful reviews whenever necessary.

But who should be involved in making that investment, and with what resources? 

How do you know when a purposeful review is necessary, and possibly even overdue?

How easy or difficult is it for you to distinguish between civility and incivility

Perhaps you assume that difficulties should be faced with courage rather than acknowledged with courtesy.

When do you find it most difficult to sustain your civility, and why?

What do you know about difficulties associated with inadequate sustainability?

You may associate difficulties with obstacles, particularly if investing in amazingly successful planning has been impossible for you to achieve quite often.

Perhaps you have little experience in investing in enlightened productivity.

Perhaps you have had difficulty acquiring the information with which to inform your experiences appropriately.

All interpersonal improvement requires a willingness to learn and change.

Perhaps you are not yet aware of your abilities in relation to the possible, the impossible and the seemingly impossible.

When difficulties are difficult, and seemingly impossible, to overcome, investing in urgent reforms should, ideally, become a priority, and a commitment.

How easy or difficult has that commitment already been for you?

When difficult relationships show no sign of improvement, even after much effort, there is no point in continuing those relationships.

Yet such failure is never an excuse for violence, or for any other type of abuse.

The acknowledgement of incompatibility is essential.

An emerging culture undergoes many changes, yet the human mind has difficulty adapting to confusing changes, particularly confusing changes in expectations and assumptions. 

Anger often causes hedonism.

Yet hedonism does nothing to address injustices.

Anger itself is merely a motivator.  It may be expressed reasonably or it may be expressed dangerously.

Perhaps you have experienced difficulties associated with an animal or animals.

You may even have found an animal or animals have helped you to overcome difficulties.

Regardless of your experiences with animals, directly or indirectly, perhaps you have had difficulties investing in the very best mental health.

You may associate difficulties with problems other than obstacles.

How do you prefer to define justice, and what difficulties do you face when attempting to do so?

Perhaps you have had difficulty reporting a difficulty, particularly if you have discovered there is no relevant authority through which to do so.

Civility Today is currently a daily publication, as you may have noticed.

How much money do you think has been spent on its production, directly and indirectly?

How have you calculated the value of the time spent in its production?

Publishing in the 21st century, even online, is a difficult investment to make, especially in terms of time.

How easy or difficult is it for you to maintain civility after becoming acquainted with one or more scandals

You may have found investing in political kindness quite easy or quite difficult, depending on the scandals you have encountered through that investment process.

Without suitable problem-solving skills, difficulties cannot be overcome.

Perhaps you think philosophical discussions involve showing off knowledge of difficult concepts, unusual words and intellectual themes of no real use in the real world.

But what is the real world?

Is it the world of cruelty and corruption and intrusiveness or the world of reasonableness and gentleness and truth?

Those are obviously philosophical questions.

Civility is not an obstacle to freedom.  It is an obstacle to abuse.

Civility encourages moderation, as necessary.

Moderation often prevents difficulties from arising.

For most people, struggling to survive from day to day is a difficult way to live, not an easy one.  
True simplicity is associated with ease, not struggle.

If you are investing in careful design, how is it helping you, and other people, to overcome, and prevent, difficulties?

How are you investing in preventing homelessness, for yourself and/or other people?

How and when, if at all, have government policies been putting obstacles in your way?

How have you responded during and after perceiving government injustice?

How and when, if at all, has a bureaucracy, or even more than one bureaucracy, put obstacles in your way?

How and when have you responded after perceiving bureaucratic intransigence, obfuscation, incompetence and/or arrogance?

Why do good journalists find it so difficult to make a reasonable living with trustworthy employers in Australia, and elsewhere?

Why do so many good journalists attempt to make a living by being something other than good journalists? 

When, if ever, has a journalist caused a difficulty in your life?

When, if ever, are journalists meant to cause difficulties, especially when people in positions of power are inadequately accountable?

Anyone unjustly causing difficulties for other people should be held accountable for their actions.

How do you distinguish between selfish desires for freedom and democratic expressions of freedom?

When have you experienced difficulties when attempting to improve journalism?

How do you usually attempt to do more with less?

If you do not believe that doing more with less is necessary, perhaps you have access to too much money.

It is difficult to maintain suitable independence without being able to cook well.

It is difficult to maintain pleasant interdependence without sharing tasks and improving skills.

Perhaps you have difficulty interpreting handwritten notes, even if you have written them yourself.

Perhaps you have difficulty investing in useful studies as a consequence of a reading difficulty, a writing difficulty or a difficulty with the management of time and/or money.

How, if at all, are you investing in intelligent frugality, personally and/or professionally? 

If you have ever had difficulty addressing and preventing rudeness, Civility Today may have already helped you achieve appropriately admirable outcomes.

When, if ever, have you had difficulty achieving and maintaining courtesy, whether personally or in a group situation? 

What do you know about climate courtesy? 

Agreeing on the meaning of an abstract concept is difficult for even the most reasonable and knowledgeable of people.

Courtesy is an abstract concept, much like civility.

But what sort of concept is climate itself?

Most problems in the world involve one of two difficulties:

Either a reasonable person attempts to reason with an unreasonable person or two unreasonable people fight each other.

Civility Today is exclusively intended for reasonable people.

How reasonable are you, and how do you know?

How reasonably have you been investing in interesting predictions?

Perhaps you have already experienced difficulties accessing Civility Today, or even civility, even if you live in or near Adelaide.

Perhaps you have been experiencing difficulties in relation to investing in reality.

How carefully are you investing money at present, and how do you know?

Perhaps you have difficulty controlling your expenditure.

Perhaps you are seeking to learn more about investing in advanced decision-making practices.
